Terror Firsthand #43: En Mas Pobreza
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual content
Terror Firsthand: En Mas Pobreza
The next day, the fake transgender sex ad was still there. I had nobody to turn to and as usual, I was being abused and neglected by a gang of incestuous bullies. I drove to another block to panhandle. I was really pushing it. I didn't see any cops that time and I stood out there for 5 hours. I made $60. The trolling continued. People were sending more hate mail and no one was reading my blogs.
While I was panhandling, someone suggested that I contact a church charity for help. I told them no thank you. No church as ever did anything for me. No church has ever donated any money to me, nor have they ever put me up in a hotel. Those squares know that I'm not married and they won't pay for my hotel because they know that I might fornicate in there.
Churches never give me money because they think I'm a dirty junkie that's going to spend it all on drugs. Christian people believe a lot of lies about me, and I do not waste my time trying to correct them. If they wanna believe that much false s*it about me then they can go right ahead. I don't bother begging for anything at a church. I avoid churches and I avoid as much fonk and funk as I possibly can. If I think a church is going to save me from poverty, then I can think again. Ain't no church going to rescue me from poverty. They are not going to do sh*t for me but hate on me.
Anyways, I took the $60 I made begging on the corner, and then I checked into a cheap motel. I stayed in the motel all night. I watched a couple of movies and a stranger brought me something to eat. I was able to take a shower and get some rest in an actual bed instead of in the car.
I went on GD6Star's Instagram page and he was still on there taking pictures with GD7star's rich baby mother. I went through his entire list of followers. I was trying to locate GD4Star and GD8Star to see what their pages were looking like. I found GD8Star's page. It was just pictures of himself on there. Then I found GD4Star's page, and that's when I found out that he was gay and downlow.
On his page, I saw a phone number in his comments that was supposedly his phone number that he was giving to another person on IG. I copied and pasted the phone number into Google search and the number lead to a gay porn link. On the site XxxAzzNTits.Net, GD4Star was having gay sex with GD8Star. They were f*cking in the ass and swallowing each other's semen. They were giving each other oral pleasure and squirting semen on each other's faces. It was gross. While on the site, I also checked again to see if the fake transgender sex ad with my face in it was there, and it still was. I sent the removal request 20 more times.
I knew right then and there that those two GD men were not going to be able to protect me from whatever homelessness, bullying, and neglect I was going through. I immediately got off of GD4Star's IG page and started minding my business.
While I was in the motel, I washed my hair and wrote a new song. I didn't record it, and I saved the lyrics for later. I was starting to get lonely and being lonely isn't really something I usually feel. I'm usually content by myself, but I had spent so much quality time with GD6Star, that I had to face being by myself again. GD6Star could've been gay like those other GD's. I'm glad I walked away when I did. Things could've gotten even uglier. I could've gotten shot by GD7Star myself, just for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.
I started to vomit, but I was able to keep my food down. I just wanted to feel better. I really wanted me and GD6Star to work out while I was in California. I started crying even more. I thought about going to a nightclub to get over him, but I knew there would be more downlow gay men in there that didn't want me. I didn't want to waste my time. I didn't bother selling myself online either, because the men were too funky and queer. Time was running out, and it was only a few more hours away that I would have to check out of the motel and sleep in my car again. I couldn't even afford a campground.
Around 1 am, I decided to leave the motel and go to a nearby bar. It was pretty packed inside when I got in there. I was able to find a spot at the bar and it was a man in there. He was looking good.
"Hi." I said to the man.
"What's up." He said.
"Can I buy you a drink?" I asked. I had enough to buy him only one.
"Most women usually don't buy me a drink. Sure I'll take one." He replied.
"Go ahead and order it. So what's your name?" I asked the stranger.
"Geraldo, but people call me Lil Capone." He stated.
"Oh okay, do you want me to call you Geraldo or Lil Capone!?" I asked. Then he motioned for the bartender and ordered a house vodka and cranberry.
"You can call me whatever you want." He said.
The bartender came back a few minutes with the drink. The music in the bar immediately switched from upbeat to laid back and romantic. He drank the whole drink in one swallow and said,
"It was nice meeting you. I'm about to dip. I have to work in the morning."
"Why don't you come back to my hotel for a little while?" I asked. I only wanted one thing. I only wanted to f*ck.
"No thank you. I have to work." He said.
"Come on, it'll be fun." I said, in the most seductive tone I could muster. Then I started touching on his leg.
"Aight I'll come through for a little bit but I gotta leave by 3." He said. It was already 2 am.
"Ok get in my car I'll drive you." I said, while tightly holding on to his arm and walking out of the bar.
While I was in the bar, I had on a long sleeved dress and sunglasses. He didn't know that I had tattoos. It wasn't really his business. He probably thought he was talking to someone without tattoos.
"Aight, but you better not be on no funny sh*t." He said.
After he got in my car, I drove around the corner to the motel. He got out of the car and started complaining.
"What kind of shady motel is this? I don't even think I should be here!" He said.
"It's not shady just come on." I said.
Then he walked with me inside of the room. I told him to take off his pants and then I got completely nude. He stared at my body like I was nasty or something.
"Come on. Take off your pants." I said, as I walked my nude body over towards him and got on top of his lap. Then I tried to unbuckle his pants. Then he pushed me off of him and I fell on the floor.
"I'm not attracted to you like that shorty. I have a girlfriend. I'm out." He said. Then I walked over to the door and said,
"Don't go. Don't neglect me like this. I'm horny!"
"Yuck shorty. I don't like you like that. Get the fu*k off of me shorty! You look mad nasty and I don't even know you! I just met you! I'm not giving you my d*ck!" Said the funky, square, racist, stuck up man while I was grabbing his arm.
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In room with a stranger named Geraldo in Wisconsin |
He then slapped me across the face real hard and I let go. He walked out of the motel and left me there, looking embarrassed. I felt so disgusted with myself that I didn't know what to do. I took a shower for about 30 minutes and then I got dressed and went to sleep.
The next morning, I ate a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel for breakfast and drank a bottle of orange juice and then I checked out of the motel. I still had a black eye from when Geraldo had hit me. He was a real square. He was about as gross and yucky to me as he was making me out to be. He wasn't GD6Star, Daddy Leroy, or Big Ski. He didn't want to f*ck me at all. I then realized that I shouldn't have went to that gay ass bar, looking for a replacement man. It was a disgusting move. The bar was too infested with squares.
I drove to a secluded area in the middle of nowhere and parked my car. I eventually lost cell service, and became scared. I was hoping someone would come through by the next morning and help me get out.
I sat in the secluded area all day and night. I took an HIV test that I had in the trunk of my car and it was still negative. I listened to a crank radio to pass the time. By the night time, no one still had driven through.
The next morning around 5 am, a truck rode past. I flagged the truck down and followed the truck back out to the main road. I then drove back to an abandoned building near the city and sat there all morning. I then left Milwaukee and went to Denver Colorado. The drive took 15 hours. I stopped at several cities along the way and slept in my car. Milwaukee was just another hellhole full of lames.