Terror Firsthand #28: Becoming A Member
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: Becoming A Member
The next day, I decided to join a gang. I decided to post an ad on GanglandVA.com. It was a dark deep web website where gangs meet up in person to handle business and organized crime. There were all kinds of gangs listed on there. Pirus, Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, Latin Kings, Rolling 60's Crips and hundreds more. All of the gangs were located in different cities throughout Virginia. I chose the Norfolk/Virginia Beach location. The ad I posted Read:
Join the Neighborhood Crips
This Saturday at midnight for loc initiations.
Must wear all blue and blue bandana. Please bring a blue balaclava or ski mask and the shade of blue must match the dark blue bandana. (No light blue)
•Call 555-555-5555 for location.
•Cost free
•Become a real member today!
Get paid lots of cash
•Learn new gang signs
•Learn how to Crip Walk and more .......
(No police, hidden cameras, or wires allowed and no females allowed)
While waiting for the responses, I decided to respond to someone else's ad.
Become a Gangster Disciple
Stop by this Thursday at
Undisclosed discreet location
Email gangsterdisciplemember666@ gmail.com for details
BYOB and Smoke
Dog Friendly
Ask for Mr. GD6
I emailed GD6 and he immediately responded within 10 minutes of sending the email. He gave me the location of the meeting. He told me to wear all black and a black bandana or ski mask. I said okay.
A day before the Gangster Disciple meeting, I left LP Casa and went back to the Blue Roof Motel in Virginia Beach. I didn't want all those people around there to know what was up so I tried to move more discreetly. I didn't bother promoting anything to anyone around there. Most of them were rats.
The next morning, on checkout day, I went downstairs for breakfast at 6 am. I started to fix a waffle. Then when I opened up the waffle machine, a roach crawled out of there. I immediately went back to my room and decided not to eat there.
I walked over to a restaurant called Donut World. The workers in there were ratchet as f*ck. I saw one girl with box braids scratching her hair. She wasn't wearing gloves and was wearing chipped black fingernail polish. It was nasty. After she scratched her hair, I saw her fixing a customer a donut. She didn't even wash her hands. Then I turned my head and saw another girl digging up her nose. After she did that, she put a donut in a bag for a customer with her bare hands. I left right out of Donut World. What I saw was trifling.
I decided to just walk to a grocery store nearby called Ledals Supermarket. I purchased a cup of store brand instant oatmeal and some coffee. I heated up a cup of water on my gas stove in the parking lot and then poured the water into the fill line. I waited 1 minute and then ate the oatmeal. I also fixed a cup of coffee. I couldn't skip a meal just because of what I saw. That's what grocery stores are for.
Anyways, after I ate, I went back inside the Blue Roof Motel to take a shower. It was now 11 am, and checkout time was one hour away. I needed to bathe so that I could meet GD6 at 1 Pm. The shower wouldn't even come on. I called the front desk and the motel clerk said he would send maintenance. Well, maintenance never came. It was now 12 pm and time to check out. The phone rang. It was the front desk.
"Are you checking out?" Asked the clerk.
"Yes, but I'm still waiting on maintenance to fix the shower." I replied.
"I'm sorry mam it's time to check out. If you want to pay for another day, I can switch your room." Said the clerk.
"No thank you. I'll just check out now." I said, and hung up the phone.
I probably had a body odor by then. I used the $28 bathing cloths that I had in my suitcase. They had soap already in them and they came 10 cloths to one pack. I heated them up in the microwave to activate the soap. I ran them under some hot water, and the washcloths started to get foamy and soapy and I started washing myself off. Then I sprayed myself with Florida Water Cologne. That's when I heard a knock on the door. I rushed to dry off and threw on a all black dress and a black bandana with a pair of black Timberland boots and a black North Face windbreaker. I checked out of the hotel and drove to the undisclosed location.
When I pulled up to the building, it looked shady. There was graffiti all over it. There was a 6 pointed star and the word GD and 666 all over the front. I walked up to the door and there were two tall muscular guards on each side. Both wearing all black with black ski masks and they were carrying pit bulls They had guns on their waist. I could hear loud music from the inside.
"What is your name and who are you here to see?" Asked one of the guards.
"My name is La Negra Santera and I'm here to see GD6." I said. I didn't tell them my name was Oya Obinidodo.
"Let me see your ID and lemme see your face." Said the nameless guard.
I showed the guard my ID and face. Then he lifted up the black rope and let me through. I went inside the building and there were about 30 people inside. They all had a black bandana around their face or head or a black ski mask. They were also wearing all black. A man holding a list of names walked over to me and asked,
"What is your name?"
"La Negra Santera." I replied.
He looked at the list and then crossed off my name.
He told me to go stand in the line with the other 30 people. I walked over to the line. Then he started talking.
"I am GD6. You will address me as such. This is the Gangster Disciple initiation, and it is like something you have never seen before. This is no ordinary initiation, no. This here is different. In this initiation you will see and do stuff that you have never done before." Said GD6.
"Nothing said or done is to be repeated outside of these walls. Do you understand?" He asked. "Now, raise your hand if you want to get beat up?" About six people raised their hand. I didn't.
"All six of you get up and stand in the center of the room."
"This is so stupid. Why am I even here? What kind of entertainment is this?" I thought to myself, not out loud. There was a lot of rap music playing in the background.
"I want everyone that's sitting down to line up and punch or slap each one of these people in the face or kick them!" Said GD6. "As a matter of fact, take off your old bandanas and give them to me. You can get a new one after you get jumped in."
I stood up and went to the line. I didn't want to punch anyone, but I was already there. After I witnessed all 6 people getting punched and beaten, GD6 continued talking.
"These are the new members of the Gangster Disciples. I want each of you to go to the back to get your tattoo." He said.
In the back of the large room there were 5 tattoo artist. Each tattoo artists started putting 6 pointed stars on their foreheads and some of them put a pitchfork on their faces. One of them got the letters VA tattooed on their face. There were two large pit bulls with black bandanas on standing in the back near the tattoo artists.
"Now, for the 24 of you. How would you like to join. Who wants to get gang raped?" Asked GD6.
10 people raised their hand.
"I want all 10 of you to take off your pants." Said GD6.
After that, a nude man and a woman wearing nothing but black bandanas walked into the room. "Oh goodness", I thought to myself. I was witnessing this right before my eyes. There was no privacy at all. Nothing left to the imagination. The man started penetrating the 3 women that were in the line. He f*cked them and came inside of them. They were moaning and everything. Then there were 7 men in the line. The woman bent over and the 7 men ran a train on her and penetrated her from the back one by one. They didn't use a condom. She was screaming and moaning. All of the 7 men nutted inside of the woman.
"How many more people want to run a train on them?" Asked GD6, the leader of the gang.
Four more men raised their hand. They took off their pants and walked over to the woman and ran a train on her. She got ran a train on by 11 different men that day. After they all finished running a train on her, she put her clothes back on and started doing a handshake with GD6 that lasted for 2 minutes. Then she went back to stand in a corner and started drinking a Corona.
"What about the rest of you! How are you going to join?" Asked GD6.
There were 10 people left to initiate. I didn't say anything. Then he walked over to each person and punched them in the face. Two more men wearing all black and a black ski mask came over and started punching people in the face. I got punched by GD6 and the other two masked members.
"Now you all are real members of the GDs. Go line up to get a tattoo." Said GD6.
I pulled out a bottle of gold Jose Cuervo out of my messenger bag and started drinking it. Then I rolled up a blunt of weed and smoked it, right before I walked over to the tattoo man. He tattooed a pitchfork on my finger. At least he didn't make me put it on my face like the first 6 people did their faces. After he put the pitchfork on there he put a 666 on my middle finger, and a six pointed star.
I got up from the tatt chair and walked over to an empty corner. One of the members nodded at me on the way and threw up a 6 pointed star. I threw up a six pointed star back. GD6 walked over to the first 6 members with the face tatts and handed each of them a new bandana, which they put on right away. All of a sudden the music was cut off.
"There is only one way out of this gang." Said GD6. "And that's death."
While I was at the initiation meeting, I checked my phone to see that I had several new responses from my ad. I had about 20. I was kind of happy. I was getting ready to start my own gang. Then GD6 continued talking.
"You can join as many gangs as you like, but you still can not get out of this one unless you die. If you try to leave, you will leave this earth. Do you GD's understand? If you beef with opps, you will reap the consequences." He said.
"The next meeting will be held next week at a different location and time. You have to show up. If you don't, you have to pay a $100 fine or get beat up again. You will get the text with the info. The text will be sent and written in a secret code. Next week, it will be time to get to the money, so get plenty of rest." Said GD6.
After he said that, the music came back on. Everyone was sitting around drinking, smoking, and throwing up GDK signs. Only GD music was playing. After that, the meeting was over. One of the members threw up a VA sign on the way to my car. I had changed the license plate on the way to the secret meeting. I didn't want any of the members to track me. I didn't know any of the members names, except GD6. I didn't try to talk to any of them, and I didn't really see anyone socializing or talking. They were all too beat up and too sore from all the gang rape, beatings, and tattoos. I drove away and changed the license plate again.
I started responding to emails and sending people the address to my meeting, which was only 2 more days away. I decided to buy out a lower budget office space this time, because I didn't want to hold a meeting like that in a fancier spot. I purchased the whole spot for $300 and the owner gave me the keys to the abandoned spot and said it was mine to keep forever. It was the cheapest building I had ever saw. It sounded to good to be true at first. I figured it must needed unfixable repairs and had rodents. The building was basically free. No one else wanted to buy it.
I ordered a box of 20 different types of weapons, and 20 blue bandanas. Then I ordered cans of blue paint and cans of blue and black spray paint and had them shipped to the building. After the order came the next day, I went back to the building and started painting the walls blue.
The next day, I recieved another letter from Shark City Public Housing in real life. They wanted me to come in for an appointment so that I could move into a apartment in Berkeley. I applied over a half decade ago, and I have changed my mind since then. That application was submitted way too many years ago. It took them forever to respond. Things have drastically changed since then, and the world has gotten worse. I'm trying to avoid as many deadly opps as possible. Plus, the whole Zyquan Universe situation still doesn't sit right with my stomach.
I don't want to live in Shark City, VA or Actionville, FL anymore. I hate public housing, and I hate the people that live there. They're way too fake and bogus towards me, and I don't wanna waste my time. I rather live on the streets until I die. I don't wanna get set up by those stank, incestuous people anymore. I threw the letter in trash, just like did the Actionville letter a few months ago. Then I went back to organizing the gang meeting.
I don't even look like I belong in Norfolk city. I'm not a Berkeley girl and I'm not the Shark City type. I'm not the Actionville type either. F*ck Shark City Public Housing, F*ck Actionville Public Housing and f*ck every housing authority in the entire United States of America. Fu*k all the gay funky incestuous men and f*ck all those big, stinky, incestuous women and f*ck all those racist haters and f*ck all those unnatural lames that look alike and act alike. I don't wanna be anywhere near those f*ggot, abusive, nasty ass packs of people!
The next day, it was time to go to the meeting. I didn't take a shower because I took one last night. I just brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash and then put on a all blue dress with a blue bandana around my head and a blue North Face windbreaker and a pair of Blue Timberland boots. I sprayed myself with Florida Water cologne and then headed out the door. I drove to the meeting in my Tesla and waited for the first potential members to arrive. Everybody that responded was a man. I don't do female gangs.
By 8pm, all 20 members showed up at the spot. I didn't have security or guards like GD6. I was on my own. I kinda followed the same routine as GD6 but kind of different.
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At the gang initiation meeting in VA Beach |
"Hi, thank you for coming to this initiation. Today you will become a Crip. How many of you want to get beat up?" I asked the group. They were all wearing all blue and blue bandanas or ski masks. 5 people raised their hand.
"All five of you stand up and come to the middle of the room. The other 15 of you line up and punch and kick these niggas at the same time." I said, and that's what they did.
After the 5 men were jumped, I gave them each a blue bandana and told them to throw the old one away, like GD6 did.
"Now, for the rest of you, do you want to get sexed in?" I asked. All 15 of them raised their hand.
"Take off your pants and line up." I said. "All of you are required to run a train on me."
Then I lifted up my blue dress and allowed each of the men to rape me one by one. The whole process took about two hours. After the 15 men were finished running a train on me, I gave them a blue bandana.
"Now you all are members of the Crips. You are not allowed to join any other gangs while you are in my gang." I said.
"But aren't you a GD?" Asked one of the guys.
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Word gets around here fast, you know. Nothing is really that discreet." Said the Crip.
"Yes I did join the GD's but you all are not allowed to. You can only join the Crips, and you're not allowed to join another Crip gang. Only mine. Those are the rules. If you disobey, there will be consequences." I responded.
"But look shorty, I don't think that's fair." Said another member.
"Well those are the rules. Being in a gang isn't fair." I said.
"Shorty I don't think you'll do anything to us if we leave. Yo ass ain't going to do anything. I know you won't. And my name is Loc C-Drop." He said. What kind of ugly ass name is that?
I walked over to him and punched him in the face.
"Nigga I didn't asked you what your name is! This is my gang! You do what the f*ck I say nigga!" I yelled.
That's when all 19 men got up and started trying to beat me up and steal the show. Eight pit bulls came rushing out of the back and started biting at them and mauling them. They backed up off of me and got up. The beating lasted for about 1 minute.
"See motherf*ckers. I bet you didn't think I had those dogs back there did you? You don't know what else I have either niggas! You don't know me!" I yelled. "Stop trying to steal!"
After the men got off of me, the pit bulls went back in the back.
"Man I'll steal yo damn dogs!" Said one of the members.
"Nigga you ain't going to do a motherf*cking thing. Why can't you niggas just follow my orders! You knew I was a woman and you thought you could steal the show huh?!" I told them, with a black eye.
Then the man that said that went to the back and grabbed a pit bull and walked right out of the front door.
"Two of y'all niggas are going to start doing security for this gang. You and you." I said, pointing to the two most muscular men in the room.
"I'm not doing security." Said one of them.
"What do I have to do, pay you?" I asked.
"Nah, I don't want your money. I just wanted your p*ssy. I'm leaving." He said, and walked out of the meeting. There were only 18 men left. Then I looked at the other one and said,
"Do you have a problem doing security?"
"Man I'll put my mouth in all these men penis and swallow their semen before I do security for you." He replied.
"Oh yeah!? Do it then!" I yelled. Then the man got up and walked over to another member and pulled out his dick and started sucking it right in front of the gang. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Man all of us ain't gay!" One of the members yelled in disgust.
"Y'all gay men better get the f*ck out of here! No gays allowed. I should've said that in the ad but I thought you already knew!" I yelled to the two gay men. The man nutted in the gay man mouth and then they started kissing and everything.
"Get y'all funky queer asses out!" I screamed. The pit bulls started walking around them and they got up.
"Make me." Said one of the gay men.
That's when the man that said all of us aren't gay got up and started punching him in the face. One of the pit bulls bit the gay man finger off. He fell to the ground.
"Nigga you better not rat! You gay motherf*cker! You better not put the police on me!" I said.
Then I walked over to him and kicked him in the nuts and spit on him. Then the member that was on my side dragged him to the back of the building and locked him in a room. Then he ducktaped his mouth and tied him to a chair. The one that got his di*k sucked by him ran out of the building. It was gross in there. Now it was only 16 men left.
"What's your name?" I asked the guy that was on my side. He was one of the ones that was beaten. He didn't run a train on me.
"My name is whatever you want it to be." He responded.
"I'll call you El Fernando." I said.
"Aight." He replied.
"El Fernando, will you do security? I mean it looks like you already started." I asked.
"Yeah. I will." He said.
"Are there any more gay men in this f*cking room? If you are, get up and leave. Y'all can't join." I said to the group. "Y'all better not snitch either. And leave your bandana at the door. Do not take it with you."
Three more men got up and left. All three of them were one of the ones that ran a train on me. They dropped their bandana at the door. Now there were only 13 men left, including the gay man that was tied up in the back room.
"Y'all come with me to the back." I said.
The other 12 men got up and followed me outside to where the fire pit was. I started a fire and then burned the three bananas that were left. I also snatched the bandana from the gay man that was tied up, and threw his into the fire pit. Then I cut my music on. My new single 'Blasting Thru Yo Speaker' started playing. The members started throwing up C's. I had a mini bar in the back.
"You members can drink as much as you want." I said. "Nothing that was done in this initiation meeting is to be repeated outside this building. Understand? You niggas are not to speak to your baby mothers, your mothers, your grandmothers or grandfathers or anybody about what happens in this gang. Keep it to yourself or tell the other members in the meeting. Do not snitch." I said to the 12 men.
"Do not disrespect me over a bi*ch or a man. Do you understand?" I asked.
"Yeah." They all responded. So far I had 12 members.
I pulled El Fernando to the side. I handed him a bullet proof vest and a bullet proof helmet and a stack of money. Don't worry about where it came from.
"I need you to watch these shady ass Crips. Make sure they don't try anything." I said.
"Aight, I gotcha." He said.
"So what do you think should be done to that nigga in the room. Should he be let go and untied?" I asked him.
"You let me worry about that. I'll handle that gay nigga myself." Said El Fernando.