Terror Firsthand #32: Petrified City
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: Petrified City
After I watched the video of me on the Bear Music Podcast, I was invited to another podcast. I was really moving up in the game. This new podcast, would be my third one. The name of this podcast was called Petrified City. It was based in New York City in the Brooklyn area. The host name was Jeremiah War. The show had been on for about 2 years. It was virtual and in person but I did it virtually because I prefer not to be in New York.
Before going on air, I fixed breakfast. I made cheese eggs with french toast and three strips of bacon with a tall glass of freshly made grape-pineapple juice. Then I took a bath, sat in the jacuzzi, and got dressed. The podcast started at 12 noon.
"Hi, this is the Petrified City podcast and I am your host Jeremiah War. Today I have rapper, author, and hip hop blogger Oya Obinidodo on the platform today. How are you ?" Asked Jeremiah War.
"Hi, Jeremiah War. Thank you for inviting me. I watch Petrified City all the time." I said.
"Okay so I'm going to try to ask you some questions that other people don't normally ask you. Here on Petrified City we strive to be different and not like the rest, so don't get uncomfortable, just be relaxed and be yourself." Said Jeremiah War. Jeremiah War was a rapper, but he stopped rapping and started interviewing rappers.
"Okay, so why didn't you come to Petrified City in person? Are you really that petrified of NYC, or is it something else?" Asked Jeremiah War.
I didn't like Jeremiah all that much because he was married, but on Petrified City, they allow viewers to donate to the guest, so I didn't care. My cash app handle was at the bottom of the screen. So far, I had already received $1.
"Yeah New York City is not for me. I'm tired of being caught in the migrant crisis. I have no family there, no friends, and no opportunities to get money. I can't live like that." I replied.
"Have you ever licked a man's ass?" He asked.
"No I have not. That's gross." I replied.
"Oh okay. Just making sure." Said Jeremiah War as he let out a laugh. There were other men in the background laughing to.
"Yeah nigga, I don't get down like that. Not even for money." I continued.
"So who's your favorite Brooklyn rapper!?" He asked.
"Nigga I thought this was Petrified City? Y'all asking similar questions to other podcast." I replied, putting them on the spot.
"Why you can't just answer the question? Are you that intimidated and petrified by these rappers up here?" He asked.
"No. I don't have a favorite Brooklyn rapper. None of those niggas are my favorites. I never been in their videos and I never spoke to them. I'm not a fan of them in any way shape or form." I stated.
"Now you're not telling the truth. I know you have at least one favorite Brooklyn rapper." Said Jeremiah War, while he took a shot of Hennessy on camera. I hated Hennessy.
"Okay, Okay! My favorite Brooklyn rapper is Notorious B.I.G. sheesh." I admitted. I really didn't want to seem like a d*ck rider.
"Was that so hard to admit?" He asked, taking another shot of Hennessy.
"Yes it was." I replied.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because sometimes people hate on me for being a fan of certain rappers. They might act like I'm a jock or something." I said.
"But you know that you're not right?" Asked Jeremiah War.
"Yeah I know I ain't no f*cking jock. Biggie Smalls had a huge impact on the whole rap industry. Just like Tipsy Hustle did." I said.
"You mean Nipsey Hussle?" Asked JW.
"Yeah, but I don't wanna call him that. I don't wanna say these celebrity niggas names." I said.
"You sound petrified! Don't y'all niggas think she sounds petrified?" Asked Jeremiah to the other men in the studio.
"Yeah she sounds pretty petrified to me!" Said one of the other men.
"Okay. So Oya Obinidodo, are you practicing witchcraft right now?" Asked Jeremiah War.
"Yes. I'm burning a candle right now actually." I replied.
"Just one? Why not more than one?" He asked.
"Because sometimes I make the smoke alarm go off when I burn a whole bunch of them. You feel me?" I replied.
"Nah we ain't feeling that. That shouldn't matter if you're a priestess right? What kind of excuse is that to not burn candles?" He asked.
"Look nigga. I move around a lot. I can't be burning candles everywhere." I said.
"Oh okay I understand. So how do you think my wife looks? " He asked.
"I think your wife is ugly. Just like you!" I replied.
"Ooooooohhhh." Said one of the men in the background.
"Damn... She carried you!" Said another man.
I didn't know any of those mens names, except the main host.
"I can't believe you just said that. Most people think my wife is attractive!" He said, looking embarrassed.
"I ain't most people, and I'm being honest. That's what you asked for right?" I replied.
"Yeah I did say that, but I didn't know you felt like that though! Are you petrified of women?" He asked.
"Nigga yes I am. They petrify me." I said.
"Is it just women in New York or everywhere?" He asked, still embarrassed.
"Nigga women all over America petrify me. No area is safe!" I replied, honestly.
"So are you homeless? We heard you weren't a homeowner." Asked JW.
"Nigga I'm not a homeowner. I just told you that I move around a lot. Y'all can't come up with better questions than that?" I asked.
"You should've went to another podcast then. This is Petrified City! Either you're petrified or you're not!" He yelled.
Their questions were not that unique.
"So do you have a new music video coming out?" Asked Jeremiah War.
"Yes, it's called Blasting Thru Yo Speaker." I replied. "Real life sh*t."
"Oh word. No niggas wanna be in that music video either huh? I bet you're going to be the only one in it." He said.
"Yeah nigga. I'm too petrified to look around for some video model niggas. I'm good on that." I said. "Plus most of them are in your city, not mine."
"Yeah you're right. It's a lot of video niggas in Brooklyn and all over NYC pretty much. I'm pretty sure someone would want to be in your shi* up here, if you stop being so petrified of everything." He said.
"Yeah I don't wanna chance it. Too risky. I might die or go to jail. Basic sh*t." I said.
"So are you going to record videos in the same area code forever?" He asked.
"I don't know! I'm petrified everywhere!" I said. "I thought I already said that!"
"So how many albums have you sold this year?" Asked Jeremiah War.
"Nigga. Zero." I replied. "Now go ahead and laugh."
"Is it true that people are calling you a man?" He asked.
"Yeah those funky people are disrespecting my gender. Yes they are, and that's another reason why I am so petrified." I replied.
"Which rapper do you hate the most?" He asked.
"I'm too petrified to answer that too!" I said.
So far, my cash app only had $30 in it from the viewers. I was ready to get off air. I wasn't really getting anywhere.
"That about wraps it up guys. Oya Obinidodo thank you for your time. I want you to hold on, I want to talk to you after the show. Don't go away yet, this is Jeremiah War from Petrified City!" He said, and then got off air. After the podcast went off, he called me.
"Hey, I'm sorry you're really that Petrified, that's what the shows about. How about this. Me and my team here at the studio want to offer you a one week vacation to New York City, all expenses paid. You'll get to eat, dine, play, and stay in a hotel all on us. We want to help you get over your fear. Even if it's just for one week." He said. "We'll hook you up with our travel specialist and he'll give you all the details. Do you accept?" Asked Jeremiah War.
"I don't know. I'm too petrified of a gang. I don't want any beef with the Gangster Disciples." I replied. GD6 might've been back up there or something.
"Don't worry about that. We want you to have a good time. If it'll make you feel better, how about we send you to Atlantic City New Jersey, will that work out better?" He asked.
"Yeah I accept." I replied.
"Okay cool. I'll email you the travel info and just call them to make the arrangements. Have fun and take care. Thank you for joining Petrified City podcast." He said.
"Okay. Thank you Jeremiah War. I appreciate it." I said.
I recieved the email a few minutes after the call and then I called the travel agent in the email. I made the travel arrangements for next week. Until then, I stayed in the cabin in Alaska. I took some more wildlife photos and then I checked out of the cabin and headed back to the east coast. I stopped in Canada and stayed at a Canadian hotel for one night. I just wanted to know what it felt like to be in Canada for a day.
I arrived in Atlantic City in my Tesla on a Monday. I checked into a hotel called The Two Seasons. It was really nice. It had a 5 star restaurant in there that I could eat at for free for 7 days. I had a Two Seasons unlimited dining pass. I stayed on the top floor and had a perfect view of the beach.
On the first night, I walked the boardwalk. I was fully dressed and covered up, but a man still spoke to me.
"Hi, what's your name?" He asked.
"My name is La Negra Santera. You?" I asked.
"My name is Quinton Russell, but people call me Q." He replied.
"Oh ok." I said.
"I think I saw you on Petrified City, Bear Music Podcast, and Get on Yo Knees." He said.
"Wow. All three? Yeah that's me." I replied.
"Your name is Oya isn't it?" He asked.
"Yeah but I rather be called La Negra Santera." I replied.
I started walking with the stranger and then he stopped into a 5 star restaurant.
"Are you hungry?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm hungry." I replied.
"Then let's eat! My treat!" He said.
"Oh wow. You really like me like that?" I asked.
"Oh yes you are perfect in so many ways." He said.
"Oh I'm flattered!" I said, while smiling.
The waiter walked me and Q to a table.
"So how long have you been in Atlantic City?" He asked.
"This is my first night here." I said.
"So how do you like it?" He asked.
"It's cool." I replied.
I looked at the menu. The vibe in the restaurant was cozy. There were candles burning at the table, and the lights were dim. There was soft saxophone music playing in the background. I decided to order something different than the usual lobster. I ordered a seafood bucket. It came with shrimp, mussels, scallops, snow crab legs, sausage, potatoes, and corn on the cob. I certainly was on no diet. Then I ordered a glass of gold Belaire. My meal alone came to $100. He ordered a deep dish spinach pizza and lemon pepper wings, and a Michelob beer. There was complete silence throughout the whole meal.
While I was eating with Q, a fan walked over and took a picture of me eating with him with their cell phone and then ran out of the restaurant. After dinner was over, he asked for the check and paid the bill. Then I left the restaurant with him and started walking down the boardwalk.
"So listen La Negra Santera. I'm going to get straight to the point. I'm trying to f*ck. How much?" He asked.
"Oh I'm not a prostitute. I'm sorry." I replied.
"I have $500." He said.
"I'll take it." I replied.
"Okay, follow me to my room." He said.
I walked with him to the W hotel. After I got inside the room with him, I asked him.
"You're not the police are you?"
"Just take off your clothes." He said. Then he handed me $500.
After that, two cops busted into the room and told me that I was under arrest.
"What the fu*k! You dirty ass f*cking nigga! Why did you do this to me?!" I screamed. He started laughing and said,
"I do not want no dirty ass prostitute. You lucky I paid for your f*cking meal. Now go eat a bologna sandwich you filthy little bi*ch!" Said the undercover.
"Mam you have a right to remain silent......" Said the cop, as they put me in handcuffs and hauled me out of the hotel and into the back of a cop car. Big C was still inside the Two Seasons. I had a room for a week, so I was hoping I would bail out. The cops hauled me off to a nearby jail and threw me into a holding cell. I know selling sex is a serious crime, but Q was a rat. I wanted his ass to die. I shouldn't have trusted the stranger.
When I got inside the cell, I was so embarrassed, that I started crying. No one saw me. I was the only one in there. I held my head down and covered my face with my hands. Sex crimes are embarrassing. I started to believe that the hit was targeted, and that Petrified City were the ones that set me up. They probably wanted to petrify me even more! I shouldn't have been eating with a man that drinks beer anyway. He should've had more class than that. While sitting in the cell I also realized that New Jersey was way too close to New York, and that I should've avoided the whole Tri State area.
I was eventually allowed to use the phone. I called Jeremiah War and he accepted the collect phonecall.
"Hello?" He said.
"Jeremiah I'm in jail. Did you guys try to rat me out?" I asked.
"Now what kind of question is that? Of course we did!" He said. Now I was holding back vomit.
"How could you!? I trusted you guys!" I yelled, while crying.
"You shouldn't have been trying to sell sex to a stranger!" Said JW. "And how ugly do you think my wife is now!?" He started laughing. He was a sick fu*k.
"Look! That guy approached me!" I yelled.
"Yeah and that's why you shouldn't talk to strangers. Are you petrified yet?!" He said, and started laughing. I also heard several men laughing in the background. I even heard a woman.
"That's what that lil prostitute gets!" The woman said.
"You heard my wife. That's what you get!" Jeremiah War said.
"How can you be proud of being a rat!? Somebody is going to get you! One of these niggas!" I said.
"Aww. Now you're talking like that on a jail call. Sweetheart you have a long way to go. You haven't learned your lesson yet? Oh and by the way, this conversation is live. You're on the air right this second." He said, nastily.
"You guys don't have permission to do that! Take my interview down!" I said. Then the man's wife got on the phone.
"Oh no sweetheart. We're exposing you. We're not taking anything down. You signed a waiver before you got on air. The content belongs to us. And you're so poor, you can't sue!" Said the nasty lady.
"What kind of podcast show are y'all!? Y'all are the biggest rats I ever seen!" I said. They really petrified me. They really made me hate podcasts. I started loosing trust in everyone.
"You can forget about that hotel stay. It's over boo boo. And who uses the word y'all like that? I can tell your ass is from the south. You sound country as hell. You don't even belong up here!" Said Jeremiah War's wife.
"Man f*ck you! You stinky f*cking bi*ch!" I said.
I hung up the phone. I couldn't take anymore. Petrified City podcast was about bogus and square as f*ck. I shouldn't never spoke to them. They weren't real at all. They were phoney as hell.
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In a jail in New Jersey |
After I got off the jail call with Gayboy City podcast, formally known as Petrified City, I was invited into the jail's boxing ring. It was like nothing I have ever saw. They gave me a pair of boxing gloves, a mouth guard, and a helmet. They told me that if I win the fight, then I get to get released.
"What kind of offer is that?" I said out loud.
Then I told the inmates and the guards that I accept the offer. It was packed inside the boxing gym. It was a bunch of inmates and guards in the audience. A girl hopped in the ring and I started punching her. She kept falling down and the crowd started cheering for me.
After a few minutes she gave up and fell to the floor for good. Then I won. After I won, my old song Step by Step came on. All the inmates started bopping their heads. I was let out of the ring and then sent back to booking so they could release me. I sat there for about 10 hours and was offered a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which I turned down. After 10 hours I was finally let go. The court case was dismissed.
I picked Big C up from the dog pound, and picked up my Tesla from the pound. Luckily, I had the money to get it out. I left Atlantic City and headed towards Iowa. After I got there, people were still wearing Rest in Peace Oya Negra Capone T-shirts. They still weren't over her. Her face was on a mural in several parts of the state and a bunch of mourners left flowers and candles out for her. After witnessing all of that, I decided to turn around. I couldn't go to Milwaukee and I still couldn't go to Chicago. I couldn't go to Virginia and I couldn't go any f*cking where.