A Deeper Perspective: Four Reasons Why I will Always be Single
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Image Source: Cottonbro Studio |
I've been single all of my life. When I was in my 20's, going out with men was a lot easier of course because I was younger and had a lot more patience and tolerance for strangers. Since I've been in my 30's it is much harder. My tolerance for meeting strangers has drastically declined due to the domestic violence, stalking, and bullying I've endured. I got tired of meeting men who were all the same.
Poverty is one of the main reasons why I will always be single. No real man wants to date a woman that is poor, and they are not going to take care of me because they have too many other options to choose from. Where I live, poverty is not very common. I fall into an extremely small percentage of poverty infested people compared to the average monthly income. The majority of the people in the state where I am are middle class. If I was wealthier, my chances of meeting a man that will stick around would drastically increase. Unfortunately I will never be wealthy, which brings me to my next reason.
Stalking, human trafficking, and Domestic Violence
Another reason why I will always be single is because I'm a victim of human trafficking, domestic violence, and stalking. According to my research, victims of these kinds of abuses are more likely to end up in the same situation repeatedly. Predators target the same type of victims over and over. They target people from abusive households or low income people. These men all know that I've been abused, and never came from a loving environment. There's no way to hide it. They can clearly see that I'm not being loved, cared for, or respected, and they will take full advantage of me if I let them. I personally always attract ugly abusive men, and I think that's something that will never change.
Stalking is another reason I'll always be single. Alot of men know each other, and are not as exclusive and alone as they appear. If I talk to someone new, chances are, they're going to know someone that is stalking me, and the stalker isn't going to like it. The stalker is not going to let me move on and forget about what they did to me. They're going to keep pestering me and framing me for it. They're going to make it look like I'm pestering and stalking them- not the other way around. I don't stalk or pester people at all, and no one knows.
Criminal history
Most wealthy, single, successful, attractive men are more likely drawn to someone who does not in fact have a criminal record. There are some that are attracted to those with a record, but they usually have another quality that makes up for their criminal mistakes. They may come from a loving environment, or they may have more education, or they simply may be chosen because of their skin color. When it comes to me, my criminal history usually scares away all the good ones. I'm not a liar, and I don't lie to get what I want. I just tell people the truth. Even if I hid my criminal past, someone would eventually expose me. So instead of getting exposed by others, I just tell the truth in the beginning, and men usually take off running in the opposite direction.
Bullies and frauds in the gay community
Another reason I'll always be single is because of bullies in the gay community. There are a lot of fraudulent downlow gays that tell lies on me to make me look stinky and gay. I've never been gay, and I've spent all of my 30's trying to prove my innocence, but got no where. I live in a predominantly gay area. It's normal to be gay where I'm from. When I tell men that I've been straight all of my life, they usually don't believe me. Sometimes women tell lies on me to make me look like I used to be gay. They tell lies to make me look like I'm in a relationship with them and some tell lies to make me look like I came on to them and they turned me down. It's really disgusting and unfair that I'm getting scammed by the gay community like that. It really hurts.
Some women make threats because I don't want them, and men believe them. Some of them even go so far as to tell lies to make me to make me look incestuous, and I'm no where near as sickening as that. Some of them tell lies to make me look like I abuse animals. My enemies are desperate, and they will do anything to drive men away from me and isolate me. It's really stinky and unfair. They are excellent con artists and frauds and they have the gift of gab. They can convince any man that I'm the gay one, and not them. They also tell lies to make me look like I have a learning disability and they tell people that I'm mentally retarded, and I'm not. I'm very smart and I know how to think for myself.
Some of the bullies tell lies to make me look like a pedophile, and I have two children myself. I'm not a pedophile, and those accusations are gross and hurtful. I don't like talking about my children because I don't want to be connected to their father- who I have not seen in 16 years. People are evil, and will still associate me with someone I haven't seen in almost two decades. That is extremely unfair and extremely nasty. Alot of people think that just because they get along with their children's mother or father, that other people do. They can't understand and believe that someone would disappear and not speak to me in almost 2 decades. They find that hard to believe and it isn't fair to me.
Yes there are men who rape people and take off, never to be heard from again. I happened to be a victim of someone like that, and it isn't fair. It's sickening to the max. I'm glad that I don't have a relationship with my childrens father because he was an evil, stank narcissistic person, however, it isn't fair that no other man will be a stepfather in his absence. They all believe that it isn't their responsibility to take over a dead beat dad's position, leaving me to be a single mother for life.
Another thing the bullies do is try to paint a picture to make me look like I carry myself in ways that I do not. For example, I don't wear nail polish. The bullies will make me look like I paint my fingernails and toenails and I do not. I've never even wore red or black nail polish ever in my life. It's sad and it's tragic that these men think I paint my nails like that. My enemies know that making me look like I wear nail polish is one of my biggest pet peeves.
Another lie the bullies and frauds tell is that they tell lies to make me look like I wear disguises as a man. I've never been a transgender ever, and those lies hurt. I don't grow facial hair, I've never taken hormones, and I've never pretended to be a man. The frauds are very hurtful, yucky, hateful, and extremely deceitful. Their goal is to defame me, degrade me, torture me, and isolate me as much as they possibly can. There is nothing I can do to stop them and no one to sue for emotional distress and fraud. I couldn't even sue the human traffickers back when they were trafficking me.
Another thing bullies do is try to make me look like I wear body piercings. I have tattoos, but not body piercings. I've never had any piercings on my face or on my tongue, genitals, or other body parts and the bullies lie to make me look like a stinky lesbian freak. It's really a turn off, and it's extremely unfair. They tell so many lies, that it is unsafe for me to date. I wait for men to come to me, and they never do. They believe everything that my enemies tell them, and sometimes join in with them on the bullying and name calling.
Another reason why I'll always be single is because sometimes the men bully me on their own free will. They just don't like me. They'll come of with a list of 1,000 reasons why they'll never care about me. Some of them are racists and some are transvestites. Either way, they just don't care for me and never will.
There are alot of reasons why I will always be single, but those are the main reasons. There are a shortage of men, especially black men, that are willing to be responsible and masculine. Most of the men I encountered in the past were very feminine and lacked masculinity to the highest degree. Some of them are into men, and some of them are just flat out bullies and enemies. They have no plans on ever respecting me, my body, my mind, or my choices. That's just the way that they are, and there is nothing I can do to stop them. There are a lot of evil, sinister, men out there and they don't care about my preference for men. They just want to embarrass me as much as they can. That's life.
I'm not jealous of my enemies in any way shape or form, and I hope that one day they will eventually grow up and become better human beings. If not, I'll just keep staying to myself, minding my business, and staying clean. Valentine's day is approaching soon, and while all these nymphos and freaks are getting their freak on, I'll be somewhere reading a book, writing a blog, or coloring in an adult coloring book.