Terror Firsthand #9: Skeletons in California
© Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual content
Terror Firsthand: Skeletons in California
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House of prostitutes and pimps burning |
While in Alcapulco, I said that I would never go back to the United States. Well, one day, I decided that I would go back to California to take care of some unfinished business. I appeared in California on a Saturday afternoon. All my enemies were in the house having sex all day. I casted a spell to have them all removed from the earth. I prayed that all the serial killers were released from prison. They were all let out on the day that I got there. None of them wanted to k*ll me. They went back to killing people by the masses and wiping them out. It was music to my ears.
All the prostitutes and pimps died in fires. Their houses and cars were blown up and they all burned to a cripst. There was nothing left of them but a skeleton. Their bodies were so badly burned, they were all unidentifiable. No one knew who they were, despite what they thought.
There was six enemies still breathing in particular that I wanted to handle myself. One was a man named Jennifer, a man named Rhonda, a woman named Demonte, a woman named Armando, and a woman named Kevin, and a man named Emanuela. They were all transgenders. I didn't like how gay they were being to me the last time I visited. They were saying mean things about me and acting very off. They were treating me so badly, that they made my stomach hurt. They had the gayest, most transsexual faces I had ever seen, and the nastiest attitudes I have ever witnessed.
The transgenders bullied me so badly, I thought I was going to jump off a building, but I didn't. Instead, I went to a mental hospital. After I got out, they bullied me even more. They were the evilest gays I have ever saw. I didn't know gay people could be so cruel.
I met Jennifer on a social media site called Lacebook. He tricked me into meeting him because I was on there acting like I was needy for a friend. I didn't know I was getting a tranny. I thought I was meeting a man. He told me his name was Bobby. Jennifer use to tease me with all of his friends. One day, he took off his clothes and I saw his vagina. I ran out of the room and changed my number. She started spreading rumors about me and told everyone that I was a man. It made me sick, and people started treating me differently. Now, it was time for me to get my revenge.
I tracked Jennifer down using an online tracking service. I didn't have to do that. I could've just appeared, but like I said, I'm still a person, immortal or not, and I needed to know. While Jennifer was leaving her apartment, I ran up on her/him and snatched a piece of her hair. She didn't even fight back. After that I left. I put the hair in a jar along with a alligator claw, graveyard dirt, fingernail clippings, lizard heads, and some other things. I casted a spell over the jar and within days, Jennifer was dead. She died from domestic violence. Her boyfriend shot him/her in the head, after finding out he had a vagina. Her boyfriend wanted a real man, not a girl. I was relieved when I found out. She had a lot of friends, and they were all at his funeral, showing their respects. After that, I never used Lacebook again.
Next, I met Rhonda at a dinner party in a town called Pecan -Walnut City, California. Rhonda was the ugliest man I had ever seen. He tried to talk to me, but I told him to leave me alone. He just kept saying,
"I have every right to know who you are and you can't stop me."
Rhonda was very popular and came from a two parent home. He always looked down on me because I came from a one parent home and was poor. I never wanted him because I knew something wasn't right about him. He was just too disrespectful and persistent. He told me his name was Ron, but after doing my research, I found out his name was actually Rhonda at birth, and he changed it to Ron. He cut off his breasts and everything. He started growing beards and I really thought he was a man. Rhonda fooled the living daylights out of me. I thought that type of stuff only happens in the movies. Anyway, one day Rhonda got out of control. He called me on the phone.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Yeah this Ron. What's up, you wanna come to a dinner party this weekend?" He asked.
"No, I'm good. Please don't call me anymore. I'm not gay." I said, and hung up the phone.
I didn't hear from Rhonda again. A few years later, I started dating a guy name Lorenzo Espinoza. I mean I was literally seeing this guy every day. One day, he told me he couldn't see me. I said okay and decided that I wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant called Lugar Azteca in Pecan-Walnut City. After I got inside the restaurant, I saw Lorenzo Espinoza, hugging Rhonda and kissing him in the mouth. I ran out of the restaurant and was extremely sickened by what I saw. The gay couple spotted me and laughed at me while they saw me running away. After I got in the hotel, I threw up for about 2 years in a row. Of course, you know that I never talked to neither one of them again. Lorenzo didn't try to chase me. Obviously, he knew I wasn't a man, and couldn't fulfill his need like the man with the vagina could.
I got online, and saw pictures of the couple. I couldn't believe the man with the vagina was sleeping with the guy I was sleeping with. Was Lorenzo a transvestite? Was he was a woman too? At that point, I didn't care. Today was my time for revenge.
I printed a photo of the gay couple and casted a spell over it. There were thousands of black candles burning over their pictures for two years. It took a long time for them to die, but they eventually did. It was like, they were already dead anyway. When the spell was over, I threw their picture into the fire. They died of kidney failure. Both of them. Their food was being poisoned at all the restaurants they showed off at.
"That's what they get." I said to myself. "They shouldn't have been bullying me and stuffing all that food into their narcissistic mouths." After I found out they were dead, I celebrated. I cheered and cheered for weeks on end. To this day, I am still happy they're gone. I never ate at any Lugar Aztecas again. I eventually turned the kitchen inside of my mansion in Acapulco into El San La Muerte Cocina and never had any problems. I never invited anyone over.
Next on the list was the woman named Demonte. I met her at a homeless shelter called La Mision on the first day.
"Hi." Said Demonte. He said his name was Deshelle. I could not tell it was a man at first. Demonte befriended me every single day. He even took showers in the same shower house as the women and slept in the same room as me. Nothing seemed off, until one day. I told Deshelle that I was going to the supermarket. She-he said okay. After I left, I realized that I had left my credit card in the room. I walked back in with the key, and Deshelle was laying in there naked, masturbating to a video of me dancing. She had a penis. I couldn't believe it.
"Oops!" Said Deshelle, who then blatantly confessed to being Demonte. I left the f* cking shelter immediately and didn't even bother to take anything else out of the room. I felt so violated and helpless because I am not gay.
I decided to take revenge into my own hands. I showed up at Demonte's father's house where he was living with his wife. He had long left the shelter since I found out.
"What kind of tranny lives in secrecy and has a wife that doesn't even know?" I asked myself out loud while sitting in the car in front of his house. I had pitch black tinted windows and he didn't know. I found out what his wife looked like, and left, after I saw the two walking to the car. He was dressed like a man. When he was staying in the room with me at the shelter, he was wearing prosthetic breasts and had on makeup, a dress, fake long red fingernails, and a short wig.
"This man has the dumbest wife I have ever seen!" I said to myself.
After that, I drove back to the area where the shelter was. I saw Deshelle talking to a man undercover wearing his wife's clothes and showing public displays of affection to the man. I filmed it. Then I filmed him walking to his car and driving back home to his wife. I decided to send the footage to his wife. On the day that the package arrived, I saw her open it and put it in a DVD player. A random spy planted a hidden camera in her home. She wasn't fazed at all.
"Whoever sent this is just trying to break us up. So what, my man is gay. We will get through this." She said with confidence.
"No she won't." I mumbled, while watching the spy footage of her watching the video clip. She stayed with Demonte for several more years. She eventually caught full blown AIDS, Herpes, and Syphilis, and her health rapidly declined. Demonte left her for a man after he found out she had the three diseases, and she died from AIDS related pneumonia complications.
"Why was Demonte masturbating to me and I'm a girl? He was really confused!" I said out loud.
I guess he was trying both at the time until he decided he wanted to be with the man that gave him HIV. I caught a picture of Deshelle and his new man at a nightclub. I burned the picture to ashes, casting a powerful break-up spell over the pic. Eventually, Deshelle's new man, left him for another man, that didn't have HIV. After that he k*lled himself. He descended from a 14 story building. I guess he couldn't stand to see them together, after leaving his faithful wife. I never went back to La Mision or any other human shelter, ever again.
Then there was Armando. I met Armando on a corner called Teakettle St and 19th Ave. He seemed really nice and was dressed like a man. He said his name was Armando. I never slept with him. After he gave me his number, I realized that he was crueler than I expected. One day he invited me out on a date and I agreed. After I got in the car with him, he kidnapped me, and took me to an abandoned house in the city. He locked me in the room while five men came in there and raped me. When the last man was through, Armando was at the doorway laughing with the five men. Then he said..
"One of y'all n*ggas need to go drop this bummy tard off somewhere. I don't want it." He said with his chin so high in air. He had his head held up so high, I felt sick.
"Yeah we done with this f*cking bum. You sure you don't want none n*gga? I mean she is right here?" One of the men asked.
"Nah I'll never stick my precious d*ck in a retarded black bum like this one. I'll pass. I don't see how y'all n*ggas do it." Said Armando. He dropped me off just so I could get raped by his friends. How sickening. I should not have met the evil f*ggot on the corner.
"Can I please go?" I begged, while crying profusely.
"We ain't letting you go!" Said one of the other men. I still have no idea what their names are.
The man then got on the phone and called 42 more men over to the house that day. It was a house full of men in the abandoned house. All of them had their way. I was so sore. I was bleeding and they still kept taking turns. It was the most sickening thing I had ever seen. One of the man moved me to another room inside the bando, where more men were waiting. After the 42nd man was finished, Armando came back to the doorway and said,
"I'll never want a person like you." Then he spit on me.
One other man came in and dragged me out of the room by my arm, because I couldn't move. I was too sore. He threw me into the car, and dropped me off in the middle of the woods and sped off. I didn't think that Armando would let me go.
After the 47 men raped me, I started going to counseling. None of the counselors believed my story. I stopped going and I eventually ran into Armando at a grocery store called "Grocery Lion" parking lot.
"You're still alive? You need to k*ll your f*cking self! No one will ever want you!" Said the evilest predator I had ever faced.
I was so scared, that I didn't want to go to the grocery store anymore. I was scared I was going to run into the nasty predator. I eventually found out that Armando was actually a downlow trans woman, that lived like a man 90% of the time. During the other 10% of the time he would sometimes be spotted at all male revues, drag brunches, drag shows, and all male sex parties. That explained why there were so many men willing to come rape me at that abandoned house. He knew those men and were extremely close to them.
All those men bullied me, humiliated me, and called me mean names on the day of the rapist infestation. It took a whole 24 hours just to get out of the woods where I was dropped off. I didn't even have a cell phone. Cars kept passing by, but I was too scared to ask anyone for a ride. I was scared Miss Armando would send more people to pick me up and rape me since he knew where he had left me. I eventually mustered the strength to flag down a very old white man. I knew that he didn't know the black guy that did that to me. He wasn't scared to let me in the car either. He dropped me off at the hospital. I didn't tell them about the rapes. It was too embarrassing. I just told them I wanted to d*e. I never went back to Teakettle St and 19th Ave ever again.
I never found out what Miss Armando's stage name as a trans woman was because he kept changing it as much has he changed his appearance at every gay event he went to. I really wanted revenge on this sadistic monster, and today was just the day.
Before I went to go set up Armando, I decided to go watch some bears in Alaska and pay my respects to the deceased campers and fisherman that died before me. I didn't know them personally, but their stories touched me. I wanted to capture some pictures of the Grizzly bears, Black Bears, and Polar bears, so I brought a 600 mm lens and a new professional 8K camera. Watching the bears was so interesting and fun. There were no other photographers out there and I had the whole area to myself. It was just me and the bears, and I felt right at home. Out there in the Alaskan wilderness, I didn't have to worry about being teased for being black. The bears didn't care what color I was. All they saw was a human being that cared about wildlife.
Big C was locked inside of a cool, air conditioned, bear-proof log cabin nearby and was chilling inside by himself. He didn't want to be around any other dogs at the time. He was tired of the kennel in Acapulco. In his eyes, I had too many dogs. I was thinking about handing the kennel down and finding someone better to take over it. Running the kennel alone was a huge responsibility without practicing black magic.
I started a new website called SanLaMuertePhotography.com (photography by Oya Obinidodo). I posted all the grizzly, black, and polar bear pics and they sold for thousands of dollars. People started doubting that the work was really mine, so I started filming myself with the bears and the customers then knew that I was really there.
I even made a whole film called 'Oya Obinidodo: Solo Trip To Bear Country Alaska'. It ranked in 75 thousand views on the internet within the first week. I thought it would hit the millions, but it didn't. Oh well, I decided to take pictures full time and forget trying to get even with Miss Armando, Miss Kevin, and Mr. Emanuela. I figured they'd get what they deserve one day. I was too busy doing photography to worry about getting even with them. I stayed at the cabin in Alaska and didn't leave. I never returned to California.
One day, I decided to move to another part of Alaska called Whales. I wanted to take pictures of the polar bears and killer whales. I didn't have any images of them yet like I had planned. I knew I wasn't going to survive without San La Muerte. I said a few prayers and chants and then headed to Whales. I had heard stories about the polar bears being dangerous. I also heard that the attacks were very rare. I left Big C in the bear proof cabin to go take the pictures. I got extremely close to them while they were chilling on the ice because I knew I wasn't going to die. There were killer whales hopping out of the water too.
As I was taking a picture of 4 polar bear bears, all of them charged at me, and this was no bluff charge. The bears starting eating me while I was still alive. I passed away. While I was looking down from heaven, I saw Big C in the cabin whimpering and crying. I started crying because I couldn't do anything to help him. Eventually, the owner of the cabin came and kicked Big C out. I was sick. I couldn't look anymore.
"I'm dead now. I'm not immortal anymore. How am I going to save Big C? I can't even save myself." I asked out loud from above. My was spirit floating high in the sky. That's when I woke up.
"You're not dead. I told you I would be with you forever." Said San La Muerte. I was in the hospital, and had miraculously healed from the attack. I couldn't believe it. Big C was sitting nearby looking very calm and happy. He was so cheerful, and a large bone appeared right in front of him. A male nurse came back in the room and said,
"You're about to be discharged now. You can leave. You don't even need any medicines. Wow it's a miracle! Most people don't make it out of this type of attack alive. I guess you were one of the luckies huh?" Said the nurse, while handing me a banana Popsicle like I was a child or something. "Everything is going to be okay. Mkay?" Said the nurse in a whiny, high pitched voice. Why was the nurse taking to me like I was a baby or something? I was ready to get the f*ck out of there and get back to my regular life.
"Okay." I said. I left the hospital and went back to where the polar bears were to take more pictures. There were none there. I guess they were all put down. Eventually they all went extinct and there were nothing left but the killer whales and seals. I witnessed them from a kayak that I was in. I photographed the killer whales and the seals, and then went back to the waterfalls where the Grizzlies and Black bears were. I never returned to the city of Whales ever again and I never witnessed another polar bear.
"Why did I go through that?" I asked San La Muerte.
"The same reason you went through all of the other stuff." The ghost clearly said.
"But why couldn't you stop it?" I cried.
"Because you said you wanted to be more human right? You didn't have to be. You could've just sat still and made everything appear." Said San La Muerte.
"Yeah, I guess I did say that." I replied. As I was saying that, the skeleton in the cloak appeared and hugged me.
I appeared at Yellowstone Stone National Park in Wyoming within seconds. I left the bears and whales in Alaska to go see the wild Bison. I had never seen a bison in person except at the El Herginya Safari Park. These were not zoo bison. These were wild bison, and I wanted to check them out. I snuck Big C into the park, even though dogs weren't allowed. I didn't want to leave him with anyone. I didn't trust a soul. I left the kennel back in Acapulco unattended however, because I knew no one would bother any of my dogs. They had endless food, bones, toys, companions, and water. My mansion was their natural habit.
Anyways, I checked into a campground at the park called Bison View Campground. While no one was around, my tent appeared and it was automatically set up after I snapped my fingers two times. I saw a herd of Bison from afar from inside the tent. I started taking pictures and posted them to the photography website. I wanted to get closer to the Bison, but after what happened in the city of Whales, I decided to just keep my distance. The Bison looked extremely cool. I turned my whole tent into a Bison theme. I had Bison rugs, A Bison comforter, A Bison head from a Bison that died from old age, and Bison stuffed animals. I became a fan of wild Bison from that day forward.
The next day, I left the campground for a few hours to go compete at a bull riding competition and I won first place! After that, I felt a bit hungry.
I went to a nearby restaurant that served Bison patties on a hamburger bun. The name of the restaurant was called The Big Bison Cafe.
"Yuck. I don't want a Bison burger!" I said to myself. "I'll just take a bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup please." I told the clerk. I went back to the tent and a park ranger was there. "Mam, why is there a pet at this campsite? Please leave." Said the ranger. I clapped my hands twice and I disappeared right in front of the ranger. I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was a witch. I just wanted to avoid confrontation with law enforcement. I had a flashback of what had happened at the lodge back on the East Coast.
"At least, I got to capture the Bison." I said, while ending up back in Alaska. "That was fast."
This time, I was in Anchorage inside of a recording studio, alone, recording a new album. The studio still had the same name, No Females Allowed Records. I recorded a few songs, but I didn't release them. Instead I went to Death Valley National Park in California. When I first got to Camp San La Muerte, I remember sitting in the desert in 190° weather. This weather was not as hot. I knew I would survive it. After I arrived at Death Valley, I set up a campsite at a campsite called The Devil's Campground. I wanted to see the sand dunes. A camper set up camp right next to me and started talking to me. I didn't expect that.
"Hi." The woman said. "Do you have any water? I thought I packed enough but I didn't." The woman asked.
I had endless water and if I ever ran out, then I would make a water well or faucet appear somewhere. I handed the woman one bottle of water and then snapped my fingers two times and ended up in another area of the park. Ew. I hated women. They were all so annoying and boyish towards me. I didn't care if she found out that I was a witch. I just wanted to get away. I sat alone with Big C while watching the night stars through a telescope. It was the most peaceful scene I had ever saw. I even saw a scorpion and a big horned sheep. Of course, I took pictures.
After I took the pictures, I ended up in Christian church. It was a Sunday evening. I was wearing a long white long sleeve, loose fitting dress and a white turban.
"I didn't ask to come here! Why am I here?" I yelled.
"You need to be be reminded of how they treat you." Said San La Muerte.
Soon I walked in the door, everyone stared at me. The choir was singing while the organ played and they were wearing all black robes. It felt weird, satanic, off, and devilish, but it was a Christian church. The deacon at the door whispered something in my ear,
"If you come in, you have to follow the rituals." He said.
"What rituals?" I asked.
"You'll find out. I can't explain all that right now. Have a seat anywhere you wish." Said deacon Childress. He was wearing a tag. I sat in the back row. They were drinking grape juice that represented the blood of a Jew man with a spiked crown made of trees around his head. He was on a cross. It was weird, but I drank the grape juice. Then I ate a small wafer cracker.
"What kind of hor dourves are these?" I asked out loud. "These suck."
"Shhhhhhh." Several people looked at me and said in unison.
After communion the pastor got on the mic and said,
"The newcomer with the white dress on, come on up and give your life to christ."
"I'm not trying to get saved, I'm just looking. I don't even know why I'm here for real." I replied.
Two deacons dressed in black grabbed me by each arm and escorted me to the front in front of a crowd against my will.
"God is going to relieve you of your prostitution." The pastor said.
"I'm not a prostitute! Who told you that? I'm a victim!" I yelled in shame. Obviously they all found out what happened to me at the abandoned house. I was embarrassed and tried to run out the door. I was stopped.
"Lay on your back." Said the pastor.
I laid down on the floor on my back. The whole congregation stood up in a long line. They were asked to walk and step over me, one at a time. After they finished stepping on me, they walked back to their seat. They were stepping on my face and stomach. I started screaming, and crying, but they wouldn't stop.
"See, that's what Jesus went through for your sins!" Said the negligent pastor. It was so f*cking weird! It was the weirdest thing I had ever seen! What kind of abuse was that! I couldn't get up. After the whole congregation stepped on me, I woke up.
I was still inside of my tent at Death Valley. I was sweating. I got so scared of dying that I prayed to God instead of San La Muerte. I had dozed off and had a terrible nightmare. I didn't have to go what Jesus went through. I'm black, not Jewish and I'm not a man. I don't worship Jews, and I'm not worshipping a Jewish man. I also don't have to congregate with a crowd of eyesores and undercover predators. I will never go to a church and I will never pray to Jesus. Whoever doesn't like it, needs to keep their f*cking distance and mind their business. I don't make them pray to the devil, and they shouldn't make me pray to their Jesus.
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At Death Valley National park staying away from wack abusive people |
"I'm still here. " Said San La Muerte.
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