Terror Firsthand #21: Old Habits Die Hard
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual content
Terror Firsthand: Old Habits Die Hard
I started smoking with Big Ski. Then I started asking more questions.
"So how do you know Mevin?" I asked. "And who's the girl that Mevin told you about?"
"I met Mevin in Milwaukee. He was doing a show out there. I knew one of the promoters that was promoting his show." Said Big Ski, ignoring the other question.
"Oh. So you don't have a girlfriend at all?" I asked.
"No, I don't. Will you do what they won't?" He asked. He always had to rhyme.
"Why don't you rap? I mean, everything you say rhymes. Why don't you do a song with me?" I asked.
"Look baby I'm a G, rapping ain't for me. They going make me catch a B, baby imma a P. Ya dig?" He said.
"Um okay. If you change your mind let me know." I said. Why in the hell was he on Rappers On Point? Get On Yo Knees was a better fit for that nigga. He's not even a rapper.
"Now why don't you go take a shower and freshen up. I have a fly dress that's just your size and I brought it just for you. I knew you would be at that yacht party!" He said.
"So you stalking me? Was Mevin the one that told you about me? Is it me?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's you. And I know you like blue. That gave me a clue. Ya dig?" He replied.
Gosh how many times is he going to say ya dig?!
"Mevin hated me! I know you saw the interview! GB wouldn't even take it down!" I yelled.
"Calm down baby. You really want to take it down? Look. I'll call GB right now and tell him to take down the interview with Mevin Died Heaven dissing you boo." Said Big Ski.
Then he got on the phone and called him. GB didn't answer because he was busy during an interview. Big Ski left a message.
"Nigga this Big Ski. My lil lady said take down the video. You know who I'm talking bout. The one from VA. The Ruff Owtdowz one." He said, and hung up the phone. Big Ski seemed like he was my protection.
I was not Big Ski's lady. I had just met him. I knew he was a pimp, so I had to go with the flow. I then went to take a shower..........
..........The new black Dior fit dress perfectly when I came out the shower. Then he walked over to me and put a tennis bracelet around my neck and a tennis bracelet on my wrist. Then he pulled out a stack of money from the dresser and handed it to me.
"All this for me?!" I asked. Something had to be off. Of course spoiling me too soon is a red flag.
"Yes, it's for you. From now on, I'm not going to call you Oya Obinidodo. I'm going to call you Black Capone." He said.
"Oh hell nah nigga I'm not the new Black Capone, I'm still me!" I yelled. "Call me Oya Obinidodo!"
He must've got in Oya Negra Capone's draws, or maybe he didn't. I'll never know. Then he walked over to me and said,
"I like Black Capone better."
"Man I do not want to be called no f*cking Black Capone bruh. Come on. I'm leaving my name the same. I can't accept this." I said. I started taking the tennis bracelet off and the necklace. Big Ski walked over to me and said.
"Do not take it off, and from now on, you will do what I say. You're my woman!" He said, with authority, like it was supposed to turn me on. I was disgusted that he called me by that dead b*tch name.
"Look Big Ski, my name is not Black Capone. Please don't make me go by that name! Please!" I yelled.
Smaaaaaaaaack! Big Ski smacked me across the face and started laughing.
"B*tch did you really think I was going to give you all that for free!"
That's when I woke up.
It was just a nightmare. I had a bad dream. Big Ski was not beating me up or forcing me to go by the name Black Capone. I must've drank too much and passed out. I was laying in bed with him, with no clothes on. He was holding me close to his nude body. I don't even remember what happened. That's scary. I assumed I slept with him.
"Did we do it?" I asked him, after waking him up.
"Yes babe. Now go back to sleep." Said Big Ski.
What the f*ck! I had sex with Big Ski and don't remember! Was I laced? All I remember was coming in the room and drinking one glass of champagne and then smoked a blunt with him. I tested him for HIV and he did not have it. I went in the bathroom to shower and laid down. I don't remember anything after that. There was no jewelry and no brand new dress, and no stack of money. Just his nude body, laying next to me.
Big Ski started kissing me in the mouth. I don't even know if those other allegations about him are true. Then he started pounding me out for about 10 minutes. After that he got up and took a shower and asked me to go in there. I did. I bathed with Big Ski and then put on the same clothes I had on the day before.
"What are you about to do?" I asked.
"I'm not about to anything. I'm about to pay for your ride back to your place." He said.
"Well can I stay?" I asked.
"I'm not going to make you. You know imma pimp baby. You know I gotta get back to the bread, can't be acting newlywed. Ya dig?" Replied Big Ski.
"Okay. Well can you call me later on?" I asked.
"Oh course I'm going to call. I don't wanna see you fall." Said Big Ski.
He then told me that my ride was waiting outside. He kissed me in the mouth one more time and then I left Big Ski's hotel room and went back to the rental house. Big C was still in there, safe and sound. I went online to see if the Mevin Died Heaven interview was there, and it was gone. The video was then re-uploaded with all the clips of them dissing me were edited and removed. I guess I really told Big Ski to tell them take it down. That part wasn't a dream.
I started cooking breakfast and then went on my cellphone to check the news. I clicked on a blog called DailyStreetNews.Com.
Christopher 'Big Ski' Figueroa Acquitted of all charges
The first headline stated. The article said that all of the charges were thrown out of the window and the whole case was dismissed. I was happy for the guy. I mean I did just sleep with him. Then I went to the sites "Submit Music" section and submitted my new diss track. The one where I was dissing Mevin Died Heaven without saying their names. A few minutes later, my phone rang. It was Big Ski. That was fast.
"What's up, you wanna go out to eat, I'll reserve a seat?" He asked.
"No I just finished cooking breakfast, but how about dinner?" I asked.
"That'll work. Meet me back at the yacht at 8pm." He said. "I'll reserve a table. Do you have any friends that might want to join?"
"No I do not." I replied.
"That's fine. See you there. Don't be square. Ya dig?" Said Big Ski.
I sat around the rental house until 6 pm. Then I started getting dressed. I didn't want to keep leaving Big C. He had separation anxiety, but I wanted to see Big Ski. So far he has already done two things to turn me off. He said he didn't drink, and he asked me did I have friends.
After I arrived at the yacht, I saw Big Ski talking to two women. I didn't want to interrupt. I knew he was a pimp. I didn't even want to sleep with him anymore by that point. I walked up beside him and pretended to mind my business. That's when he walked over to me.
"What's up boo?" He asked.
"I'm fine." I replied, acting like I didn't care.
"So you hungry?" He asked.
"Yeah I want the lobster tail with asparagus and a glass of champagne." I replied.
I didn't know if he would make me pay for it later or not. I mean I did have a nightmare about him right after I slept with him.
"Ok, sit at table 5. I'll be there." He said.
I sat at table 5 waiting for him to come over. The waiter brought the food over. Then Big Ski sat down.
"So listen lil lady. I wanna know more about you. Why don't you have a man?" He asked.
"Because they are not interested in me, and they're funky." I said.
"What do you mean they're funky?" He asked.
"They all have a stank attitude like a female and they all think I'm not good enough for them." I said.
"Well don't put everyone in the same category. You dig?" He said.
"I'm here with you aren't I?" I asked.
That's when the two women he was talking to at the bar walked over.
"Daddy, I'm ready to go." Said one of them.
"Look. Don't you see I'm in the middle of something?!" He said. "Now f*ck off!"
"No daddy I'm not going anywhere. She can join us too if she wants. I'm staying right by your side daddy." One of the women said.
Hell no. I ain't into that. The women refused to leave. Big Ski told me to get up and move to another section. The women followed me and him over there.
"I'm right here daddy." Said one girl.
"Yeah I'm here too daddy." Said the other one.
"If you two don't get the f*ck away from me, you going to get it!" Said Big Ski. He did not want them. He wanted me.
"But daddy don't do this!" One said.
"Please daddy don't." Said the other one.
They were pathetic. All those fine ass men standing around and they had to harass Big Ski.
"Big Ski said leave and that's what y'all need to do." I said, to the both of them. They rolled their eyes and then walked away. I was hoping that would be that last time I saw their funny looking asses.
"Baby don't worry about them. You with me now. They my old hoes. You know how it goes. You dig?" He said.
"I understand." I replied.
Those hoes were funky as hell. They weren't wearing any ugly nail polish but they still were looking scandalous. They looked mad gay and clingy. I was more afraid of them than I was Big Ski. There's no telling what those naggers would do out of spite. I recieved a text on my phone.
I hope you're enjoying your new man.
-Jose Munez
Jose set that spell up for love not revenge. It's all good though.
I thought I asked for a revenge spell, not a love spell.
Then he replied,
You needed love, not revenge my dear. I'm about peace, not hate.
-Jose Munez
Jose took my money and did what he wanted to do. He couldn't make GB go away, but that's okay. I guess he did me a favor. I guess he was right. I was hoping he would not turn on me in the future.
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With Big Ski on the yacht eating dinner |
"Who's that? Your boyfriend?" Asked Big Ski.
"No that's not my boyfriend. He's a priest. He's all the way in Mexico." I said.
"How did you meet him?" Big Ski asked.
"He has a website and I contacted him to pray for me, that's all." I responded.
"Word. I see." Said Big Ski. I sat with him on the yacht until the sail was over and then I exited the boat with him.
"Do you want to come to my place?" I asked.
"Sure." he replied. Big Ski went back to the rental house with me.
If I didn't learn anything from Jose Munez, I learned that not all high priest are the same. Different priest can provide different results.
After I got inside the rental house with Big Ski I sat on the couch with him and watched a long horror movie while eating nachos. I started to wonder if Big Ski had any children.
"Do you have any kids?" I asked.
"Yes, I have three." He replied.
"Where is their mother?" I asked.
"Dead." He replied. He started sounding like Ghana Bwoy and I didn't even know if he was telling the truth. He could have more.
"How did she die?" I asked.
"She killed herself." He replied.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." I said. "Where are the kids at?"
"They're with their grandparents." He replied.
"Oh. Okay. Do you wanna watch another movie?" I asked. "Or do you wanna play a board game?"
"Nah, I think imma just get back to the money. I need to go cracc a few b*tches. It's time to collect my riches. Ya dig me?" He said.
Big Ski just wouldn't let go of the streets. He had just gotten acquitted of charges that could've put him away forever, and still wanted to be a pimp. That was his only job.
"Have you ever worked a 9-5?" I asked.
"No, and I never will. Pimping gone pay da bill. Ya smell me baby?" Said Big Ski.
"I mean, I guess I understand. Aren't you scared to get arrested? All those women are snitching." I asked.
"As long as you're not one of them." He said.
"Hell nah I'm not a filthy rat. I would never tell on you. Even if you did me wrong." I said.
"That's why you're my woman." Big Ski said.
"Are you going to sleep with those women?" I asked.
"No. They can not get the dicc or even a picc. If I sleep with a hoe, it might make me sicc. Is you smelling me?" He asked.
"Ok! That sounds great then. When am I going to see you again?" I asked.
"I'll come back around tonight, after I collect my shmoney." He said. Now he was sounding like rapper Snobby Shmurda.
"Ok." I said.
Big Ski kissed me in the mouth and left my rental house. I have no idea where he went. I was really hoping he was telling the truth because I can't sleep with a man that sleeps with prostitutes. That's too gay. There's enough gay pigs out there making me look gay already, even though I'm not. I don't need any extra negative attention.
While Big Ski was gone, I went to a private gym nearby. No one was in there. That's the only time I go. I walked for 5 miles and then lifted weights. I then started getting ready to leave, a man stopped me on the way to my car.
"Hey, you look like Big Ski's girl. Are you?" Said the man.
"Yeah. Why what's up?" I asked.
"Oh. He's been saying nothing but horrible things about you. He said you stink, you have a body odor, you're gay, you're fat, you're ugly, you're lame, you're retarded, you're slow, and that you'll never find anybody better than him. So why don't you get in the car with me baby and let me show you how a real gentleman is supposed to treat his lady." Said the man.
"Big Ski never told me any of that to my face. He doesn't mistreat me, people mistreat him. Like you're doing right now. Now if you would excuse me, I have to bounce." I said. Then he blocked the door. Oh goodness. Another Nuela.
"Listen here b*tch. You are my woman now, and Big Ski can't have you." Said the ugly nigga.
"Nigga I don't even know you! Get the f*ck out my way!" I said. He then slapped me across the face, grabbed me by the arm, and I started screaming.
"Let me go motherf*cker! Get the f*ck off me! It's a camera out here nigga they going to get you!" I screamed.
"Bi*ch I own this gym. You're coming to work for me!" Said the jealous motherfu*king stranger.
Just as he was dragging me to his van, a random man walked up to him and said,
"Nigga get the f*ck off of her! Let her go!"
"Nigga this my woman. You don't tell me what to do with my woman!" Said the kidnapper.
The other man grabbed the kidnapper off of me and sprayed him with pepper spray. Like I did Nuela when he was alive. Then he gave me his phone number and told me to call him. His name was Jahid. I rushed inside of my car, scared for my life. I then drove away from the gym, never to return again. I didn't even know the man's name. I was able to get his van license plate, and it traced back to someone name Marcus Goldman.
After I got back to my rental house. I barricaded myself inside and called Big Ski.
"Big Ski, I need you to come over right now!" I yelled.
"Baby I'm in the middle of handling some bidness. What's the problem?" He asked.
"Some nigga just tried to kidnap me at the gym! He says he knows you and that he wants me to work for him as a prostitute! I think his name is Marcus Goldman?" I said.
"Oh no baby that name doesn't ring a bell. I don't know no Marcus Goldman. Just sit tight. I'll be over there in a few. Okay?" Said Big Ski, and then he hung up the phone.
After I got off the phone with Big Ski, I called Jahid. He was the only one that knew what happened. Big Ski wasn't there and could assume that I'm lying. Like those other women were.
"Hey, what's up?" Asked Jahid.
"Nothing. I'm very scared. I didn't know that man. He might come back." I said, crying over the phone.
"I can come keep you company. Just send me the address. I'll be there in two hours." Said Jahid.
I sent Jahid the address. There's no telling where Big Ski was. He could've been sleeping with someone else or saying all that bad stuff about me for real. He was a pimp, and pimps so shiesty things. I cleaned the rental house, took a long hot shower, lit some candles, baked a strawberry cheesecake, and waited for Jahid to arrive. I was hoping Big Ski wouldn't pop up without calling.
After Jahid got there I invited him and he started talking.
"So how long have you been in the Chicago area? You should really watch your back out here. Niggas crazy sweetheart. You're too beautiful to be getting kidnapped." Said Jahid.
"I haven't been out here that long yet. A month or so. Would you like a piece of strawberry cheesecake and champagne?" I offered.
"I'll take the champagne." Said Jahid.
"So are you married or in a relationship or anything?" I asked.
"No sweetheart. I'm single baby." He replied.
"How old are you?" I asked.
"I'm 40." Said Jahid. Then my phone rang. It was Big Ski. I didn't answer. He called three more times and then I finally answered.
"Jahid can you excuse me while I take this call?" I asked.
"Sure." He said. I gave him the remote to the TV and stepped into the bedroom to answer the phone.
"Yeah Big Ski, I'm busy can I talk to you tomorrow?" I asked.
"What's wrong? You with another nigga or something?" He asked.
"Are you with another b*tch?" I asked.
"No. I'm not with another b*tch. But you're probably with another nigga." He said.
"I'm taking care of some personal business. I told you what happened already. I have to go." I said, and hung up the phone.
Whoever that nigga Marcus Goldman was really wanted to break me and Big Ski up, and it worked. I went back in the living room with Jahid. I sat down on the couch next to him. He started coming on to me quite fast. He started trying to touch my boobs and kiss on my neck.
Man what the f*ck? I just met him! Now these men really going to think I'm a prostitute!
"I think I should wait. I just met you." I said, and pushed his hand off of me.
"I don't think you should." He said and continued to touch me.
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In Living room at rental house with Jahid |
Then he took my shirt off and then took his off. Then he lifted up my skirt and stuck his d*ck inside me. He started stroking me for five minutes, and then the doorbell rang. I told him to stop and then I got up and put my shirt back on. I ran to the bathroom to spray some perfume and then I went to the peephole. It was Big Ski. I told Jahid that he had to go. Jahid put his clothes back on and then left. He walked right past Big Ski and went to his truck. Big Ski then walked inside the rental house.
"Who is that nigga right there?" He asked.
"I just met him." I said.
"You won't kidnapped, your ass is lying. Do not lie to me!" Said Big Ski.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't say anything.
"Someone really did try to kidnap me and that was the guy that saw it." I said.
"Nah that's your new lil boyfriend. I get it. I'm not man enough for you." He said.
"Big Ski please don't take it that way. I'm sorry. Somebody tried to break us up! Please don't let them." I begged..
"How am I supposed to trust you and you got niggas coming in the house when I'm not around? Now you acting like one of these hoes! Ya dig?" He said.
"I'm sorry! It's not what you think!" I said.
"Yeah whatever." Said Big Ski. Then he walked to the refrigerator and grabbed the open bottle of champagne.
"So you was drinking champagne with that nigga too huh?" He asked. I stayed silent. He then went into my bathroom and took a shower and went into my bedroom and laid down.
"Go take a shower and come get in the bed." Said Big Ski. I then followed Big Ski's orders and showered and got in the bed with him.
That's when my phone buzzed.
"Who is that?" Asked Big Ski.
I checked the phone and saw that it was Jahid.
"Oh I know who it is. Tell that nigga you through with him." Said Big Ski.
I immediately blocked Jahid and continued to lay in the bed with Big Ski.
The next morning, Big Ski was up at the crack of dawn, ready to start his day as a pimp. He went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast. He made a spinach and cheese omelet, with hot cinnamon muffins and freshly squeezed orange juice. He helped himself to a cup of coffee as well and served me breakfast in bed. I was hoping it wasn't laced or anything.
"For you boo." He said, handing me the food on a tray.
Then he cut the radio on and my voice was blasting through the speakers. Then he spun around and laughed. Then I laughed. Then he walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek and said,
"I love you."
"Aww, I love you to." I said. He was acting very square, but I brushed it off.
He then looked me in the eyes and said,
"I'm about to go get the paper baby, I'll see you later."
"I wanna see how your operation works." I said. "I wanna see how you pimp."
I really wanted to see him pimping. I know I saw a glimpse of it on the yacht, but I really wanted to see more.
"You really wanna go baby? I don't think that environment is a good place for my woman. You should stay here." He said in a subtle tone.
"Big Ski, I am an adult. I can handle what I see. Aren't you going to protect me?" I asked.
"Yeah I will. I'll let you see this one time, but I can't have you all in the operation. It's too many snitches as it is." He said.
"You're right. Big Ski you can trust me." I said, while kissing him in the mouth.
I then showered with Big Ski and got dressed. I knew the environment was filthy but I wanted to see how he gets money for himself. Then I received a text.
You need to get out of town! Now!
-Jose Munez
Why? I replied.
Just do as I say! Jose texted back.
What type of priest running around demanding respect like that?
Um I thought the spell was over. I replied.
It's never over. Jose replied.
What do you mean?
I replied, but I got no answer. Then I called his phone, but it was disconnected. I went to his website, but it was gone.
"What the hell was that about? Why does he want me to be so scared?" I asked myself.
I left the rental house with Big Ski and dropped Big C off at a pet hotel, not knowing it would be the last time I ever see the rental house again.