Terror Firsthand #6: Visiting Kodak River for first Time
© Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in April 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: Visiting Kodak River for first Time
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At Kodak River during Thunderstorm |
The next day when I woke up, I vomited. I couldn't stop thinking about how hard my life had gotten, thanks to a bunch of gross, nasty bullies. These were no ordinary bullies. These predators are much more heinous than I could have ever imagined. They are the type to spy, stalk, rape, torture, inbreed, and m*rder and then lie forever to cover their tracks. They have no soul, and no conscious, and they never have any remorse towards me. They will always be racist and they will always hate me and drag me down.
These type of deadly human predators will never own up to their behavior, and they will always lie to get out of something. They are truly disgusting people and flaw to highest extreme and I am tired of having to suffer because of their sadistic actions and unnatural beliefs. Here I am, in the middle of the forest, surviving with the bare necessities and living like a wild animal. I wanted to live better than this.
The rain began to pour and a thunderstorm arose. The temperature had dropped to 35°, and I am freezing. I have way to warm myself up. No fire, no heater, no electricity and no heat warmers. I had purchased a portable generator, but it broke and stopped working soon I arrived at the campsite. Plus, I didn't have anywhere else to recharge it, except my car. I didn't want to run the bar battery down, trying to charge the generator. During the storm, it got so cold, that I grabbed my Labrador and got in the car. I cut the car on and ran the heat for as long as I could. I eventually cut it off because the nearest gas station was 2 miles away.
It stormed and stormed and I thought that it would never end. Eventually the rain stopped, and so did the thunder and lightning. I got out of the car and went back inside the tent for a few hours. Then I drove to get gas, and then went to a nearby pawn shop called Peanut City Pawn. What an ugly name. When I walked in, there was taxidermy everywhere. There was a huge grizzly bear, lots of elk heads and even birds. The whole store gave me the creeps. I took my portable generator in there, along with a bunch of jewelry and watches. I arrived at the register with my stuff.
"I'm not interested." Said the redneck white girl. She looked like she smoked six packs of cigarettes a day. I could tell she was a real hillbilly. Her attitude showed it.
"What do you mean you're not interested? You don't even know what I have. I haven't even opened up my mouth." I replied, feeling sick inside the store. She was really rude.
"I'm just not interested in buying any of that stuff. Now go on now." Said the redneck while shooing me away like I'm a dirty negro or something.
"Man f*ck you!" I yelled.
"Your mama!" Yelled the white redneck.
I grabbed my property off the counter and headed out of the store, but before I did that, I grabbed several glass objects from off of the shelf and slammed them into the floor. They all cracked. Then I ran out of the store to my car and drove to the nearest supermarket to buy a bottle of pink wine, s'mores, a dog bone, and a piece of steak to grill. I didn't like the attitude of the people around there so I just headed back to the campsite without bothering to see if I could sell anything else.
I grilled steak and drank wine while watching scary stories on YouTube. One of the YouTubers had an option to submit your own story. I typed up a long story about a time that I was bullied, and submitted it to the YouTuber. His name was Northern Vampire. I checked Northern Vampire's channel every single day for several weeks, I still did not hear my story.
"I guess he didn't select me." I said out loud.
I got tired of checking his channel and gave up. I never looked at his channel ever again. I eventually started looking at other stuff on YouTube. Like a channel called Yes Bumper. One day, while chilling in my tent, I went on Yes Bumper's website to see if I could get on. There was an option to have my music played for $200 and also a free option. I chose the free option. I submitted my new single and waited for several days. I did not get a response.
I watched the show a couple more times and figured out that I didn't like it anymore. There were too many fake people on there. One episode was really disturbing. It was about a porn star that confessed to literally sleeping with thousands of men and said that she enjoyed licking their a**holes. I thought that was gross and uninspiring so I decided I would never watch Yes Bumper again. Their channel wasn't for me. I started looking for something else to watch. I couldn't find anything so I cut the TV off and sat in silence for several days.
I didn't want to go fishing or kayaking because I was scared of alligators and sharks. I decided to go hiking today for 10 miles. I walked around the trail over and over. I eventually became bored.
"What should I do now? I don't want to submit another scary story and I don't want to submit my music, and I certainly don't wanna go to another store to try to sell anything." I said out loud.
I had no one to talk to and no where to go. I decided to chop down some wood and start a fire. I decided to make s'mores for the first time and recorded it. I posted the clip on my Instagram subscriptions channel, right after I deleted the behind the scenes footage from the lodge that I visited a few weeks prior. I still had no subscribers, and after the way the lodge treated me, I didn't want to show it off anymore. I didn't delete the music video though. That would've been stupid.
I began hearing a lot of unclean voices in my head picking on me.
"We'll never love you and we'll never let you go. You belong to us, you dirty gay tard. We're going to call you tard everyday for the rest of your life because that's the only thing we know how to do!" The yucky voices screamed.
There were like 50 or more people living in my head. They were all saying the same thing. I took prescription pills every day, but I couldn't make them stop. I heard another voice say
"We'll never buy your merchandise and we'll never subscribe to your channels. Don't give that gay tard y'all phone number y'all!" As if the voice was telling everybody they knew and the whole world not to give me their number.
I began to hear so many of them that I threw up. I threw up the steak, the wine, and the s'mores. "What a waste of money." I thought. I fed my Labrador a new bone. Then, I sat in silence some more, until I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke up the next day, and I was greeted by a squirrel. Some foragers would've loved to come across such an animal. People eat fried squirrel in certain places. There are some animals I have never eaten and those animals are Bison, Dogs, Horses, Bears, Squirrel, Alligator, Rats, Beavers, bugs, frogs, and Snakes. I started noticing so many different wildlife species, that I began having flashbacks of being a carnivore.
I decided that from that point on that I was going to go vegan as long as I was living in the wild. I didn't want to eat any more meat. I had plenty of soup in my car, so I didn't need to drive to any stores. I had enough vegan food to last an entire year. Plus, I would be able to keep the soup down on my stomach without vomiting as much. Becoming vegetarian was a great idea.
Eventually my 30 day stay at Kodak River was coming to a close. I packed up my gear and headed towards a thrift store. I donated about a trash bag full of my property to the thrift store, and headed to another campsite an hour away called Camp Rivera. I unpacked my belongings, which only took 3 hours this time because I had less stuff. I noticed a hunter waking through the site. The hunter was dressed in camouflage and had on a bright orange safety vest and was white. He was carrying a shotgun and had two foxhound dogs with him. I was used to seeing white people at these campgrounds. I wasn't scared.
A few hours later more campers arrived. About six RV's parked nearby and about 3 more tents were set up. I wasn't alone. It was one of the most popular campgrounds I had been to in years. I didn't want to be around so many people. I couldn't believe that Camp Rivera would be so packed. Eventually the whole campground was full. Later that night, someone started throwing a loud party. It was about 20 people at the site blasting loud music, laughing, and having the thrill of their camper's lives. They were all eating s'mores and hot dogs and drinking alcohol. I tried hiding from them as long as I could, but I eventually had to come out of the tent to get dog food out of the car. I never leave dog food out because of the wild animals.
As I was walking to the car, I saw little kid around 8 years old sitting on a picnic table alone, crying profusely. He had a black eye and he looked like he didn't belong. He had no other friends and the other kids at their site were a few years older than him, like 13 or 15. I wanted to know what was wrong with the kid, but it was none of my business. I walked back in the tent and felt uncomfortable.
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At Camp Rivera |
"I'm ready to go. This can't be happening. There is not enough privacy at this campsite, and there is a lil kid out here with a black eye, crying in agony, that no one will ask what's wrong. It's time to bounce." I said out loud to myself. I didn't want the campers to see me talking to myself out loud either. I wanted to run and hide.
I said to myself that I would leave the campground the next day, and that's exactly what I did. The next morning, I packed up all of my gear and I headed towards another campground called Camp San La Muerte, which was another four hours away. I was hoping it would be less popular. I'm not a people person by a long shot, and that will never change.
Being at Camp San La Muerte was a dream come true for me, and it would've been an absolute nightmare for people like Tracia and Morricio Pueblos. Christian people hated witchcraft and always wanted the world to know.
When I first got to the gate, there was a gigantic statue of San La Muerte on each side of the gate, and a sign that read Welcome to Camp San La Muerte. Two grim reapers were standing at the gate. One was San La Muerte and one was Santa Muerte. Of course, Santa Muerte was the lesser. They both greeted me and said "Bienvenido a San La Muerte." Like a sign wasn't there that read the same thing. After I entered the gate, the two grim reapers turned into ashes and a ghost like figure and spirit started following me. It was kind of like Casper, but this spirit was no joke.
The campground was about 1 million acres, and I had the whole campground to myself. It was almost the size of a desert in California. Anyways, I didn't have to set up any tents because everything was already set up. The ghost like grim figure, known as San La Muerte said "Park wherever you like. This is your world. Do whatever you want."
"Wow! Cool!" I screamed like a little nerdy kid. I parked at the largest tent I could find. There were statues all around the tent and flowers everywhere. It was like a fairytale.
"I didn't know places like this really exist." I said, because I didn't. I didn't grow up rich. I grew up dirty and poor.
I walked inside of the tent and there was a statue in each corner and a huge statue in the middle of the floor. There was a bowl of dog bones for my dog and a bunch of fresh food, liquor, and snacks, kind of like at the lodge, but much better. There was a walk in closet inside the tent and it had thousands of clothes and shoes that were exactly my size. No one was going to bother me. The ghostly precense of San La Muerte followed me in the room and said,
"Whatever you want. I will give it to you. It will be with you within seconds."
"What the f*ck is this? I feel like I'm in a twilight. This can't be real." I said out loud.
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At San La Muerte |
"It is very real. Ask me for something. Go ahead." Said the ghost of San La Muerte.
"Umm okay. Give me a stack of real money. 100's. Not ones." I said with the quickness.
A tall stack of 100 dollar bills immediately popped up on the nightstand by the bed. I walked over and picked it up to see if it was real. Then I grabbed out a counterfeit marker to see if the money was fake. It wasn't.
"Wow! How neat!" I exclaimed. "Thank you San La Muerte. Can I ask for something else?"
"Sure. Ask away. I'll be with you for the rest of your life." Said the ghost.
"Umm. Can I have a new Bentley. Um, a gold one." I requested. "Oh, and a new necklace with your face on it."
"There are already necklaces with my face on them inside the tent. Look inside the drawer to your left. And the new Bentley is already outside. Go look." Said the San La Muerte ghost.
I could not see the ghost physically, it was like a vapor or something. I could only hear it. I knew it was following me around. It was stuck to me. I looked in the drawer on my left and saw a bunch of iced out necklaces with San La Muerte face on them. The necklaces must've been worth millions. I grabbed the diamond tester and the diamonds were real. I was in there. Then I peeked my head outside and saw the Bentley. I walked outside and the keys were on top of the car. I started the car and said,
"Oh my goodness! This is real. Thank you San La Muerte, and tell Santa Muerte I said what's up!"
I cut the car off and got out of the car and walked back inside the tent. There was a remote control in the tent that allowed me to change the scenery. There were different scenes: city, forest, mountains, desert, and thousands more. I didn't have to leave the campsite. I clicked the button for desert. I walked back outside and the same Bentley was parked in the desert. I walked back in and pressed the button for city. I walked back out and the same car was parked in the city.
"Wow!" I said. "This is so freaking cool!"
"Hey San La Muerte, can you do one more thing?" I asked.
"Can you cut the light off? I don't feel like grabbing the remote." I asked.
The lights immediately went off.