Terror Firsthand #118: The Responsible Drinker
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, faction literature, majority of the events in this particular story only are based on real true events that actually happened
Terror Firsthand: The Responsible Drinker
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Big Fly and Annabelle K. |
The very next day, I saw Big Fly all over the media, sleeping with the enemy, even after DeMarcus Townsend confessed to what Annabelle K. did. He was acting really dumb. He was showing her off in hotels, at 5 star restaurants, and in nightclubs. He was truly blinded by love. It broke my heart to see Big Fly sitting in a wheelchair and having sex with the woman that had him shot at. It was so sad. In one pic with the murderer he wrote the caption,
I'll never let Annabelle K. go. This is the only woman that has held me down since them p*ssy niggas shot at me. *Heart emoji*
I was extremely traumatized by his ignorance and thirst for love. If it wasn't for Annabelle K., there would have been no p*ssy niggas shooting at him. I was tired of watching TV and decided to go somewhere in real life. I tried to find an interview with Annabelle K. explaining those DeMarcus Townsend allegations, but multiple media outlets stated that Annabelle K. refused to talk to them.
I decided to go to an open mic night in Portsmouth Virginia in real life. The name of the venue was House Of Bertha Entertainment. The venue was associated with a radio station called 101.8 The Drop. After I got there, at 8pm, I ordered a glass of Rose and waited for my turn to perform, which was about 2.5 hours later. I performed my single "From Smokin Rocks" and "They Are Telling A Fib".
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At the music venue / radio station |
After my performance, I sat around to see if I could make some money selling CDs and DVDs. One man told me that I should sell clothes and accessories too. I told him that I would rather just stick to selling CDs and DVDs. He argued that everyone doesn't gravitate to music, and that I should expand my reach by selling other types of merch. He said that some people would rather buy a T- shirt or a hat, than buy a CD. I never looked at it that way. Unfortunately, I couldn't listen to his idea because I didn't have the funds to expand my merch collection. Starting a clothing line is too costly, and I'm not going to make very many profits, because of the competition.
While I was at the performance, I brought my camera with me, but I didn't record myself because there was a professional videographer in there anyway. The DJ, who was also a rapper and a radio host for 101.8 The Drop, was taking song request all night. I requested songs by Kay Flock and Yung Sarria, who is a hispanic rapper. I had actually signed a petition to have Kay Flock released from prison about a week ago. Anyways, it was my first time at the venue, and most of the performers there were veterans to the venue and claimed to have been in there since day one.
The DJ played alot of songs by Rich Homie Quan, to pay tribute to the late rapper. She played so much Rich Homie Quan, that the host became irritated, and told her to play something else. Around 11pm, an exotic dancer entered the building and started dancing on the pole. I didn't expect that. I put a dollar down on the floor and went outside to talk to Daddy P. I saw graffiti all over the walls of the fence. I went back inside and asked the bartender if I could tag back there. She said that they ran out of spray paint, and that most people just bring their own. I asked her if it was legal, she said that being that it was the last show at the venue, that it probably isn't anymore.
The venue was planning to move to another city, and that event was actually the closing event before they departed. It was alot of artist in there. The stripper didn't dance to my songs, which was good because my music isn't for strippers anyway. I met alot of artists while I was in the venue and I was able to sell a piece of merch, which I used the money to buy snacks and drinks from the store after I left.
I stayed at the venue for six whole hours. I usually don't stay in venues longer than two hours, but I wanted to see every single performer that they had respectfully. I stayed until the lights were on at 2 am.
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The exotic dancer at the venue |
There were gays in the venue of course. There were alot of women dancing with other women and I found it disturbing but this is the United States of America and gays freely roam every city and state. There were alot of lesbos. I didn't let them run me out of the venue like I usually do. I knew that they would be at the next place too. That doesn't mean I'm going to start hanging out more, it just means that I know how to not back down from them. I'm not a p*ssy by a long shot, and I know how to face those types of lesbo b*tches at a hip hop venue. I'm not that scared of their asses. Most of them are harmless.
Most of the artists were also paying tribute to a woman named Lady A, who was the founder of the entertainment venue. They wouldn't stop kissing her a** all night. They were in there saluting her like they never get to see her face or something. It was my first time ever seeing her.
After I left, I got in the car and took a breathalyzer test to see if I was drunk. I wasn't. That one cup of Rose was only a 0.02. It would have taken three more cups of Rose for me to be over the limit. I felt relieved. I was glad that I drank responsibly.
At the end of the night, the DJ's performed their hit single, and one of the DJ's became teary eyed because it was the last performance on Rodman Ave. I listened to some of their bars, and I felt a sigh of relief when I heard the lyrics. They were dissing women too, and I didn't feel so bad about being a diss rapper and a drill rapper. I don't always want to be the only one calling women b*tches and calling people gay and degrading them. Alot of the performers were rapping about sex, strippers, and partying. There weren't that many disses and not many street gangs. I paid attention. During my performance, I threw up a bunch of Crip and Folk Nation sets. I was the only one doing that.
The next day, I woke up sore. I couldn't imagine how sore the stripper must have been. She was working very hard at the venue and made hundreds of dollars. There's no way she didn't wake up sore. I wondered why I woke up so sore. I only had a rap performance. It's not like I was dancing hard like a stripper or anything. How could a 10 minute stage performance tire me out that bad? I must be getting old.
After I got back to my hotel, I checked out and went back to the campground in North Carolina the next day. I ate a bag of chips and a Twinkie for breakfast. Then I started watching YouTube. I saw a story about a man that received a life sentence in Texas for having 9 DWI'S. I was shocked. I thought he may have killed someone or taken a life too but he didn't. The life sentence was just for the DWI alone. Then I saw another case in Texas about someone else who received 40 years in prison for having 10 DWI'S. Neither one of them killed anyone.
After reading those headlines, it was then that I realized that it is possible to receive a life sentence just for a DWI. You don't even have to be a murderer. Once you loose your license forever, which is usually after the 3rd DWI, you are not supposed to ever get behind the wheel again, or a judge may lock you up for life.
Another thing I found on the internet was more information about the Crip and Folk Nation gangs that I keep representing. Why do the police always know so much? Gang members are rarely on the internet, explaining how gangs work. It's usually the police doing that.
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Online image of a building marked by a crip gang member |
Gangs operate in more secrecy than people think they do. You'll find alot of rappers that represent gangs in their music, but you don't find too many gang members that are writing gang related materials for other gang members to read and learn.
For lunch, I ate an Italian sub from a restaurant called Zero's, and then I went back to the campsite to watch YouTube and get on social media.
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Eating lunch at Zero's |
"Back to being on the internet all day!" I said to myself outloud. I was was back in internet land, and no longer in real life.
I saw a story about Travis Rosenberg on The Los Angeles Super Wave. Someone had shot at Mr. Nutenya's security team, and people started blaming Miles Love because of his gay ass obsession. Miles Love defended himself by saying,
"I did not shoot Travis! I love him! Why would I do that!?"
"So you did nothing to Rosenberg?" Asked King Kronik to Miles Love on the phone.
"No! I would never hurt someone I love!" Replied Miles Love. Then the call ended.
"Today we have on the show, one of the security men that work for Travis Rosenberg, we're going to call him amigo instead of his real name." Said King Kronik.
"So you are in fear for your life?" Asked King Kronik.
"Yes I am. I am very afraid and I quit working for Travis Rosenberg already. He is having a very hard time finding men that want to work for him because they all know that it is an extremely dangerous position and that they could get shot, stabbed, or killed at any given moment. Travis Rosenberg is more scared because no one wants to work for him." Said Amigo.
"How many security guards does he have?" Asked King Kronik.
"Right now he only has two. He had five at first. He's probably going to lose them too." Answered Amigo.
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Travis Rosenberg's ex security guard speaking out |
After I saw that, I saw Travis Rosenberg on there.
"So do you think that Miles Love was the one that shot Amigo?" Asked King Kronik.
"Yes that crazy f*ggot may have shot him, and I want him to stay the f*ck away from my security! I'm not in love with Miles Love! I'm in love with Buff Tiger! He is insane! What we had was just business only! It was just a porn film! He needs to get over it! I don't care if he gets rid of all of my movies and pictures, I want him to stop obsessing over us! He needs help! He is sick!" Travis Rosenberg explained, while crying.
"So you have two guards. Most people can't even afford that. You're lucky. Do you think that you are safe? I mean two should be enough." Explained King Kronik.
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King Kronik on Los Angeles Super Wave in California |
"I don't have a choice! No one wants to work for me! They are too afraid! I tried to offer them a raise and they still wouldn't take it!" Travis Rosenberg explained in fear.
Mr. Nutenya shouldn't have made so many gay porns with so many different strangers. He invited them into his mansion and into his bedroom. He did that to himself. He should've known that someone could possibly become obsessed with him.
"And I want Miles Love to stop sending me flowers! He sends flowers every single day! He's wasting his money! I'm just going to throw them in the trash!" Said Rosenberg, reminding me of the movie Stalking Laura. Only difference was, him and his stalker actually slept together and he was a black gay man, not a white female.
I realized that some people have stalkers that they were never even romantically involved with, which is very sad and embarrassing. It sickening when you get stalked and pestered by someone just for turning them down.
King Kronik picked up the phone to call Miles Love while Travis Rosenberg was in his studio.
"Come on man I do not want to hear that nigga voice!" Said Travis Rosenberg.
"He needs to hear you tell him to f*ck off. I'm tired of seeing you crying. You need to tell him for yourself." Said King Kronik. Miles Love answered the call.
"What's up?" Answered Miles Love.
"Stop sending me flowers motherf*cker and stay away from my security team! I'm throwing all of those flowers in the trash! I don't keep them!" Said Travis Rosenberg.
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Travis "Mr. Nutenya" Rosenberg sickened by Miles Love |
"Awwwww. Travis. It's good to hear your voice. I miss you baby. I know you're having a tough time right now because someone shot at security but I didn't do it baby. I love you, and I always will. I'm watching your movie right now. I'm naked in my bed. I wish you were here with me daddy." Said Miles Love, sounding horny and thirsty.
"Motherfu*ker you did it! You were the only one that would do something like this! You sick f*ck! You have the same type of gun that matches the shell casing f*ggot nigga! Stay away nigga!" Travis Rosenberg said, while getting angrier. He was trying to watch what he said. He didn't want to threaten to kill Miles Love while he was live on the air.
"Baby we can work this out. How bout I fly you out to my house and let's have a gay party! Let's rub our d*cks together!" Said Miles Love, trying to piss him off even more. Miles Love didn't even live in Cali. He lived in the Midwest somewhere.
"Arrrrrggggghhhhh!" Travis Rosenberg yelled. He was extremely enraged and threw down the microphone and walked out of the studio. He was really sickened by Miles Love and outraged. He couldn't get Miles Love off of him. I cut the internet off and went to sleep.