Watch Oya Obinidodo: Solo Glamping Adventure & Live Performance

Watch me as I show viewers what it's like to go solo glamping while rapping at the same time. Please excuse the fact that I wanted to film this adventure so bad, that I didn't even bother wearing makeup. It was scorching hot outside, and the makeup would've just melted off my face anyway, which is not cool. Who has time to sit around and refresh makeup all day when there's other things that need to be done? I don't! 

I know there's a rule out there that says when you're in the entertainment business, you should never go on set without hair and makeup. For this adventure, that rule went out of the window. I decided to face my true self, and go all natural for this one. 

Also, stay tuned for more ©Terror Firsthand stories (fiction). For best results, start from the beginning with story #1 Terror Firsthand: A story About the Time I got played and pimped out and read all the way up to the latest story, which is #7, Terror Firsthand: Living At Camp San La Muerte

Also stay tuned for the second part to Living Around Dangerous Human Predators and How to survive Them (non fiction) which will be dropping between this year and next year. If you haven't already, read the first book. It's still sitting in the merch store, waiting for you to grab it. Wait, there's more new underground rap music by me dropping on all music platforms very soon, so stay tuned for that as well. 

Warning: Not suitable for viewers under 18. Viewer discretion is advised. Also please be advised that I am still not affiliated or associated with anyone, and anyone claiming to know me is fraudulent and a scam. If you don't like my content please go away. Do not just just sit there and bully me like a gross racist f*ggot. No one is forcing you to look at me. 

Watch Solo Glamping Adventure & Live Performance on YouTube 

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