Terror Firsthand #14: Playing With Fire
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: Playing With Fire
The next morning I walked over to the block to see where Ghana Bwoy was. He was standing there and saw me. The sun was just about to rise.
"Heard you was looking for me. What's up?" He asked. I assumed he was doing more than selling d*ck, but that was none of my business. I wanted to know more about Emanuela.
"I wanna know why you're not with Emanuela and I wanna know where you are from? You're not from Miami?" I asked, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
"Why you need to know all that shorty? You came all the way over here just to ask me that?!" He responded.
"You said you wasn't going to let him shoot me. I wanted to hold you up on your word. He just tried to shoot me two days ago." I said, petrified.
"Yeah shorty but um, this ain't ain't good place to talk. I'm busy right now." He said.
"I have to talk to you now, because if I don't Emanuela will catch me and cook me like a animal!" I said.
"Look alright I'll talk you you right quick but I ain't tryna get shot for real." He said, with a serious look on his face.
"Get in my car." I said.
Ghana Bwoy got in the car and rode with me to a hotel parking lot.
"So where did you meet Emanuela and how long ago was it?" I asked, getting straight to the point.
"I ain't saying where, but I met him last year. And no, I ain't from Miami. I'm from Richmond." He said.
"Yeah right nigga, for real? You don't look like a VA nigga at all! So were you in Miami or was Emanuela in VA?" I asked.
"I was in Miami." He replied.
"Oh okay, so was I." I responded.
"So how this man go to jail? Who did he try to kill!?" I asked.
"I told you already. He tried to kill his other boyfriend. What, you wanna know who he is too?" He asked.
"Nah I don't need to know all that. Why do you think he keeps popping up everywhere I go?" I asked, in fear.
"Look shorty. You know he ain't right. It ain't no need to play dumb. You made your bed in Miami, now you gotta lay in it wherever you go." He said.
"What! I want that nigga to stop scaring me!? Can you help!?" I asked. "And why are you not with him right now!?"
I still didn't want people to think I was a man, but I wanted to hang around him because I wanted more protection. I was actually thinking backwards because if Emanuela caught me talking to him behind his back, I could get myself k*lled probably.
"What do you expect me to do for you? I sell d*ck! It ain't that much I can do for you shorty! I ain't tryna get popped out here! And I'm not with Emanuela because I'm not that man b*tch! I do what I want!" Said Ghana Bwoy. I fell silent.
"Do you think it's a smart idea to be talking to me knowing he that off?!" He asked, shaking his head.
"No, I just want all of my questions answered that's all. Did you make a porn with Emanuela?" I asked.
"Of course I made a porn! You're asking dumb questions. Won't you there in the porn yourself! Come on shorty. Don't act that dumb out here!" He said, sounding irritated by my questions.
"Where is it?!" I asked.
"I don't know!" He replied. "I don't know what that nigga doing with those videos! He can't post them! You'll have to ask him that yo self!"
"Do you have any STDS?" I asked.
"No I don't have any motherf*cking STDS!" He yelled. I assumed the Chlamydia, gonnorrea, and trich was treated and went away or he was lying. There was no way he didn't know. I'm pretty sure he was burning and itching down there everytime he went to use the bathroom.
I felt uncomfortable and didn't want to keep bugging him. I was ready to leave.
"Can I have your number just in case I have anymore questions? And how did he get out of jail, you never mentioned that?" I asked.
"Man I know I said I'll protect you but I don't think that's a smart idea. You're not even gay!? Can't you find some protection somewhere else?" He said. Still ignoring the other question.
"I thought you said you'll take all that off for me though? You were just talking sh*t huh?" I asked. Then he smiled.
"Oh that's what you wanna see?!" He laughed. "I'll show you!"
"How that nigga get out?" I asked, one last time.
"He told on a bunch of people aight!" He said, his smile turning into a stone cold frown.
I vomited right then and there. Emanuela was a rat, and was digging me out! What a filthy nigga! How extremely unsafe and gross! Now I hated him even more! I'm glad I got away in Iowa! Now I had to keep him away! But how?!
"You don't plan on talking to him anymore do you?!" I asked, with a sick feeling in my stomach.
"Hell nah, I ain't letting that nigga find me. And you better not set me up." He said.
"Nah I ain't into that." I said.
I gave the man my number and asked him was he ready to go back to where I picked him up.
"Nah let's finish what you started. Go in there and pay for the room! And clean up that vomit!" He commanded. What if Ghana Bwoy was still burning? Or worse- what if he was a rat too!?
I walked up to the hotel entrance and paid for the room. I was scared of Ghana Bwoy. I didn't know if he was fake or not. Soon I got in the room, he walked into the bathroom. He stayed in there for about an hour, and then he came back out, looking like a man.
"How do I look?" He asked.
"You look great. Do you think Emanuela will recognize you like that?" I asked.
"Nah that nigga ain't never seen me like this, but he still might know." He said. I handed him a blue bandana and a blue beanie cap.
"You can just wear this. He might not notice." I said.
"Do you mind if I throw away all that stuff?" I asked.
"Sure I don't care about that sh*t." He agreed. I bagged up the transsexual paraphernalia and walked out to the hotel dumpster and threw it in there.
"What about clothes? Do you think he will notice you in your clothes?" I asked.
"Look shorty. You ain't gotta do all that. I'm still a man. I can hold my own and I know you don't have alot." He said. He was telling the truth.
"There's a bunch of STD tests in my bag. Will you take them now?!" I asked.
"Yeah, I'll take the tests." Said Ghana Bwoy.
He passed the Chlamydia, Gonnorrea, HIV, Syphilis, and Herpes test.
"See, I ain't Emanuela." He said. "I ain't no lying nigga like that."
I went to the mini fridge and grabbed a bottle of cold water.
"Do you have kids?" I asked.
"Yes, but their mother died." He said.
"Oh yeah? I'm sorry to hear that." I said.
"How did she die?" I asked.
"Emanuela shot her." He replied.
"What!" I screamed, as I slammed my hand down on the table and spit some water out of my mouth.
"Yeah, that's why I said I don't think this would be a good idea, but you're already here." He said. I didn't want to leave him. He was already going through enough and I wanted to have a heart.
"What is your real name?" I asked.
"Ghana Bwoy. That's my government shorty. I'm for real." He said, as he walked over and started trying to take my clothes off.
"Does Emanuela have kids?" I asked him.
"I don't even know. I don't think so." He replied.
"From now on I'm going to just call him Nuela. I'm tired of saying Emanuela." I stated, truthfully.
"Aight. Don't dwell on it too much." Said Ghana Bwoy.
"Is he even from Miami or did he just happen to be there?" I asked.
"I don't know the answer to that either." He said.
I started thinking about how his mouth had been all on Nuela's d*ck. I couldn't believe my ears. How could I be with someone who used to suck the d*ck of a deranged killer? And what if he switch up on me and start lying and telling people I'm a man?
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In hotel room with Ghana Bwoy |
I was scared out of my underwear by that point, but already used to living in danger full time. I cut the hotel TV on. I started watching a crime documentary. The people on the documentary were warning people to walk away from conflict before staying. Then I thought to myself, what if there is no where else to run to? I laid in the hotel bed drinking red wine with Ghana Bwoy while watching the show. All I could think was, if Nuela was going to hurt me, he was going to do it anyway, whether I was with Ghana Bwoy or not.
After the documentary went off, Ghana Bwoy said that he had to go.
"I have to go shorty, I have to go get this money." He said.
"Are you sure? You don't want to stay? Are you going back to Richmond?" I asked.
"Yes, that's where I'm going." He said. "I'll call you later on, you can go up there."
"Nah I don't think that would be a good idea. No one likes me in VA. I don't wanna travel there. They treat me bad and they make me vomit alot. Just hit me up when you're back in Norfolk." I said.
"Aight, I'll call you." Ghana Bwoy said as he walked out of the room and left me there.
I laid in the room for the rest of the night by myself. Around 4 am, there was a knock at the door. I peeked my head out and saw that is was Nuela.
"Oh sh*t! What the f*ck! He got here fast! Why the f*ck is this nigga moving as fast as me!?" I asked.
I didn't open the door. I knew he wasn't going to cause a scene because he didn't want anyone to call the cops.
"That's alright Oya. I'll be waiting when it's time for you to check out of here!" He yelled from the outside of the door.
What the fu*k was I going to do now? Nuela was extremely violent! And Ghana Bwoy claimed he was a m*rderer! I sat there and prayed silently all night long.
"San La Muerte, please keep these evil, disgusting people off of me! Help! Please keep these unnatural gross weirdos away from me!" I prayed.
My heart was pounding and I didn't know what Nuela was going to do next but I knew it couldn't be good. Did he see me with Ghana Bwoy? I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. I couldn't hold anything down. The only emotion I was forced to feel every single day of the year, was extreme disgust.
It was now 10:30 am, checkout time was less than 30 minutes away. I knew Nuela was outside somewhere. I peeked out the window and saw a swarm of police officers. I knew they were there for Nuela. Emanuela, whose real name is Emanuela Manuela, was wanted for a string of crimes. I saw Nuela in the parking lot. He pulled out two assault rifles out of his skirt, and shot all of the officers in the head. Then he pulled out two AK-47's and finished them off, right before my very eyes. All of the officers died at the scene.
"What the f*ck! I didn't know he had that many guns! I thought he only had one 40 caliber!" I screamed.
I knew my life would be taken next, and there was no escape route out of the room. I also kept wondering how he was able to k*ll that many police. It's like, they had no time to shoot back. I was trapped in the middle of a horror scene. Nuela started shooting at all of the hotel room windows on the first floor, k*lling whoever was inside. Then he headed to the second floor, and started shooting into all of the windows. Every window except mine. Some people started running out of the room naked and some with clothes on. There were also maids running for their life. Nuela shot them all. No one made it out alive except me. When Nuela got to my door he walked in and said,
"Get the f*ck out of here and come with me!" He grabbed me by my arm as I was carrying Big C and walked me over to a Lamborghini and instructed me to get in. Then he drove the Lamborghini all the way to Richmond with me and Big C in the back. No police even bothered to pull him over.
After arriving in Richmond he pulled up at the Beagle Bus Station. Why the hell would a Lambo be pulling up to a raggedy ass bus station? I thought to myself. I assumed he was waiting for Ghana Bwoy, and he was. After pulling up, he got out of the car and waited for him to get off the bus.
"Ghana Bwoy, my man! Get over here nigga!" He yelled from afar.
Ghana Bwoy saw him and started walking towards the car without hesitating. He said he wasn't a b*tch but obviously he was scared and was acting like it. He sat in the front seat of the Lambo and the car sped off away from Beagle Bus Station. Ghana Bwoy drove the same car for a couple more hours until the car hit Washington D.C. No police even pulled him over. After arriving in D.C., my stomach started turning. I wanted to throw up so bad but I was too scared to throw up in the gay man car. Everytime the vomit tried to come out, I just swallowed it instead.
"We'll be staying in D.C. for tonight, and from now on you two are going to do what I say, since you want to be a couple and all." Said Nuela. "Also, you better not cut the TV on. If I catch you watching TV, I'm going to k*ll you."
He had four guns underneath the seat and there was no telling where the 40 caliber disappeared to. I knew that I had ran off with it twice, but he had brought two more since then. Nuela instructed me and Ghana Bwoy into the building that he had just pulled up to. After taking the elevator to the 15th floor, he walked inside and so did I. He cut the light on and it was a huge unfurnished, apartment. The only part that was furnished was the kitchen appliances. There was no tables, no chairs, no nothing. There was a nice smell inside, like the smell of a freshly built building.
After getting inside the building, Ghana Bwoy was instructed to take a shower and get ready for his first client. I was instructed to stay inside of another room, while ten men came in at once and had sex with Ghana Bwoy all at the same time. I could hear them in the room moaning and smacking each other's behind. It was sickening. After the men slept with Ghana Bwoy, they came into the room I was in.
"Look y'all, I'm not f*cking any of you, so if Nuela is going to kill me, he's just going to have to kill me!" I screamed.
By that point I didn't care about my life. I was living in too much filth and disgust and couldn't do anything about it. People were stinky, immature, and narcissistic, and I was tired of witnessing their ugliness and extreme funkiness. Nuela walked in the room with the gun, and pointed it at me. Then he fired it, but no bullet came out. The clip was empty.
"What the f*ck!" Nuela screamed. Then he ran out of the room and so did I. Then he grabbed me by the neck with his bare hands and said,
"I'm going to k*ll you you f*cking reject! No one even likes you!"
"Blah blah blah, motherf*cker do it!" I said, while spitting in his face. Then he tried to strangle me to death. Just as he was doing that, Ghana Bwoy ran out of the room with a knife and stabbed Nuela in the back. He released his grip on my neck and fell to the ground. Ghana Bwoy continued stabbing him until he was no longer alive. One of the men gave Ghana Bwoy the keys to his truck. Then the 10 men left the building and I left with Ghana Bwoy.
"Come with me." He said, while walking with me to the truck. He hopped inside, and sped off. Nuela was finally deceased.
I ended up in a hotel with Ghana Bwoy in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. I cut the TV on soon I entered the room.
"The Shooter that killed multiple civilians and several police officers at hotel in Norfolk found dead in Washington D.C..... At around 11 pm officers found the body of 34 year old Emanuela Manuela. The transwoman, who was from Baltimore Maryland, succumbed to multiple stab wounds in her back." Said the news reporter.
"Baltimore Maryland!?" I yelled. "That's where that motherf*cker was originally from?" I yelled out loud. I thought the motherf*cker was from Miami.
"I'm going to stay with you for as long as you need me to." Said Ghana Bwoy.
I started to cry and so did Ghana Bwoy. He hugged me inside of the room and I cried on his shoulders all night long. I was glad Nuela was finally dead, and couldn't stalk me anymore. I was hoping that I would not run into another Emanuela Manuela ever again. It took a long time to get rid of him, but I was finally gaining my power back. I decided not to travel back to Nevada, California, Missouri, Washington DC, Iowa, Louisiana, Mexico, or Miami ever again.