Terror Firsthand #22: Big Ski's Evil House
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional short story blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror, sexual content
Terror Firsthand: Big Ski's Evil House
After I left the rental house with Big Ski, I felt sick to my stomach. I shouldn't have asked to go. My time at the rental house was coming to a close, and I didn't have enough money to pay for it. He didn't know that though, because my income is none of his business. How much money I have or don't have is nobody's business but mine. I don't have to explain my finances to anyone. If I'm too broke for them, they can get the f*ck on and find someone else to annoy. They don't have to prey on me. They can get a life! I hate predators! They're sickening and gross as hell!
The first place Big Ski drove to, was an abandoned warehouse. I walked in with him and there were about 689 women all in one room. I was scared. I was hoping Big Ski wouldn't throw me in there with them. They all looked beat up and busted. Some were black, white, latina, and mixed. All of them were half dressed. Some were in short dresses and short shorts. Others were in bikinis and lingerie. A couple of them were completely nude.
"Big Ski, I think I'm ready to go." I said. I had seen enough already.
"Nah boo you said you wanted to see. So see." He said.
I was scared of him all over again. Just like before. Then he grabbed a microphone and started talking on it to the women. Even jails and nightclubs weren't that packed.
"This is my new woman. Her name is La Negra Reina." He announced. I guess he wanted to hide my real name, which was fine. At least he didn't say Capone.
All the women were silent. How did Big Ski handle that many women by himself? Did he not have other men working for him? There was no way.
"I'm going to divide you into groups of 7. There will be 100 women in each group and 89 in the last group. Each group will go into a different room. When you get in the room you will get to work. Do you understand?" He asked the hoes.
"Yes daddy." Said all 689 women.
Big Ski went around the room and separated the hoes into groups of 100. Then each group stood in a line and followed him into 7 different rooms. None of the women were complaining, and they all held their head down. He locked them inside of the room.
"How do you feed them?" I asked.
"When the johns come up here they can ask them for food. If the John say no, then they don't eat." He replied.
After the women were locked in the rooms, men started going into the rooms and picking out prostitutes that they wanted. Then they would take the prostitute to a separate room, where they would have sex for money. After that, Big Ski would collect the money, and then send the girl back into the room with the other women. At least they had some kind of privacy during the exchange. They were not allowed to leave with the johns, or get their contact information.
"When do they get to take a bath?" I asked.
"Right before their date with the trick and sometimes after." He said.
There was only one shower in the whole warehouse. 689 women sharing one shower is extremely disgusting. I was so scared of Big Ski it didn't make no sense. Some of the women looked malnutrition because their tricks wouldn't feed them. You could tell which ones had good tricks and which ones didn't. Big Ski never used the money to buy food for any of them.
"What about clothes?" I asked.
Big Ski walked me to a room and opened the door. There were clothes hanging up everywhere, in all sizes. There were towels, sheets, and washcloths stacked up like at a hotel. There were no shoes.
"How come they don't have shoes?" I asked.
"Because they don't need any. They can wear the shoes that they had on when they first came in." He said. He never brought them any new shoes.
Then he walked me to the washroom. There were about 8 washing machines and 8 dryers.
"Each hoe has to wash their own clothes once a month." He said.
I couldn't believe my eyes. He was managing all 689 women by himself. I was hoping none of them were underage.
"There aren't teenagers in there is it? Do they get to see their families?" I asked.
"They're all grown baby and no, they can not see their family unless their family is paying." He said.
Yuck! I thought. What if some of them were being sold to their relatives for sex? I mean some of those victims did say that on the show I was watching. What kind of johns were they? How could they contribute to so much human trafficking and not feel bad about it? Why wasn't the warehouse raided? I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to sound like a snitch. I figured he'd just pay the police off or something.
"How much do you make?" I asked.
"Around $689,000-5 million a week. I'm the only pimp that these bi*ches seek. Almost 20 million a month." He said.
I couldn't believe it. I thought I saw him get on a bus one time. This f*cking guy was a millionaire. He never brought me anything. Yuck! He was really a pimp.
"How come you never brought me anything?" I asked.
"Did you help me set up my bidness?" He asked.
"No." I replied.
"Well that's why. Ya dig?" Said Big Ski. That s*it didn't make no sense.
"Are any of them on drugs?" I asked.
"Again, that's the trick job to supply his chosen hoe with drugs, not mine. If their trick don't give them drugs, then they can't have any." Said Big Ski.
So basically their johns had to buy them food and drugs, and Big Ski profits the rest.
"Do the johns snitch?" I asked.
"Sometimes the hoes try to get them to rat but they never do." Big Ski responded.
"Do they have threesomes or orgies against their will?" I asked. "What happens if they turn a trick down?"
"If they turn a trick down, then they get beat up." He said. That's when another man walked in the room. It was Marcus Goldman.
"This is the guy that beats all of the disrespectful hoes up ya dig?" Said Big Ski, pointing to Marcus Goldman.
"That's the guy that tried to........" Before I could finish my sentence Big Ski finished it for me.
"The one that beat you up in the gym parking lot. Then what did you go do? You hopped in the bed with another man. Just like a hoe." Said Big Ski.
"But you lied about not knowing him!" I yelled, with a tear forming down my face.
"And you lied about not having another boyfriend!" Said Big Ski. "You was even texting him on the yacht that night!"
I was really talking to a priest that night, not the Jahid guy. He didn't believe me anymore.
"Big Ski please don't do this...." I yelled.
"You said you wanted to see, now you see!" He said, while laughing hysterically with Marcus Goldman.
That shiesty nigga set me up. I should've chose Jahid over him and cut him off instead. It was too late. I was already trapped.
"Big Ski are you going to pimp me out?" I asked.
"Big Ski are you going to pimp me out?" Marcus Goldman said, mocking me while laughing.
Big Ski and Marcus Goldman walked over to me and grabbed me by the arm and threw me into the 7th room with the 89 women and locked me in there. Then he walked away. All 89 women looked at me and said,
"Hi La Negra Reina."
I didn't respond. The women looked stank as hell. It was an absolute nightmare. I should've just listened to Jose Munez. I should've just left town right away. I should've believed all the victims that spoke out against him on TV. I should've done so many things to avoid being in the situation I was in.
I then began to ask them questions.
"How long have y'all been in here?" I asked, feeling disgusting. I hated women. Yuck!
"5 years." One girl said.
"3 days." Another one said.
"7 months." Another one said.
It was clear that the operation had been running for over 5 years. I began to feel like I was in hell. It was so much human trafficking that I felt like I was going to die. I threw up.
"Girl are you okay?" Asked one of the prostitutes.
"Just give me a towel." I requested.
"How am I supposed to do that? Daddy said we not allowed to throw up." She said.
I was disgusted as hell. I'm am not a we! I'm a I! I am not with them!
"Never f*cking mind genius." I told the dumb woman.
I was forced to sit in a pool of my own vomit until a trick came in and picked me. Then I could go shower. However long that takes.
"Do y'all get to use the phone?" I asked.
"No, we are not allowed to use the phone, computer, radio, or TV. Basically we're not allowed to have any kind of electronics, or Big Ski will throw them away." Said two of the hoes at the same time.
"Yeah, he'll throw it away." Another b*tch said.
"Do y'all get any kind of entertainment outside of selling y'all bodies?" I asked.
"Girl you sound country as hell. Where are you from?" Asked another prostitute.
"We don't get any entertainment. We only get to listen to music if the tricks request it. We don't get to go to concerts or parties. This is the only party we get to see." One girl said.
I was really disgusted by that point. I got tired of them saying the world "we". We is a gay pronoun. I ignored the bi*ch that asked me where I'm from.
I did not want to party with those f*cking wh*res and I did not want to be forced into any gay orgies or threesomes. I said to myself that if Big Ski try to force me then I'll let him kill me.
I stayed in the room for three days and no tricks picked me. About 20 other girls got paid. I was ignored, which was fine. All that prostitution was disgusting. I didn't want to share any men. On the fourth day I asked a prostitute a question. I didn't take time to learn any of their names. They were just prostitutes to me.
"Do y'all get tested?" I asked.
"No Big Ski won't test us but he has endless condoms in the room where we go with the tricks." One girl said.
"So y'all don't get any type of healthcare at all?" I asked.
"No bi*ch. We don't get to see a doc." Said one of them. I felt sick. Big Ski was unclean.
"Do y'all even get tattoos?" I asked.
"How many times you going to ask us the same thing? We don't get nothing unless the tricks pay for it! If we want a tattoo we got to ask the trick and he still have to pay for the date on top of that! We are not allowed to exchange goods for sex, only cash. Everything else we want is extra. For example. If a trick want to see you, he has to pay with cash. If you want something to eat or a tattoo, he has to bring you the food or the tattoo artist, at the time of the date, and still pay you cash for your p*ssy. Get it b*tch?" Said one of the stankest broads in the whole room. I didn't respond.
I did not want to ask one of the prostitutes to share their meal with me. I was getting hungrier by the day. I had went almost four days without eating.
One girl came back in the room after a trick.
"Can you get me something to eat?" I asked.
"What you going to do for it?" She asked.
"Nevermind." I said.
I was not a lesbian and she was sounding funky. Some of those lesbians be licking each other's assholes out and sucking each other's toes. That is extremely disgusting to me.
"You sure? I'll get you some pepperoni pizza if you have a threesome with me and the trick I had earlier." Said the gay f*ggot.
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Asking a gay prostitute for food at Big Ski's |
"What do I gotta do?" I asked.
"Just sleep with me and the trick. That's all. Just suck my tits and eat me....." Said the gay prostitute.
"Nevermind. I'm good. I ain't gay bro." I said, feeling disgusted to the max and scared that I would die of starvation and malnutrition.
Big Ski finally came in the room later that afternoon and said something to me.
"La Negra Reina, come here." He said. I got up and walked over to him. I was starving very badly.
"Yes daddy." I said. I was forced to call him that.
"I heard you was hungry, so let's go get you something to eat." He said, sounding like a evil slave master.
He took me into a private room and told me to have sex with Marcus Goldman for a meal. It was the most sickening situation I had ever been in.
"Please my man here, and he'll get you something to eat." Said Big Ski, nastily.
"Can I leave and go with him to get the food?" I asked.
"No you can not. You dig?" Said Big Ski. I didn't want Marcus Goldman to piss in my food or lace it. I didn't trust him. I was too hungry and had no choice. At least he was a man.
"Ok." I said.
"From now on call me Daddy Ski." He said, and left the room and shut the door.
Marcus Goldman started taking his clothes off and started masturbating. He told me to take my bikini off and get on top of his d*ck and ride him. He put a condom on and then I did what I was asked. Then he started moaning and then told me to say his name. It lasted for about 17 minutes and then he got up and then took off the condom that was full of his semen. Then he wiped himself off.
"Watchu want to eat?" He asked.
"I want a filet mignon steak wrapped with bacon, and mashed potatoes and broccoli and a lobster tail, and a slice of cheesecake and a cup of sweet tea." I replied.
"I'll get yo ass something from Popeyes or something but I'm not going to go buy all dat." Said Marcus Goldman. "I have other orders to fulfill and if you bi*ches learn to eat at the same place, you'll make my life easier."
Marcus Goldman and Big Ski were the undoubtedly the nastiest, most dangerous, and harmful pimps I had ever seen.
"I'll take a three piece dinner with french fries and macaroni and cheese. I'll take water for drink." I said.
"Aight." Marcus Goldman said, while writing down my order. Then he said,
"Go take a shower and go get a outfit from the dressing room and put something new on." He said. I got up and did what I was told. After I got out the shower and put a new bikini on, Big Ski was at the door. He took me to the dining room, which was basically a large room with a bunch of picnic tables in there.
"Wait here for Marc. He'll bring you yo sh*t in a few. Ya dig?" Said Big Ski. There were about 190 other women in there sitting around eating and waiting to be fed. It was a very large warehouse.
I sat at an empty table where no one was sitting and waited for Marcus Goldman. He took a long time. He took so long I started to ask another prostitute for some of their food, but after the what the last one said, I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. The warehouse was infested with gay lesbians. Some of them had a disease I'm sure.
Three hours later, Marcus Goldman walked in and handed me my Popeyes dinner. I had to eat it very slow. I didn't want to throw it all up. My stomach was very weak. It took me a whole hour to eat one piece of chicken. Big Ski's sickening ass walked in and walked to my table and said,
"Dinner time is almost over. Hurry up and eat that. Time to get back to work."
"No one's even picking me! You need to let me go and I don't want to throw up my meal! I need another hour!" I said, while crying.
"I'll give yo lame ass one more hour to devour. After that, you're getting back to work, whether it's slow or not. I know you smelling me! You don't have a choice or a voice!" Said Big Ski.
He left back out of the dining room. I tried to escape, but I was locked in from inside. The whole warehouse was like a illegal prison. I walked back to the table and ate the rest of my meal. I started praying to Santa Muerte.
"Santa Muerte, please protect me from the evil." I said to myself.
I saw some women getting along like they were happy. They were sitting at a table laughing and smiling and high fiving each other. What the f*ck were they so damn happy about? They must've been lesbo.
An hour later, Big Ski and Marcus Goldman walked back in and headed over to my table with a third man.
"This is Marc's brother, Lil Leroy. He will be working here and you will do what he say, or loose your life. Okay?" Said Big Ski. He was evil!
"Ok." I said.
"Call him Daddy Leroy." Said Marcus Goldman.
"Ok. Daddy Leroy." I said.
I was still trying to keep my meal down. It was the only food I ate in four whole days. I started getting worried about Big C. He had been in the pet hotel for four days. I didn't even have a phone to call or check on him. I was afraid for his life, and mine, once again. Big Ski was everything that his victims said he was.
I left the dining room with Daddy Leroy and was instructed to go back into the private room to have sex with him. Marcus Goldman's horny ass came back in there and watched him f*cking me. Daddy Leroy pounded me out for about 6 minutes and then he was finished.
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In a private room with Daddy Leroy |
After that Marcus Goldman started pounding me out again, while Daddy Leroy started putting his clothes on. Daddy Leroy left $100 on the table and after Marcus Goldman was done having my body a second time, which lasted for 30 minutes, he collected the money.
Big Ski knocked on the door and asked for it and Marcus Golden gave it to him. He was already a millionaire and was still taking my money. What a sicko! I started getting sore. I didn't want to sleep with anyone else. I was ready to get the f*ck out of there. I had no idea how his victims that were on TV speaking out, made it out. That part they didn't say.
"Do I get something else to eat?" I asked Marcus Goldman.
"Yeah I'll buy yo ass another meal. What do you want?" He asked.
"I want some drinks and snacks and another Popeyes meal." I said.
"Aight I'll feed yo ass the Popeyes tomorrow. You've already eaten today. You can have some snacks to get yo tired ass through the rest of the night. You better make sure those b*tches don't take your stuff. I'm not your bodyguard. If a fight breaks out or if they try to take your p*ssy in the middle of the night, you're on your own. Some of these hoes have died in here you know. Now it's time to go back in room 7. I'll bring yo snacks in after I get back." Said Marcus.
"Why don't y'all just build a kitchen and let the women cook what's in the fridge?" I asked.
"Big Ski is not going to put a kitchen in here. You hoes are not cooks. You're prostitutes. Cooking is a privilege that you hoes do not have." Said Marcus f*cking Goldman.
He walked me back to room 7 and locked me in there with the women. Two new faces had arrived, and now there were 92 women in there.