I Read A Blog About Someone's Content Being Stolen, And Then It Happened To Me
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Image Source: Pixabay |
Yeah, you read right, I found out that someone stole my content, right after I started copyrighting my stuff. Making content isn't easy and is very costly. I don't do cheap stuff. I do expensive stuff, and it cost hundreds and thousands of dollars. I don't have time for people to be stealing my stuff, but it happens.
A low down dirty porn site stole my content and reposted it
The thieves stole two of my new videos. They put the videos on their fraudulent porn site, which is full of spam might I ad. They even have the nerve to have way more views than me, and they put their porn site tag in the video. Still images of me and my children in one of the videos, which I find to be extremely disturbing. If I knew that the video would be stolen and put on a trashy porn site, I wouldn't have ever put their pictures in the video. The whole site is full of illegal porn, stolen copyrighted content, underage minors, malware, and spam. What they did to me was illegal and also defamation. I am a music artist. Not a freak. I did not want my content to be stolen and placed on a illegal porn site. Period.
Their site is full of spam
I'm not going to say the name of the site. On their website, it states that they will remove content that is illegal if you request, and that's exactly what I did. I emailed the fraudulent porn site and they started spamming my phone with porn. They even spammed me with images of Muslim porn. I was sick to my stomach. I kept emailing them and a couple of days later, they blocked my email.
I have to have a IP lawyer to have the content removed
After the bogus porn site blocked my email, I filed a dispute through Google. Google said that they can not proceed without a court order. After that, I sent a dispute through the sites domain provider, DynaDot. Dynadot also responded saying that they can not proceed without a court order. They suggested that I hire a lawyer in Northern California. I did a Google search and found a lawyer. After having a free consultation with the lawyer, the lawyer stated that he will charge me $10,000 to start the lawsuit against Dynadot and the porn site. I don't have $10,000.
I posted the fraudulent porn site on my Instagram page and told public that they were a scam. That's all I could do. I'm pretty sure they are going to steal more of my content and they are going to get nastier towards me. I filed a dispute with BBB, and I am currently waiting to hear back from them. They too, may tell me that they can not proceed without a court order. I contacted Dynadot again, and asked them to tell the porn site to contact me.
I'm done filing complaints, the frauds are sickening
I received a response from Dynanot saying that they cannot remove the content because they have no control over the site. That is a lie. They can shut the site down if they really wanted to. After that, BBB closed my complaint case. I was highly disappointed. After that, I contacted the FTC, another U.S. complaints department, and the Attorney General. I probably won't receive a response, but I hope that they will further look into the situation. I really hate thieves, scammers, and frauds, and I hate sleezy porn sites, sex traffickers, and scum of the earth sexual predators.
The complaint filing doesn't stop there. There are more organizations that I can complain to, but I'm already tired of filing complaints against that stupid fucking porn site. I'll never know who really runs it, and they'll never remove the content they stole from me. They're frauds and they just want to fit in.
I'm still being scammed and over-exploited
I'm very hesitant to release more content. The online abuse that I have to put up with from scammers is out of control. I'm already getting scammed by the gay community and their false claims of me being gay, I can't find safe places to film videos in peace, I got scammed by predatory lenders, then on top of that I'm getting scammed by all those sites that let you buy followers and likes, and now this- people are stealing my stuff and posting it on trashy, illegal, spam porn sites. What a rip off. It really hurts and all I can do is fight. Fight for my right to protect my content, and for my right to be straight and not be viewed as gay because I'm not.
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Another free stock photo- Source - Unsplash |
The risky continuous use of stock footage, AI voiceovers, and stock images online
After doing further research, I realized that some of the stock clips and images (not actual photos) used in my commentary videos may be copyrighted. I highly doubt it, but there are some blogs out there saying that some of the images and clips from Unsplash and Pexels might have been stolen without the photographer's permission. I'll never know. I would hate for someone to upload my images and clips onto a stock photo site without my permission. I don't upload content to stock websites, and I never have.
That's one of the reasons I use stock photos on my blogs and my commentary videos in the first place. I always credit where the footage or still image comes from. If I took the photo or clip with my camera, it will say "Actual photo or Actual Footage". All other images or clips are stock footage that I downloaded on a stock image website such as Pexels, Pixabay, Adobe Stock, and others.
It's always good to make sure all the photos were taken from my camera, instead of using a stock photo site, but like I said I'm not a photographer and I don't want the thieves to take all my original hard work. I don't have time to travel to a bunch of places and take a bunch of pictures with my camera just for thieves, gays, and scammers to steal them or modify them without accrediting me or paying me- especially if it's me in the photo.
I don't have time to take pictures everyday. I'm not a photographer and I'm not a videographer but I might start. I only take photos with my own camera for my music albums and press releases and I only record music video footage, or footage of my pet, with my camera- not other types of footage. None of my music video footage is stock footage and the person on all of my album covers is really me. The images on the front of my book cover "I'm still Abstinent" are all free stock images. The person on the front of 'Aint no Love in the A" is really me, and the guns on the cover are stock images, not real guns.
I know sometimes people can't tell what's what, especially if no one knows me in real life. They don't know what's me and they don't know what's stock anymore. I mix too much stock with my own work. For example, all of the images on my new single cover 'Don't wanna be In Yo Squad' are all Adobe stock images, but the images on the front of my old single cover 'Flee the Coast©' are my original copyrighted images only.
I also used an AI voice in my commentary videos 'The Gruesome Travel History of Oya Obinidodo' and 'The Life Story of Oya Obinidodo', which I made first. The voices were generated by Voicebooking.com. I only paid $8 per month (the silver subscription plan) for the voices. It took me 1 day to make one of the videos and 3 or 4 days to make the other one. I didn't want to create the video using my own voice. I use my voice online for rapping, not for running off at the mouth.
I don't like telling my personal business in my own voice. I did make a video that's on Vimeo called 'How to avoid Human traffickers and Human trafficking support scams' using my own voice and picture. I also did a interview on Spotify for the SWIFF film festival last year in my own own voice and with a real interview person, and that's it. I don't talk very much using my own voice and I've only made two videos using the AI. I deleted the voice subscription after the porn site stole my content and posted it on their site without my permission.
I'm On Wikidata, not Wikipedia
Yesterday I created a Wikidata page for myself. I found out very quickly that using the site is extremely complicated. After I created the Wikidata page for myself, I found out that Wikidata is connected to Wikipedia. I tried to create a Wikipedia page for myself, but they rejected my page because I'm not notable enough. I don't give a fuck about Wikipedia, and I don't give a fuck if I'm notable or not. I'll never worry out Wikipedia again. I wanted to delete my Wikidata page, but deleting it was just as complicated as using it. I guess I'll just stay on there forever.
There are alot of American serial killers, such as Ted Bundy, and alot of high ranking criminals and high ranking street thugs on Wikipedia. I'll never be that notable. I'm not into crime to that extreme and my music obviously isn't notable enough for the crime infested Wikipedia.
Today, I recieved another response from a user on Wikipedia about my article submission about myself. I was informed that my references were unreliable sources.
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Screenshot of the message I received on Wikipedia |
Paid Article Placements: I got scammed by fake content farms and click farms
After doing more research, I found out there are alot of low quality websites out there that are running "content farms" for profit. I realized that I have been a victim of another scam. I did pay for all of my blog placements. I spent a lot of money and got into a lot of debt, and the sources weren't even credible enough in the real world.
I realized what an AI blog writer was last summer. One of the sites that I paid to have a placement in was using an AI. I found out because they were using a template. The whole blog was about my rap career, and after the blog was published, in one paragraph a wrong name was used in the blog instead of my name. They were basically using a template that said [[ insert name here ]], and they accidentally forgot to change the name to my name. I ended up emailing the editor, and they changed it immediately. After that, I started writing blogs with an AI myself, and I stopped paying for paid press releases.
I eventually deleted the website that I was using to write the AI blogs, (which was called HolyDeathRecords.com). I wasn't getting any where. I felt like the content was low quality. I switched back to Blogger, so I wouldn't have to keep paying GoDaddy every month for website hosting. The big difference between GoDaddy and Blogger is that my GoDaddy site was ranking in SEO at the top in the Google search under my name, and my Blogger site does not. You can't even find it under my name. That's the difference between paying for a site and not paying for one.
I decided not to use the AI on my blogger site anymore. It was just too low quality. Now I sit around and take the time to write all of these blogs by hand, and they're not even ranking in Google. I can't win for loosing. It's always something. All I know is that I'm not giving the content farms anymore money to place me in their blogs. If I want a blog, I'll write it myself and place it on my own site. I don't need them. They're frauds. They're not even taking the time to write the stuff. They're not real journalists and they're not real writers. They're not the Associated Press, and they need to stop copying their formula. There are alot of fake click farms out there, and I don't want to be ripped off.
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