Terror Firsthand #11: They From Miami
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual content
Terror Firsthand: They From Miami
After I got raped in Vegas by the five gay men, I vomited everyday for 12 months straight. The men disappeared and turned into ashes after they were finished, and I didn't end up in another gay room. They just wanted to rape me. I hid in the room and did not come out for 12 months. I did not speak to anyone or go anywhere. I had everything delivered, even marijuana and alcohol. No one tried to make a pass at me again, and I did not run into anymore warlocks.
No one called my cell phone, and no one checked on me to see how I was doing. I was sickened to the max, and tired of getting raped by those f*cking gay f*ggots. No one cared about me. My family neglected me decades ago, right after I was born, and I didn't have one. I didn't know anything about them. I did not have one family member to call for help. I didn't know their names or anything. I fell into a state of depression and I felt extremely grossed out. I cried nearly every single day. I decided that I would never show another person my face ever again.
After the year passed, I started going out in public again, but I did not show my face. I covered my face hoping that the unnatural, sickening predators would f*ck off and mind their business and pay attention to each other. I no longer wanted anything from anybody, and I stopped meeting men altogether. No one approached me, and people stopped speaking to me. It was exactly what I wanted.
I wanted all the gay men to finally stop bullying me and making me feel dirty, grossed out, scared, and unclean. They were all acting like a fatal disease that I couldn't get rid of and I permanently lost interest in dating. I stopped being attracted to men all together, and the sight of them repulsed me forever. They all started appearing to be extremely ugly and unattractive. They weren't for me. They were for each other and those other women. I just happened to be at the wrong places at the wrong time. I was extremely scared someone else would speak to me, or that one of the gay men from the past would come back to haunt me.
Today, I had woke up feeling sick, so I took some over the counter medicine and and drank some hot tea. Big C was laying on the couch watching a movie on TV, while chewing on a large bone. I layed on the sofa nearly all day, writing a story about what happened. It was called " Terror Firsthand: Seeking Revenge against those that crossed the line". The blog post had less than 30 views.
I decided to cast a spell against Emanuela right from the comfort of the room. I didn't want to go to Miami. I didn't want to set my eyes on another ruthless, gay, f*ggot. I casted the spell all day and night and then the phone rang.
"What's up?" Said the caller.
"Who is this?" I asked. The voice sounded familiar. Oh goodness. Not another DJ Vazquez.
"This is Emanuela. I'm in Vegas and I want to see you." He said. I felt sick. I did not want to talk to Emanuela.
I met Emanuela on the corner of Miami Ave and 83rd st three years ago. I was walking and he asked me if he could use my lighter. He was dressed like a woman and had on a long wig, short black fingernails, and a short pink dress. It was clear that he was a tranny. At the time, I wasn't discriminating against gay people so I let the poor man use my lighter to light the cigarette then I walked off because I didn't want it back. He started following me.
"Hi, my name's Emanuela." He said. I didn't ask him what his name was. I just wanted to keep walking.
"Will you be my friend?" Said the tall tranny.
"Nah I don't think that's a good idea. People will think I'm a man." I replied. "Birds of a feather....."
"...Flock together." Emanuela finished my sentence. I didn't want to hang with the f*cking f*ggot. I mean he seemed nice and all but why would I want to hang with a man that likes men? That's not my style. I don't usually hang with trannies.
"I'm sorry Emanuela, but I have to go." I hopped in a cab and sped off to Miami Beach.
I thought that would be the last time I saw him, but it wasn't. He actually lived in my neighborhood. I saw him on the corner the next day, and the next day, and the day after that. He obviously lived in apartment 12. I was staying in Apartment 8. He was really close. He was only four doors away. He spoked to me every day and I said hi and kept walking. Sometimes he would hang outside with multiple trannies at a time. They were all men dressed in wigs and women's clothes. They all had their nails done and looked like they were competing in drag competitions.
One day while I was sleep in my apartment, Emanuela forced himself inside and came into my bedroom in the middle of the night while I was sleeping and raped me with no condom on. He was wearing a short wig and had long black fingernails. His c*ck was extremely huge and I could barely take it. I tried to scream from the top of my lungs but I couldn't. He used a pillow to silence me. After he was done, he squirted semen all over my stomach. Then he went in my refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of wine and started drinking it right out of the bottle.
"Whew girl. That p*ssy tight!" Said the rapist.
"I had to see what that felt like. It almost felt like my boyfriend's asshole! I had to break his in this morning!" Said the motherf*cking monster from four doors away. Then he started chuckling. I did not see anything funny. I started worrying if I had AIDS or not. I couldn't wait for the she-he to leave so I could go to the hospital.
"Girl I like yo apartment! It's cute up in here! Can my boyfriend come chill with us!?" Asked the fu*king fagg*t!
I went to the bedroom to grab a bottle of pepper spray. I sprayed that motherfu*ker all in his eyes until he couldn't see, emptying out the entire can. Then I pushed him out the door and barricaded myself inside the house. I quit my job at the nightclub where I was working, and called the landlord and told them I'll be moving the next day. I packed everything up in one day and called a moving truck company over. The movers loaded up all of my property and then I drove myself to the hospital.
After I checked in at the Woe It's Me Hospital, I sat in the lobby for five hours. It was packed. I didn't want to catch AIDS so I sat there until my name was called.
Then I got up and walked towards the nurse who then took me into the back to the doctor. The doctor arrived and said,
"So, what are you here for today?"
"I'm here because I need PeP." I replied.
"Did you have sex with someone who has HIV?" He asked. "If not then you don't need to take it, it won't be necessary."
"Yes I did. It was an accident." I said.
"Wait right here and I'll go get that dose for you okay? Just sit tight." Said the doctor. His name was Hector Ramirez.
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At Woe It's Me Hospital in Miami, Florida |
I sat for about 3 more hours until he finally came back with the dosage.
"Take these pills for three days and you should be good to go. Start with your first dose here." He said, while handing me three pills and a cup of water. I swallowed the pills and said,
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Come back if you need anything else." Said the doctor before handing me my discharge papers.
I left the Woe It's Me Hospital Emergency Room in Miami with the PeP and drove away with the moving truck. The antiretroviral pills costed a whooping $399 and fortunately, I had used a health insurance called Blue Cross Blue Healed to cover the whole thing.
"Bye Miami! I ain't never coming back!" I screamed while flying down the freeway and sticking up my middle finger to everyone that drove by. I didn't catch AIDS.
Now here, Emanuela was, three years later, calling me out of the blue, talking about he is in Vegas. He must've gotten my number off of my record label website like DJ Vazquez did. I mean it is there for the whole world to see. I wanted to f*cking puke. I almost caught AIDS, Herpes, and Syphilis from him and maybe a disease that I didn't even know existed! Then he had the nerve to have a boyfriend while raping me! Who did he think he was?
I immediately hung up the phone after he said he was in Vegas. Then the doorbell rang. I peeked through the peep hole. It was him! Dressed in a long white gown wearing two braids.
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Mr. Emanuela at front door of my Vegas apartment |
"Come out to play Oya Obinidodo... Come out to play boo!" He clowned. He was alone.
"If you don't come out don't worry. I live next door now! Girl I'm your new neighbor! We gone be besties! Don't worry about calling the police! You know you're not a rat and you know they gay and don't like you and will suck my d*ck at my beckon call! Imma give you some time to ......"
He kept rambling on and on and I walked away from the door and went in the kitchen to grab a knife. I didn't want to have to stab this f*cking gay guy. I've never stabbed anybody before. What type of guy would want to live next door to someone that sprayed him with pepper spray? He was being more sinister than I thought. There was no way this guy was playing fair. He was trying to k*ll me, and I wanted to protect myself. I didn't even know what Emanuela did for a living. How the hell could he afford to move so often!? I couldn't find him on social media or track him down at all. Unfortunately, he found me.
I didn't open the door. Emanuela, walked right in, like he did in Miami. I didn't find him attractive.
"Girl I look good don't I?" He boasted. His confidence was disgusting.
"No you don't! If you come near me imma end yo damn life!" I yelled.
"If you come near me, imma end yo damn life!" He repeated me, mocking me and laughing.
"Girl you ain't gone do anything!" He yelled as he started walking closer. Then he pulled out a recording device and played it back.
"If you come near me imma end yo damn life!" Said my voice on the recording. Emanuela was another sick f*ck! I was silent.
"Umm hmmm. I thought so." Said the monstrous bully. "There's cameras all over yo apartment. I've been watching you in Miami the whole time. I found out you were in Vegas soon you got here stupid. Now come sit on big daddy's lap!" He said, while going to my couch and sitting down. I didn't know where the cameras were, I just knew I was ready to get out of Vegas. I didn't give a f*ck about that apartment. I didn't want Emanuela to locate me again.
"You ain't going away for life now are you?" Asked the monster. I ran to the bedroom to grab my purse while still holding the knife, and I grabbed Big C's dog bag and put him on the leash.
"Un no mam boo. And pass. Where do you think you're going?" The monster said while blocking the door. He looked absolutely gross, not stunning. He was twisted. What did she mean big daddy? Was he a woman or a f*cking man!?
Big C started barking at the monster.
"You ain't getting away from me! I don't care about that dog!" Said the yucky transvestite with the nasty attitude.
Big C started biting the tranny leg and then he pulled out a .40 caliber handgun.
"You ain't gone shoot me!" I yelled.
"Thank I won't! If I do I ain't going to jail either! Don't no body in America want you! The police don't want you! Yo family don't want you! Don't no man want you! And these women know you gay! Don't nobody want your ugly retarded black ass!" Said the evil gay man with the dress on.
I fell silent once again. Emanuela dragged me to the bedroom and locked me in, while he started to undress.
"I want some more of that body!" He screamed.
"No, please don't do this to me!" I screamed. He was still holding the gun. I didn't even have on a vest.
"This time, it won't be no PeP! I'm staying in here for months! I want that p*ssy every day!" He yelled. I knew he wasn't telling the truth. No man wanted to stay locked in an apartment with me for months. He was going to kill me probably. I vomited. He kept undressing. The gay man found out that I had went to the hospital after the last time he raped me.
"Take it off!" He commanded.
"Why me? Why you couldn't find someone else!?" I asked, crying and vomiting at the same time.
"I just told you why. Because don't nobody want yo wack ass! Who gone check for you? Those other women are loved. You're not!" He screamed while stroking his disgusting c*ck. I didn't comply. I kept my clothes on.
"Come put your mouth on it!" He demanded. I could hear Big C barking in the other room.
"And tell that dog to shut up!" He screamed.
I took my clothes off and did what the gay man said. Then I went over to the gay man and gave the man oral. I vomited but he didn't care.
"Ahhhh." The gay man moaned, while holding the .40 caliber. I started going even harder and the man dropped the gun. I immediately picked it up and pointed it at him.
"Shut the f*ck before I blow yo motherf*cking head off f*ggot!" I yelled.
*Ding Ding Ding* The doorbell rang.
I wiped my fingerprints off of the gun and ran to the door to answer it. It was animal control.
"Mam we got a call about a loud barking dog." Said the officer.
"Um yes, he's barking because there's a man in my room and I want him to leave." I said.
By that time the tranny had his clothes back on and walked into the living room.
"I was just leaving." Said Emanuela, while walking right past the officer. I don't know where he went. I don't know if he lived close by or if he was lying.
"Mam are you sure everything is okay? You can't be on this property allowing your dog to disturb the other residents." Said the officer. I vomited.
"Yeah I'm sure he will not bark again and I'm moving out tomorrow." I said. "Please don't take my dog. He was just protecting me."
"You don't look to okay, do I need to call for backup? I mean you look sick." Said the nosey damn officer.
"I am fine, I have the flu." I responded.
"May I see your ID?" Said the cop. I went in my purse and handed the cop the ID. The cop called for back up on the walkie talkie and another cop walked to the door. She handed the other cop my ID and he took it to his car. Then he came back with the ID. I hated cops.
"Mam this is your first and last warning. If we receive another call I'm going to take your dog." Said the cop before leaving. "Have a good night."
I barricaded myself inside like I did in Miami and started packing right away. Emanuela was excellent at breaking into houses. He did not leave a trace. He walked right in and out like it was his own home. I was scared out of my mind. I was sick to my stomach. I had just sucked the transgender's d*ck. It was humiliating. While I was packing, I recieved an email. The headline read "Rapper Oya Obinidodo sucks TS Emanuela's Hard D*ck Inside Apartment". I clicked on the email and it was a video of me performing oral on the tranny. It was over 100 copies of the same video floating all over the internet. He sent all 100 links and I knew exactly where to find it.
"Stupid n*gga. I'm going to sue this f*ggot for revenge porn." I said, as I booked marked the evidence. After I finished packing I put on my bulletproof vest and helmet and grabbed the gun and walked to the car. I needed to get out of town and get rid of the gun immediately. All I took were my important valuables and clothes. I didn't have any furniture. The apartment was already furnished. Emanuela was not in the parking lot. He was no where to be found. I drove to the nearest campground and got on the phone to call a lawyer.
"Hi, I'm interested in a consultation for a revenge porn lawsuit." I told the secretary.
"Sure, wait one moment." Said the secretary, while placing me on hold.
"Hi, this is Bighorn and Bighorn, this is Peter Bighorn, how can I help you?"
"Yes I am a victim of revenge porn. I can't get any of the content to go away. Can you help?" I asked.
"Well you're looking at about $100,000 to get the lawsuit started." He said.
"But I don't have $100,000." I replied.
"Well maybe you should try legal aid. They'll help you. Goodbye now." Said Attorney Bighorn before hanging up without a care in the world.
I called several lawyers and found one that would start the lawsuit for $10,000. I drove back to Louisiana and hid in Louisiana for three months until the day of the court date, moving every two days. I stayed in discreet hotels, RV'S, cars, rental houses, boathouses, vacation houses, tents, and log cabins. It worked because I was not found. I barricaded myself inside at each location. I didn't catch any diseases of the mouth- thank goodness.
One the day of the court date in May, I was back in Las Vegas, standing in front of Judge Bighorn. I assumed he was related to the attorneys. Go figure. After a long deliberation, the court came to a decision.
"The plaintiff will be awarded $10,000 to cover attorney fees, and an additional $2,000 to cover pain and suffering. Plus, all the porn footage will be legally be removed from the internet." He said, while slamming the gavel down.
"What!" I screamed. "He did all that to me and that's all I get!?" I started crying.
"Mam, if you don't calm down I'm not going to grant you anything. Now please exit my courtroom." Said Bighorn.
Emanuela was in there staring at me with a stare that read...do one more thing to me and see what I do. I always get my way. I could barely look at him without feeling the vomit forming in my throat. I could hear him saying "and pass" inside of my head. It was written on his f*ggot face. After I left the courthouse, I drove back towards Tracia and Morricio Pueblos house on the east coast. I stopped every six miles just to pull over and vomit. It would be the last stop that I would make in the U.S. before I head back to my mansion in Alcapulco Mexico.
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At LPC laying low |
I stayed at La Pueblos Casa (LPC) for two weeks. Everything was going smoothly until my back started hurting. The steel plates inside of the bulletproof vest I was wearing were over 20lbs, and the heavy steel helmet was even heavier.
"I don't care if my back hurts! I'm not taking this off!" I said one evening while eating a plate full of deep fried broccoli. It was my favorite vegan dish. I started eating the fried broccoli instead of fried crabs.
I had alot of enemies on the east coast, from Miami all the way to New York City, and I didn't want to chance anything. If I got shot at, the bullet would bounce right off. One day, as I was headed to Grocery Lion which I now refer to as Leon Comida, for a bottle of wine, I saw him. It was Emanuela. I looked the other way.
"Oh my God! What the f*ck is he doing here!?" I screamed. I knew Emanuela wasn't my boyfriend because he already had one. So why was he always after me? It's like, he really hated my guts and wanted me to know, like all the rest. I was hoping he wasn't strapped.
"Girl don't act like that." He said while following me to my car. "I know where you are."
"So. What you telling me for!? Why aren't you with your boyfriend bruh? Leave me alone." I said.
"My boyfriend ain't none of your business. I'm here because I want some more of that body! So why don't you just go pay for a hotel, or imma walk right in and take it like I did in Miami and Vegas!" Said the cruel f*cking monster. Now, I don't wish jail on anybody, but I started wondering why this m*therfucker wasn't in there.
"Oh my God what the f*ck, don't do this bruh! Stop it just go back to Miami dawg! I don't got time for this sh*t so calm the f*ck down dawg!" I said at the top of my lungs. People in the parking list started staring.
"Please don't make a scene. Just go get the room, before I end up in yours!" Said Emanuela.
"N*gga is you high? Go check yourself in somewhere!" I yelled. Then I saw somebody on the phone calling the police. I knew it was time to get the f*ck out of dodge.
"Man n*gga meet me at the fucking Blue Roof Motel on High St. at 11 pm." I told Emanuela before hopping in the car and speeding off. I didn't want Emanuela to walk right into LPC. I just couldn't stay away from Leon Comida. I had already ran into Armando there once before. Now this.
I went LPC to get ready to go see Emanuela. I hated him because he was extremely cocky and had a boyfriend. Plus he was a full-time woman. I never even saw how he looked as a man. I pulled up at the Blue Roof Motel at exactly 11 pm. I got out of the car and went to check in. Emanuela was standing there in parking lot, waiting for me. He wasn't alone this time. He was with another transwoman. Now I was really afraid. I started to turn around but I knew he would walk in LPC, and I ain't have time for that, because I wasn't ready to catch a case. I walked into the room and Emanuela and the other man walked right in afterwards.
"This is my boyfriend." Said Emanuela.
"Then why is he dressed like a girl? Wouldn't that make him your girlfriend?" I asked, seriously.
"I don't identify as a woman. I still identity as man." Said the other man.
He was wearing a dress too, and his hair was laid. I couldn't believe this mess. Why me? I grabbed the San La Muerte necklace I had around my neck and said a silent prayer.
"Man what y'all niggas want man. Why y'all doing this to me. You know I ain't even gay." I said.
Emanuela's so called boyfriend handed me his cell phone and showed me a blog with the headline that read Rapper Oya Obinidodo back With TS Emanuela. There were pictures of me and the trans talking in the Leon Comida parking lot all over the article.
Rapper Oya Obinidodo, who sued porn star TS Emanuela in Las Vegas is now making amends.... The couple plans to link up late tonight to make a new steamy adult film.
The bogus article read.
"Now they know damn well this ain't true!" I said in frustrated and embarrassment. It was then that I found out what his real profession was.
"The court ain't going to let you exploit me! Why you breaking the law bruh?! Stop it!" I said.
"Who said it had to be posted on the internet?" Said Emanuela.
"Man what the fuck! You can't do this!" He said.
"Oh yes I can!" He said, confidently.
"Aren't there other porn stars that you can exploit?!" I asked.
"Girl please. You still whining about me finding someone else? Go freshen up. I'm going to set up my camera." He said.
"Let me get in there with you." Said his boyfriend.
Man why is a man wearing a wig and fingernails trying to take a god-d*mned shower with me!? The TS followed me into the shower, while Emanuela started setting up a bunch of equipment like he was running things.
"N*gga this is bogus. Imma look like yo fan! I'm not your fan! You're my fan!" I screamed with anger. I peeked my head out of the bathroom and there was a pistol laying on the bed.
"Calm down Ed." Said Emanuela from the main room.
"Don't start calling me that! Ew! You going make me vomit!" I said.
"Then after you do that, you going to suck my d*ck, like last time." He said boldly.
His boyfriend shut the bathroom door, locked it and started undressing to get in the shower.
"I'll take all this woman stuff off to be with you." He said.
"Now why the f*ck would I want yo ass after you been fu*king that man in the ass?" I questioned. "And what the f*ck is yo d*mn name?"
"My name is Ghana Bwoy."
"Ghana Bwoy? Really? What do you do for a living?" I asked.
"What do you think I do? I sell my d*ck." He said.
Ghana Bwoy started undressing me and then had his way with me in the shower for about 10 minutes. Then he whispered in my ear,
"I'll really leave that n*gga for yo ass." He said.
Yuck. I thought yo myself. I was not all that flattered by the gay f*cking man. I don't know why they treat me like I'm supposed to like it. I started putting my clothes back on.
"That won't be necessary." Ghana Bwoy said. "Go naked. Don't worry, he is not going to shoot you. I'm not going to let him."
N*ggas started playing good guy bad guy like they cops or something.
"Why should I trust you? I don't even know you!" I asked.
"Because I ain't that nigga sitting out there. I'm me. Now go head." He instructed in a very manly deep voice. He was a whole man, being a b*tch for another n*gga. How sad. Emanuela's voice was way more feminine than his.
"How did you even meet that n*gga?" I asked.
"Now you're asking too many questions. Just go." He said.
I walked out the bathroom nude. Emanuela handed me a blunt and had the camera equipment set up.
"N*gga I'm not smoking that. I didn't see you roll it!" I exclaimed. B*tch n*gga could've laced me.