Terror Firsthand #1: A Story About the time I got Played and Pimped Out
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Woman making purchase online |
In today's blog, I will share with you a fictional story about the time I got played and pimped out. None of this really happened. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head.
Warning: Sexual content
The time I got played and pimped out
I was chilling in my room on a Sunday night. My 36th birthday had just passed and I wanted to celebrate. I had no friends or family and I didn't get any presents. I decided to go to a sex party. I saw the event on a popular ticket website, and the fee was only $50 to get in. The ad read:
Best adult party in town! Come to the hottest sex party in the city! Fulfill your wildest dreams! Must be over 30 to enter!
I hurried up and purchased a ticket. After I brought the ticket I washed my hair. I searched for all the sexy lingerie I had laying around in my closet, and then I took a shower and got dressed. I put on an orange bikini, and then I threw several more bikinis into my bag and headed to the party.
After I got inside, I realized I wanted a drink. I headed over to the bar and ordered a bottle. A half naked man walked over to me and said,
"Hey you're not going to drink all of that by yourself are you? "
"Yeah I am." I replied.
"I don't think that's a good idea. Why don't I drink with you. You're here by yourself aren't you?" The half naked man asked. All he had on was his underwear. He was attractive, and was very muscular.
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Woman talking to man at party |
"Don't worry about what's a good idea for me. I make my own decisions. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do with my own bottle. Get outta here!" I yelled while shooing him away.
"With a attitude like that you'll never get laid. Why are you even here? This don't look like your type of spot anyway." The man said, staring at me with lust in his eyes.
"Don't worry about why I'm here, worry about why You're here." I said, while looking down at the floor instead of at his sexy face.
"I'm here to see you." He said, while coming up behind me and groping me from behind. "You need to calm down and let me put this d up in you. After all, you are at a sex party. You're not at a coffee shop. Lighten up."
Soon the stranger touched me I felt my blood running through my veins. His strong masculine touch made me feel like I was on hots. I needed it, and the strange man knew.
"Ok. You can have some of my bottle. Geesh." I said while preparing to pour the handsome stranger a glass.
"Look shorty, I don't even want your bottle. I want you." Said the man in a seductive low tone, while turning me around to face him.
"What kind of sex party is this?!" I said to myself, not out loud. Before I knew it the man grabbed my hand and took me to a private room. The lights were very dim, and there was a hot pink neon sign on the wall that said "Lighten up baby".
After I was in the room the man started to pull his private parts out and penetrate me.
"I don't even know your name!" I yelled, while he was stroking me to a rap drill song that was playing in the background.
"You don't need to know my name, all you need to know is this D being up in you". He said, while pounding the living daylights out of me. He took his hand and covered my mouth so that I couldn't say anything else. He pounded me for about 10 more minutes before he pulled out and hopped off of me.
"My name is Carlos Alejandro Santiago, what's yours?"
"My name is Oya Obinidodo."
"Oh, well it's nice to meet you."
"Yeah, nice to meet you too. So what should I do now? Should I just leave?" I asked.
"No I think you should stay. I have some friends that want to meet you". Carlos Alejandro Santiago said.
"Oh yeah? What do they want?" I asked, sounding ignorant.
"Come on, you know what they want. They're going to pay you". He said, with a look of disgust on his face. Like I was gross or something.
"What? How much?" I asked.
"Look b*tch. Don't be asking me all those questions. Now go to the bathroom, wash that g*y a** p***y of yours and get ready for my homeboys." The man demanded.
Carlos was a m*therf*cking pimp. I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I came to a sex party, and happen to run into a pimp. What were the odds of that happening? I shook my head as he stared at me with pure disgust. He looked like he was trying to hold back his vomit. He hated me, and wanted me to know. I walked to the bathroom and everything I needed was in there to freshen up. There was a shower, baby wipes, baby oil, condoms, lubricant, body wash, perfume, a hair dryer, and even makeup. While I was in the bathroom, Carlos walked over to me and handed me the bottle I had purchased.
"Here, I know you need this now. It's all yours." He said with a mean smirk on his face and walked back out of the bathroom.
I got dressed like he asked and headed back to the same private room. Another guy came in and threw a hundred dollar bill on the table. He had his way with me and then another one came in. Then another, then another, then another. After about 20 men had my body, Carlos Alejandro Santiago walked back in and said,
"You're done for today. You can go wash up and put your clothes on."
I was sick to my stomach. I grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom. While I was in the bathroom Carlos walked back in, with a woman.
"I have someone else I want you to meet" he said, with the same disgusted look on his face and tone in his voice.
The woman was half naked and only had on a bikini.
"Who do you want me to meet?" I asked.
He pointed to the woman in the bikini and said
"Her. Her name is Luna Daisy Hugo." He said.
Luna Daisy Hugo sounded like an ugly name. I hated women. I was ready to go. I had made over $1,000. I did pretty good.
"Hi, Luna, I don't mean any harm but I'm about to go. I don't have time to talk to you." I said.
"I want this tard to suck my p*ssy, and I ain't paying her a dime." Luna Daisy Hugo said, while staring at me with a gay face.
"Wait, what did this trick just say?" I said, looking confused. I thought I was hearing things.
"You heard me b*tch I said I want you to eat my p*ssy and you ain't getting out of here until you do. Right Carlos?" The deranged lesbian demanded while looking at Carlos, who was one of the gayest pimps I had ever seen by that point.
Luna walked over to me and said "Imma make you my wife."
I immediately punched Luna Daisy Hugo in the face and she fell to the ground. I ran right past Carlos and out of the bathroom into the main room. No one was in there. Everyone had left and went to another room. I went to the door to exit, but it was locked. I was locked in from inside and couldn't escape. Carlos came storming down behind me and then started choking me by the neck.
"B*tch where the hell do you think you're going? This is my party. You do what the f*ck I say. Luna Daisy is my bottom b*tch and you do what the f*ck we tell you to do. If she say eat her p*ssy, then you better pleasure the f*ck out of her like she requested. I don't care if you don't swing that way. You do what we say." Carlos said, as he released his grip on my neck.
I couldn't believe this was happening. All I wanted was a man. I ended up getting raped, pimped, and now some funky lesbian dyke is in my face trying to force me to go down on them and they know that I'm not gay. I did not want this to happen.
"Oh yeah, and that money you made tonight, that's our money- not yours, so you might as well go ahead and pay that up right now." Carlos said. By that time Luna Daisy Hugo had gotten up off the floor and was standing in front of me.
"Where my money at h*e!" She yelled.
Luna Daisy Hugo and Carlos Alejandro Santiago forcefully went into my purse and got the money out. They busted out laughing at me, and then they kissed in the mouth. It was a disgusting sight.
"Who this tard think she was. We was not about to let her go with the money!". Luna Daisy Hugo said again.
I threw up on the floor. I had just gotten raped by over 20 men, pimped out, and then robbed. All I did was go to a sex party. Unbelievable.
"I still want you to eat my p*ssy. I don't care if you throw up tard. All you're good for is pleasuring people, and men aren't going to be the only ones that I let you pleasure. You're mine now, and you do what I say." Luna Daisy Hugo started taking off her thong and I immediately smelled the fish odor coming from her private area.
"Come eat big mama!" she said, while laying down on the chair with her legs wide open.
"Go!" Carlos yelled.
I walked over to Luna Daisy Hugo and started punching her in the face over and over. I threw so many punches that she didn't even fight back. Carlos walked over to me and grabbed me off of the phoney dyke. Then he started choking me again.
"Just go with the flow, you disgusting motherf*cker. That's why you'll never be anything. You don't know how to follow instructions." He said while I used my knee to kick him in the nuts. He released his grip. I thought he was going to murder me, but he didn't.
"I'm not going down on a girl! Leave me alone!" I yelled, crying and feeling sickened and trapped. I was scared that Luna was going to rape me and force me to bump p*ssy with her. I threw up again.
"Like really h*e, we took you in, helped you make all that money, which now belongs to me, and now you don't want to make love to me like you did all those men? You even had my man!? What do I look like letting you play me? You belong to me now!" The deranged lesbian yelled.
"I don't owe you anything! I didn't know this was a gay party! I wouldn't have never came!" I screamed.
"B*tch please. I'm going to tell everybody that we had sex and no man is going to want you." Luna Daisy Hugo said, looking at me with disgust.
"Yuck! What kind of perv are you! You're sick!" I yelled.
"And You're a tard, and everyone knows! They are all going to think you ate me out anyway!" She said.
"Both of you shut up!" Carlos said. "Now Oya, go hump on Luna, and do as I say!"
I didn't go over there. Instead I walked back to the door, trying to figure out how I was going to get out. It seemed like this gay hell that I was stuck in just wouldn't come to an end. I couldn't believe this man was really trying to force me to be gay.
"You should be thankful that I want your nasty a** body after you slept with all those men anyway. A lot of women would love to have me. You should be thanking me that I even want you!" Luna screamed, forcing me to know that she had a lesbian need. I felt so trapped I began to wish I was d*ad.
"Y'all can go ahead and k*ll me. I'm not humping no female so go ahead and take my life. I give up." I said.
"I will, but I still want your p*ssy before you take your last breath. You owe me." Luna said as she walked over and tried to get on top of me and straddled me. I punched her in the face again and she said
"Come on, touch me. Touch my br*asts. Suck on them." She said.
I spit in her face and said "No f*ggot!. D*e!"
"It was a camera in the room too, just so you know. We have you on tape pleasuring all of those men. I'm going to black mail you if you don't start f*cking Luna. After you hump Luna, I have more women lined up and I want you to eat them all out and hump them all!" Carlos Santiago said while laughing hysterically. Carlos Alejandro Santiago was a cruel and heartless monster. Going to the sex party was a huge mistake.
"If you try to tell the cops or anyone else, you're going to jail for beating Luna Daisy Hugo up! You have no idea who you're messing with! Your DNA is all over her! If you try to snitch on us, I'm going to snitch on you faster than you can blink! Everyone that was here is going to testify against you and say that you were the one that beat her up and forced yourself onto her! How do you think that's going to make you look huh?! You should've just did what I asked! I'm going to put your face on the news and all of the blogs and the headline is going to read:
Prostitute Brutally Assaulted Lesbian Lover in a Domestic Violence Dispute and is Accused of Operating a Sex Trafficking Ring"
Carlos said, with pure evil in his voice. He was one sick f*ck. The people at the sex party had some pretty unnatural fantasies. I didn't expect to be forced into anything. I thought everything was voluntary. I regretted going non stop, while the sicko pimp continued yelling, threatening me, and ranting,
"You'll never make it out of here a straight woman! You're going to be gay forever and I'm going to film you while you hump all of them! You'll be so isolated from the world and no one will want you! By the time we finish destroying you, everyone will think you're a boy instead of a girl! Everyone will think you have a d*ck until you give up and show them your p*ssy! Once a h*e, always a h*e!" Carlos Alejandro Santiago continued.
And that's when I woke up.
I was sweating hard and my heart was pounding as I hopped out of bed. I couldn't believe I had such a terrible nightmare. I was shaken with fear, and glad at the same time. No one was on top of me trying to rape me. No one was pimping me out, and no woman was trying to force gay sex on me, no one was arresting me for a fake, gay, domestic violence case, and I'm not being accused of running a sex trafficking ring on the news.
It was just a scary, terrifying, dream. I hope that it will be the last gay nightmare, that I ever have. I poured my self a glass of hot chai tea, and took a deep breath, ready to start my day. I felt relieved. I then made a promise to myself that I will never run into any monsters like Carlos Alejandro Santiago and Luna Daisy Hugo ever, in real life. There's millions more predators just like them scattered throughout the globe, and I hope to avoid them all.