Terror Firsthand #100: Selling Their Souls
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual content
Terror Firsthand: Selling Their Souls
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Kid and his mother outside of Chicken N Stuff in Miami Florida |
After I woke up, I started packing my things and headed to a campground in Petersburg, Virginia. It took me a couple of hours to set up my glamping gear and get a fire started. I couldn't afford the hotel anymore because I was trying to save money. I have three different emergency stashes. One for myself, escape money in case Daddy P beats me up or cheats on me, and another stash for Daddy P to blow on hotel rooms or apartment rent. I skipped breakfast and drank an Ensure instead.
I cut the television on inside the tent and saw a news story about a boy in Miami, Florida that found a dead rat in his box of chicken from a restaurant called Chicken-N- Stuff. The boy was like eight or nine years old.
"This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen! I can't believe I found a dead rat in inside of my chicken! I hate Chicken-N-Stuff! Don't eat there y'all!" The boy screamed, with tears pouring down his face.
"So what was your first thought when you saw the dead rat?" Asked the reporter.
"I told my mom and she went back inside and told the people in there and they said that I was lying." Said the boy.
I started becoming more disgusted with eating out. I couldn't believe Chicken-N- Stuff was so filthy.
"I didn't mean for my son to go through this horrifying experience. He is so traumatized, that he won't eat out anymore. He wants me to cook all of his meals and he even sits there and watches me. I'm his mother. I would never hurt him but he is too afraid. He won't even eat school lunch anymore." Said the boy's mother to the reporter.
"I can't eat that nasty stuff." Said the boy.
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The dead rat that was in the boy's chicken |
"Well we are going to get to the bottom of this. We are investigating Chicken- N- Stuff to make sure they pass the health inspection. This is the first complaint they've ever received about a rat." Said the reporter. A picture of the dead rat that the boy saw flashed on the screen. It was gross as hell. I put Chicken -N- Stuff on my list of restaurants to never eat at again, and changed the channel.
I stepped outside to get a breath of fresh air and saw a large snake, crawling towards my tent. It was huge and I was scared. I didn't want Big C anywhere near that thing. I usually use snake repellent, but I had ran out.
I grabbed my bear spray and sprayed the snake. It got even more angry and started crawling even faster towards me. I grabbed Big C and ran as fast as I could. I sat in the forest on a nearby trail for about an hour. Then I drove to the store to buy some vinegar because I read somewhere online that vinegar can be used as a natural snake repellent.
I poured some vinegar around my campsite. I didn't see the snake but I was scared out of my mind. I knew that I was ready to go. I started packing up my gear and then I checked out the next day. I barely got any sleep. I was too scared. I asked for a refund for the other days that I had booked the reservation for and told the campground that an emergency came up.
I stopped by a store to buy snake repellent and then drove to another campground and set up my tent in a spot that looked like it was free of snakes. There were less trees and less grass and there was a raised platform for the tent to go on.
After I finished setting up my gear, I fixed a bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup and started watching Big Fly's baby mother on the Devil's Universe podcast.
"Tysheka Robinson shot me 5 times and me and my unborn child still survived. That busted ass b*tch couldn't control her jealousy. She knew what type of man Big Fly was. She knows that he's a womanizer, a mack, and a player. Big Fly is always in bed with a new woman. She should've known better than that. The baby that Tysheka Robinson had with my ex boyfriend has to suffer because of her actions. Big Fly is a busy man and his mother is always watching the baby. Tysheka doesn't have parents. They're already dead. She is where she belongs now. I hope I don't get shot again." Said Alexandria Skeeter.
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Alexandria Skeeter on The Devil's Universe talking to Hernandez Elliott |
"I'm glad you survived. So you're not still with Big Fly?" Asked Hernandez Elliott.
"No. Me and Big Fly broke up. He should've had more control over his other baby mother. I shouldn't have gotten shot. I can't trust him anymore. He's probably with a new bi*ch already." Replied Alexandria.
I couldn't take that episode anymore. It was too much. Big Fly just couldn't keep his legs closed. I started watching another The Devil's Universe podcast and this time Shawn Carriage was on there.
"Guys we have some sad news today. Shawn Carriage murdered Khadija Green and was arrested in Atlanta Georgia on second degree murder charges after contracting HIV from the minister." Reported Hernandez Elliott.
"That doesn't sound like something Shawn Carriage would even do." Said Dustin Moore.
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Shawn Carriage after being arrested in Atlanta |
"Sh*ts crazy bro. They were in their apartment one day and Shawn Carriage had just walked in after leaving the doctor and started stabbing Khadija. She had over 58 stab wounds to her chest. Carriage then turned himself in later that night. He's facing up to 15 years in prison maximum." Said Hernandez Elliott.
I couldn't believe it. Ol church boy got locked up for a murder. He shouldn't have ever trusted Khadija's "pretty face".
After that story went off, I talked to Daddy P for an hour until there was no money left on the phone account. Then I started watching The Devil's Universe podcast again.
Geraldine Lassiter was back on there on a virtual meeting. She was in Los Angeles.
"So Geraldine, you're in Los Angeles huh?" Asked Dustin Moore.
"Yes Dustin. I'm in L.A." Geraldine Lassiter responded.
"So you're working for DaVoucci - Rosenberg huh? You're a porn star now?" Asked Hernandez Elliott.
"Yes Hernandez. I just got signed to DaVoucci - Rosenberg Productions and I got paid for my first porn film. It's called Freaks On Freaks." Geraldine announced. Geraldine was old as hell.
"How do you like it? How much did they pay you?" Asked Hernandez Elliott.
"Hernandez I love it! I was paid $900 for my first role and Travis said that my salary will only increase from there." Answered Geraldine. Wow, a former millionaire and business woman turned slutty porn star. Not surprised. Geraldine was already gay.
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Geraldine Lassiter in Los Angeles talking to The Devil's Universe podcast |
"So Geraldine, are you sleeping with men or women in Freaks On Freaks?" Asked Dustin Moore.
"Women Dustin. You know I don't like d*ck." Replied Geraldine Lassiter. Geraldine's porn cover flashed on the screen.
"Yuck!" I yelled. "That much stinky ass lesbianism needs to stop."
There was no way that I wanted to see Geraldine's flick. I was hoping she would burn in hell like Frank DaVoucci did. I changed the channel and started watching a movie about bears until I fell asleep. The next morning, Geraldine was back on The Devil's Universe. She turned into a man.
"So Geraldine, you decided to turn into a transman and work for Phil O'Connor?" Asked Hernandez Elliott.
"That's correct. I work at Downlow Hunks now. I don't want to be a woman anymore Hernandez. You know, it's time for a sex change. I feel uncomfortable in my own body." Replied Geraldine Lassiter.
"You've made a transgender porn film already right? Did you move to New York?" Asked Dustin Moore.
"I don't live in Los Angeles anymore Dustin, and I quit working for DaVoucci - Rosenberg Productions. I didn't like the pay. I slept with over 50 women in Freaks On Freaks and I only got paid $900. I made a film at Downlow Hunks called Forty Year Old Tits and got paid $2,000. Huge difference, and yes, I live in New York City now. I like it here." Said Geraldine Lassiter.
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Geraldine Lassiter's transgender porn cover |
"Eww! Geraldine had to stoop that low after she lost her millions! What the f*ck!?" I yelled outloud.
I couldn't believe what I was watching. Geraldine was wearing a fake beard and looked like a whole man. It was only a matter of time before she grew a real beard and a deeper voice.
"True. True. So Geraldine have you already started taking hormones yet?" Asked Dustin Moore.
"Yes I have." She replied.
"But you just got a boob job!" Said Hernandez Elliott. "I wanted to suck on them pretty things."
"I'm keeping my breasts." Said Geraldine. "You can still suck them!" She laughed.
"Nah I don't think so Geraldine. You've already went too far. So you're okay with taking testosterone and having a beard and breasts?" Asked Hernandez Elliott.
"Yes. I want a beard and breasts. That's what makes me different." Said Geraldine.
"Yuck!" I said. "Being a transgender isn't all that different!"
"Yeah you are different I can say that." Hernandez Elliott said.
"Hernandez come on, you know you want to." Said Geraldine, while popping out her tits on camera.
"No I'm okay. So Geraldine, what's your porn name?" Asked Hernandez Elliott, while laughing hysterically.
"It's Assiter XXX." She replied. What an ugly stage name, I thought.
"So Downlow Hunks opened back up I take it." Said Hernandez Elliott.
"What do you mean they opened back up?" Asked Geraldine Lassiter, unaware of the shutdown that they had recently had.
Hernandez looked at Dustin and shook his head.
"They were closed due to a monkeypox outbreak. You didn't know?" Asked Dustin.
"No, I didn't know." Said Geraldine.