Terror Firsthand #24: Escaping Big Ski
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: Escaping Big Ski
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Reunited with Big C |
I asked the car that picked me up to take me to the pet hotel. Big C was still in there. I got him out and then picked up my car from the pound and then drove away from Chicago. I then drove to Kentucky. I had never been to Kentucky, and I figured no one would find me there. Big Ski was the most disgusting human being I had ever seen in all of my life. I really hated sex traffickers. They're as disgusting as a pedophile.
I went to a campsite in Louisville and checked in. I was scared that I would get arrested for the murder of Marcus Goldman, but I didn't care. He was a sickening predator, just like all the other people I've ever met. I vomited for a few hours and then calmed down. I was tired of living in disgust, and my enemies wanted me to live in more disgust with each passing day. I had no friends, only enemies. Anyone that says I'm their friend, is a liar and a predator.
Soon I set up my campsite, I cut on the news. I did not see Marcus Goldman on there. I figured no one would snitch because they didn't want their funky ass operation to get shut down. I hated predators. They are extremely stinky, off, deadly, gay, ugly, and cruel towards me, even in real life. I wake up in disgust every day, and people like it. They like seeing me in pain. They aren't natural humans. Predators are like objects. There's nothing natural about them.
I then cooked the meal that I had been craving- lobster tail, New York strip streak and broccoli. I showered and then sat inside the tent in silence, hoping no one would find me and pester me. I had been through enough already. People liked pestering me, and are sadistic and take pleasure in doing so.
Around 3am, my phone rang. It was Big Ski so I blocked him. I immediately called the phone company and changed my phone number. I was scared out of my mind. I had left his funky ass man laying dead in the private room. I knew he wanted me dead.
I was able to make it to the next morning. I layed low in Louisville and didn't go anywhere, except to get an eye exam. I decided I wanted to move to another spot, so I left Louisville and went to Oklahoma City. I checked into a Golden Tree. I stayed there for three nights and then moved to Tulsa. I checked in at another Golden Tree. I bounced around from city to city until I got tired of running and then drove across the border to Mexico.
I didn't want to go back to Mexico, but I didn't want to be in the United States. I went to Mexico City, and then went to see if Jose Munez was at his shop. His website was gone and his phone number had changed. It was a for sale sign on the door. I guess he had really left. While in Mexico City, my phone rang.
"Dyking black b*tch I know you k'd Marc and your life is about to be over you f*cking whore! You're the funkiest tard out of all 691 women that I've ever had! Nobody likes you! We'll never love you!" Said the basic gay f*ggot named Big Ski, sounding like all the rest.
How many useless gay monkeys are going to sit around call me a funky tard? Why don't they just get a life!? How many times are they going to call me out my name?
I ignored him and hung up the phone and then changed my number again. I deleted my record label website and started another one. I knew he could still find me. He was a millionaire and had alot of power. I stopped by a Botanica in Mexico City called La Verdadera Botánica Santa Muerte. I brought out the whole store and then hired a Spanish worker. I started putting an evil spell on Big Ski right away.
I added bars to the shop so no one would break in. I also made sure the whole building was fireproof. A couple of days later I cut the news on.
Christopher 'Big Ski' Figueroa wanted in connection to the murder of 50 year old Marcus Goldman
Marcus Goldman was a old motherf*cker and a cold motherf*cker. He was still running around pimping like he was 21 or something. It was disgusting. I was happy that his death was tied to Big Ski and not me. I was just an innocent victim that was trapped inside of a filthy warehouse that was infested with sex trafficking.
A few days after being in Mexico City, Big Ski was finally captured and I finally got the justice I deserved. He was all over the news. Some of his victims were on there bragging about how he had been captured. He was given a life sentence and then he committed suicide the first day he got in there. Madam Andy and Daddy Leroy were also arrested and given life sentences, and the whole warehouse was raided and shut down after operating for over 5 years. I decided to celebrate by drinking a bottle of tequila. That same night, I received a text out of the blue from Jose Munez.
Did you get the results you wanted? He texted.
Yes I did, but I didn't want to get trafficked. I should've left Chicago when you told me to. I'm in Mexico City now, where are you? I responded.
I didn't get a response. I didn't know what's up with that guy. I mean he kept coming and disappearing. How did he get my new number anyway? It started feeling like he was preying on me. I sat in the botanica for two more days and then I saw customers that I didn't expect to see. It was Madam Andy and Daddy Leroy together.
"Man how the f*ck did they get out and how the fu*k did they find me?!" I yelled, soon I saw them walking inside the store. More predators huh? They just don't quit do they? I should've added a buzzer to the door and made the customers ring it before letting them in. I had made another huge mistake. I thought I was finally safe, but I wasn't.
They walked around the botanica and started fussing and knocking everything off the shelves.
"Puta who the f*ck do you think you are!? You broke musty tard! You're all the way in Mexico City living your life and bout dirty as f*ck! I know you k'd Marc and you punched me in the face! Plus nobody likes you and that's why you always got move from place to place puta!" Said Madam Andy, while wiping a whole shelf full of merchandise right on the floor.
Daddy Leroy started knocking stuff down too, he broke about 100 glass candles. I reached underneath of the cash register and grabbed a shot gun and pointed it directly at Daddy Leroy and Madam Andy.
"Get the f*ck out you disgusting motherf*ckers! I don't owe y'all groupie gay fiends nothing! Now get the f*ck out!" I said.
They just kept knocking stuff off of the shelf so I shot them both. They laid there bleeding and then I left the store, never to return again. I then hopped in a cab with Big C and went to the Yucatan.