Six Reasons I Don't fly off the Handle When A Guy Breaks Up With Me
Guys break up with me all the time. Whether I only knew them for one hour, one day, one week, a few months or a whole year- my relationships with men never last. That is not a reason to go flying off the handle or go try to harm myself or another person. I never understood why people go through such drastic measures after a breakup. It's not that serious.
With age, comes maturity. When I was younger, I used to trip and cry over a guy leaving me. I was very young and immature and naive. These days, I don't cry over them and I do not try to harm myself. Guys have too many problems. I can't see myself crying over a man that has sex with men, or a man that makes love to sadistic, jealous, downlow gay women- which most of them usually end up leaving me for.
If you're feeling like harming yourself or your partner- don't. It is not that serious. Read this blog and maybe you'll feel better about your situation. Here are the warning signs that you should consider before harming yourself or another person. All of these things have happened to me, so I know what I'm talking about.
They never spoil you
Why harm yourself or cry over someone that doesn't spoil you? Maybe you see other people getting spoiled and wonder why it will never happen for you. Maybe you saw a guy just buy a girl a new car with a red bow on it, or maybe you seen someone being spoiled with a new 14 carat gold tennis bracelet and ring for their birthday and wonder why you didn't get anything.
If someone doesn't buy you anything, take you out on dates, or pay any of your bills - you might want to rethink crying or dying over the person. If you're on medication for mental health, you might wanna learn to take it regularly. If you're not on medication, and you wanna die over your partner or lack thereof - you might wanna seek professional help right away.
They never call or text you first
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Man on phone texting |
If you're always calling them or texting them first. They're not into you. Plain and simple. Don't be in a parasocial relationship. Parasocial relationships aren't cool. It's very lame. You should be able to read between the lines and get the picture. If someone is treating you that way, delete their number and move on immediately. Do not dwell on the past or stay stuck on the person that is ignoring your need to be liked. If it feels like you're being left out, then ten times out of ten, you are.
They're ashamed of you
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Group of men bullying woman |
If you're talking to someone, and they never invite you to public places, maybe it's because they're ashamed of you. Maybe they're taking advantage of you and they're only using you for sex or money. Maybe they secretly think you're ugly and they're only wanting one thing from you.
Maybe they assume they're better than you because of their social or economic status. Whatever the reason, you need to cut that person off and move on. Why would you cry over someone that was ashamed of you? Get a grip on yourself right away, before you make a decision you'll regret. If they're treating other people better than they treat you- then they don't like you.
They call you names and act like they're joking
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If someone is always calling you a name that you don't like, then they aren't on your side. People call me names all the time, and when they do- I cut them off. I don't sit around and entertain all the nonsense. They could call me a bitch, a whore, a wack retard, a man, a gay lady, or whatever other derogatory name they can conjure up. They might talk down on the way you dress, or how your hair is done, or say that your cooking is bad. They could pick on your accent or the way you talk.
Once the verbal abuse starts, it's time to get out of there before things turn physical. Even if the person tells you to lighten up. Words can hurt, and you should know that by now. Words can make or break someone's whole soul, so watch what you say, and think twice before you slander and degrade someone, and think twice before you put up with it from another person.
They force you to run away or hide in fear or embarrassment
If you're always running away from someone, then obviously they aren't for you. No one should be bullying a person to the point where they're always running away and hiding. If you're hiding under your bed, hiding in closets, locking yourself in your room, or always packing all your belongings and moving far away, then you know for a fact that whoever is driving you to do it is not your friend.
You should not have to hide from someone if they care about you and they should never make you feel bad about talking to them. If people treated you with respect, then you wouldn't have to do all of that now would you? If anyone is forcing you to isolate yourself, they do not care about you. Maybe the person is spreading lies on you or saying that you did things that you didn't do. Either way, if you're forced to haul ass, then they're not for you- and should be left in your past forever.
They're just downright sickening
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An isolated person |
If someone is always doing something that disgust you, then there's no need to cry over them or harm yourself or someone else. Why cry over a sickening person? Maybe they're having incest with all of their relatives and framing you for it. Maybe they're a pedophile that sleeps with kids. Maybe they have sex with animals. Maybe they participate in cannibalism and they probably drink blood and eat human flesh.
Maybe they're a serial m*rderer or a thief and want to use you as an accomplice so they can throw you away for life. Maybe they're lying and telling people you're their partner after they dumped you, just to stop someone else from being with you.
Maybe they eat bowel movement and take golden showers from people. Maybe they have orgies. All of those things are morally disgusting, and you shouldn't feel bad about yourself if you don't want to participate. Move on and let them lie on you. They're not worth it.
I'll never cry over a guy breaking up with me because they never spoil me, they never call or text me first, they're ashamed of me, they call me names and act like they're joking, they force me to run away and hide out of fear and embarrassment, and they're just downright sickening.
I hope that you learned something today by reading this blog. Everything isn't always what it seems and as the old cliche goes "everything that glitters, isn't always gold". Always pay attention to the warning signs when it comes to being in a relationship, and you can save yourself the embarrassment and trouble of loosing your life or freedom.
Ways to locate different cultures on the East Coast United States
Do you live in an area of mixed culture? The East coast part of the United States can be one of the most diverse coasts in the entire world. Do you often live around a race that is different than yours and feel like you don't fit in? Here's how to locate diversity in your area.
If you are Mexican and trying to find Mexicans, go to a Mexican restaurant. If you are Chinese and trying to find Chinese people, go to a Chinese restaurant. If you are African and trying to locate Africans, go to a African shop. If you are Dominican, go to a Dominican hair salon. If you are Arab, go to a Arab supermarket. If you are European, go to a European store. If you pay attention, there is cultural differences all around you.
If you're looking for a Peruvian chicken, go to a Peruvian restaurant. If you're looking for a Saudi Arabian books, go to the store that sells Saudi Arabian books. If you're looking for a Jamaican flag, go to a Jamaican store that sells Jamaican flags. It's not hard to locate your own nationality. I think you get the picture.
Knowledge is Power: Expand your diversity
If you don't want to locate your own nationality, try going to a different place. If you're Italian and you want to locate an El Salvadorian person, go to an El Salvadorian restaurant. If you're African and want to locate a Vietnamese person, go to a Vietnamese place or shop at a Vietnamese store online. If you're Mexican and want to locate a Dominican person, go to a Dominican nightclub. It's that simple.
If you're Haitian and your looking for an African American date, go to an African American bar. You may have to travel a few extra miles but it will be worth it. Experiencing new cultures and a new way of life can be a bit challenging, but also very fun and exciting. Thinking outside the box is a very good thing.
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