Terror Firsthand #64: The Twisted Cousins
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual violence
Terror Firsthand: The Twisted Cousins
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The reporter on Quantrell Waters |
Later that night, I called the number on Mr.Trell_480's dating profile. He did not answer. I called two more times, and he didn't answer. I drove to a nearby gas station to buy a cheese pizza, and then I headed back to the campsite. I didn't want to eat any swine. I kept hearing about how filthy it was.
A few hours later, I got back on YouTube, and I saw Quantrell Waters on another podcast again. His lifeless nude body was found, in a ditch in the remote California desert wilderness.
"After searching for over a month, 29 year old Quantrell Waters body has been discovered in a ditch in the remote desert in California, just a few hours ago. His family members in Arizona became the number one suspects." The reporter said.
"Damn that's sad." I said. I knew that I would never see that phoney ass man ever again. Whoever made the dating profile was probably trolling.
"No one knows who is responsible for his death, but the autopsy revealed that it was an intentional homicide. Waters died from starvation, dehydration, and hyperthermia. Apparently Waters had been forcefully kidnapped by someone who wanted to rob him, and then they dropped him off in the middle of the scorching, hot desert and he was stripped of all of his clothes and everything he had." Said the reporter.
"Waters's family had been a apart of a Gofundme scam and had pretended that Waters was missing, so they could raise money. After raising over $8,000, Waters family gave him the money and later pretended that someone stole it to scam people out of more money." The reporter said.
"One of Waters's family members who participated in the scam came forward and explained what really happened. The family members of Quantrell Waters are now being forced to pay back the $8,000 to everyone that donated, or they will be facing criminal charges of fraud. After Waters and his family scammed several people out of $8,000, he fled to Los Angeles with the illegal funds where he rented a mansion estate for several days until he somehow met someone that caused his sudden demise." Reported the reporter.
"The kidnapper and killer then convinced Waters to get into their car, locked him in, and eventually his lifeless body was later discovered deceased in the desert. There were no cell phone records, emails, or inbox messages on Waters dating profile left behind for detectives to trace back to the killer." The reporter in the news clip continued.
They didn't even know who killed the man. I went back onto Quantrell's dating profile and it was still there. I decided to get over Quantrell Waters and move on with my life. He was a bad person. He hurt me very badly. He violated me, my mind, my body, and my personal space. He was a rapist, a liar, a sexual predator, a bully, and a stalker- like all the rest were towards me. He was no different.
I ended up falling asleep and the next day, I received an email from a therapist offering free counseling for victims of sexual assault and human trafficking. I deleted the email. I didn't need any counseling. These so called counselors and therapist on the East Coast have more problems than me. Their advice sucks.
I didn't want some gay stripper with face piercings and black fingernail polish trying to counsel me. Or some jealous married person that's jealous of me because I'm still young and single. They could never understand my pain. Not in a million years. They could never relate. These counselors look like predators to me. They don't look supportive. Alot of the counselors are flaw and can not help me in any way shape or form.
Alot of therapists are mentally abusive and are dirty. Some of them look like they want to molest me. They feel like they have a right to because no one loves me and no one is protective of me. I don't trust them. I rather deal with my problems by myself. I don't trust anyone.
I'm tired of being treated like I'm a dirty retard and a homosexual because I'm not dirty or gay. I'm tired of being treated like I'm not believable or worthy of respect. It's just sickening and I want it to stop. I'm tired of gross people knowing that I even exist.
The next day, I cut the TV on and saw a news report about incest. It was disgusting.
"The victim, who will go by the name Aafreen Bashir, said that she was raped by both of her cousins in the middle of the night." The reporter said.
"I was always scared of them because every time they came over to my mother's house they would bully me. They would call me names like special Ed and retard. They called me that because I had a mental health disorder and they thought that I was slow." The victim, whose name has been changed to Aafreen Bashir, said in a disguised voice.
"Yuck!" I yelled while watching the report.
"So when was the day that they sexual molested you?" Asked the reporter.
"Well one day, they came over during a cookout. My mom and dad invited them and their parents over along with a bunch of other people. I told my parents not to invite them because they were bullying me but my parents laughed at me and said that no one was bullying me. They didn't believe me." Aafreen Bashir said in the disguised voice. She was taking in a disguised voice the whole time, and they never showed her face.
"I was an adult, and my parents told me that if I didn't like my cousins then I needed to go somewhere else because they were not going to stop them from coming over." Aafreen Bashir said.
"So it happened at a cookout?" Asked the reporter, whose name is Shahida Dawood.
"After the cookout was over, my parents went out with their parents. They said they were going to another party." Said Aafreen Bashir.
"So why didn't you just go somewhere else?" Shahida Dawood asked.
"I started to, but my gay cousins pretended to leave and then they came back after they saw that the coast was clear. They said they wanted to talk to me about something and I said okay, even though I knew they were bullies." Aafreen Bashir said.
I was disgusted by what I was watching, but I knew there were people like that nearby, so I wanted to be on the lookout for their kind so I can avoid them. Aafreen Bashir said it happened in Arizona.
"So did they rape you or not?" Shahida Dawood asked.
"Yes they did. My cousin, who is a boy named Quantrell Waters, pulled out a knife and told me to walk with him to the bedroom. He pretended to want some money, but when I got in the room, he forced me onto the bed and raped me. He has herpes. I caught it months later." Shahida Dawood said.
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A still of Aafreen Bashir walking outside |
"People started picking on me even more after I caught it. They started calling me "bumpy face and ugly face". She continued.
"Wow that must be tough. So what about the other cousin? I thought you said it was two of them. That's what you said at first." Said Shahida Dawood.
"The other one was a girl. I told her that I wasn't gay and she said that she didn't care. She told me that no one will ever believe me and that if I say anything about the sexual molestation that she will tell people that I came on to her. I knew she was gay, because she had a tounge and a eyebrow piercing and I didn't like it." Aafreen Bashir said.
"And she always hung around a bunch of weirdos and lesbians. I used to see them out in public alot. I also used to see them on social media looking that way. Her and her friends were gay way back during school days too." Aafreen continued.
"So what did she do to you?" Shahida Dawood asked.
"She took off all of her clothes and then ripped off my clothes in front of the boy cousin Quantrell and then he got out his camera phone and recorded it. I started pushing her off of me and spitting at her and kicking her but she was heavier than me. She was a lot stronger, eating a lot, and had been lifting weights." Aafreen Bashir said.
"After that what happened?" Shahida Dawood asked.
"She said to me ' I know I make you tingly down there don't I? You like my body don't you? I make you wet down there don't I?' " Said Afreen Bashir as she started crying.
"Then she took my hands and make me feel her breasts. I resisted, but she just kept going and then she straddled me and got on top of me and raped me!" Said Aafreen Bashir.
"And Quantrell Waters was recording it the whole time? He didn't try to stop her?" Asked Shahida Dawood.
"He was cheering her on and telling her to do it to me. She raped me for over an hour and then performed oral sex on me. She kept asking me do I like it and I kept telling her that I wanted her to stop. I was crying and screaming! She was very smelly and stinky!" Aafreen Bashir stated.
"After she finished raping me, her and my cousin Quantrell Waters started calling me more degrading names. They said I'll be gay forever! I wished that I had a gun so I could've shot them. I wanted them to die. A few days later the video was all over the porn sites. Everyone assumed that I had gay sex with my own cousin willingly." Said Aafreen Bashir.
I threw up. I had only eaten pizza and a couple of snacks. I could no longer hold it down. The story I was watching was too sick and twisted.
"So did you call the police? What's the girls cousins name? Did you tell anyone? I appreciate you coming forward and speaking with us today. You are very brave. Alot of people choose not to come forward about being molested by their own family because they're too afraid. But you, you're special." Said Shahida Dawood.
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Aafreen Bashir in studio talking about being SA'd by her own relatives |
"No I didn't call the police but I told alot of people and they didn't believe me. One guy started teasing me because he said that he'd f*ck his cousins too. It was gross. I knew it was a lot of those type of people in the world. Quantrell Waters kept asking me to create a Gofundme account so he could scam people. He threatened me. He told me to tell people that he went missing so he could get paid. I don't want to say the girl cousins name." Said Aafreen Bashir.
"So when did your parents get back?" Asked Shahida Dawood.
"My cousins left before they got back. No one knew they were there. We didn't have neighbors. Our house was very secluded." Said Aafreen Bashir.
"Did they ever come back?" Asked Shahida Dawood.
"No they didn't come back. They were murdered a week after they molested me." Said Aafreen Bashir.
"Wow. Did they ever find the killer?" Asked Shahida Dawood.
"You're looking at her." Said Aafreen Bashir.
After that, the report about the incest family went off. I couldn't believe it. I assumed Aafreen Bashir went to prison or something after confessing on TV to killing Quantrell Waters and the gay-lesbian, kissing cousin that raped her. Where was the gay-lesbian cousin's dead body located? There's no way that Aafreen Bashir could've gotten away with that.
I turned the channel and saw Sexy Bluuee on about 10 channels in row. I didn't care, I skipped over it. I mean, what more could I want to know about my dead opps?