Terror Firsthand #33: En Mas Peligro
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: En Mas Peligro
Every single state that I traveled to was full of sadistic sadists. I ended up in Minneapolis Minnesota for the first time. I set up a campsite and chilled for a few weeks. I went fishing by the river, hiking, and other activities. I was able to take pictures of the wildlife. I was also able to cook some of my favorite meals.
One day, I got on the internet and I clicked on the Gayboy City interview that I had. It had about a half million views, and all of the comments were negative. People were saying that my music is trash, and that I should've stayed in jail for trying to sleep with men for money. It was awful. I commented on the post.
Y'all close knit f*ggots will never respect me. I get it!
An hour later my comment had over a thousand thumbs down on it. I hated Gayboy City. I really wanted their podcast to end forever.
A few days later, a headline was released about Jeremiah War. He caught HIV from one of the men at the studio and gave it to his wife. That's what they get. Now they have to live with that forever. In the article, it states that his wife doesn't plan to leave him, and that they would stay together and work it out.
I checked to see if the video of me getting booed in Alabama was still going viral and it was. I knew that I wasn't going to go on another stage ever again.
While I was in Minneapolis, one day I received a text from GD6.
If you come back to VA, you will get your ass kicked again and you might not survive it next time so I suggest you stay where you are. The message read.
Nigga I'm not scared of you. Drink piss, eat feces, and put all your members d*cks in your mouth. Nigga you ain't nothing but a f*ggot and a p*ssy trying to scare me. Nigga I already been shot at and degraded. Your pu*sy ass don't scare me. You probably grew up in the suburbs you square rat fa*got! I replied.
After I text the fa*got that, I blocked his gay number again and changed my phone number. F*ck that raggedy ass gang. I moved on a long time ago. After I recieved that, I heard a truck pull up to the campsite. I peeked my head out and saw that it was Marcus Goldman.
I put a ski mask on but I'm pretty sure he recognized the car. I was scared for my life. He walked up to my tent and unzipped the front door like he lived there. Then I sprayed him with bear spray and kicked him in the genitals. After that, I grabbed Big C and then drove away from the campsite, leaving all of my property behind. I went through that situation before, with another nasty stalker. I left Marcus Goldman there.
"Fu*k! I'm not safe in Minnesota either! I don't know what to do! I can't shake those gay f*ggots off of me! They are hating hard as f*ck!" I yelled, while speeding down the highway. I was pulled over by a cop. The cop walked to my window.
"Mam, so do you know how fast you're going?" He asked.
"No." I replied. I didn't want to talk to his f*cking ass.
"You're going 80 in a 60 mph zone. Hand me your license and registration." Said the police.
I handed the cop my license and registration and he said,
"Hey you're Oya Obinidodo, I seen you on Petrified City!"
I didn't respond.
"Sit tight. I'll be right back." He said. Then he walked to the car to run the tags and came back four minutes later.
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Being stopped in Minnesota |
"Here's your license and registration. I was going to give you a speeding ticket but I'll let you go with a warning this time. Next time you will get a ticket. Have a nice day." Said the cop.
Then he came back to the car a second later and pulled out his d*ck and said,
"Suck it for me. Just suck the head."
I nearly vomited.
"Hell no nigga I'm not sucking your f*cking di*k!"
"Oh so you can suck it for all those other niggas and strangers but not me? Huh? What's wrong with me?" Said the extremely dangerous predator, while trying to grab my head and force himself on me.
"If you don't suck it, I'm going to plant a bag of marijuana in here and no one's going to believe anything you say. Then I'm going to take you to jail. Then there's going to be a line of other officers that's going to make you suck theirs too! So go ahead and suck it now!" He commanded.
Instead of obeying his commands, I grabbed a nearby knife and sliced off his d*ck. He started screaming.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you fu*king bi*ch I'm going to shoot you!" He reached for his gun but I sped off.
He shot at the car, and missed the tire by a mere few inches. I was able to get away. I left Minneapolis and drove to Albuquerque New Mexico. I was finally able to find a vacant Golden Tree, so I checked into there. Later that night I cut on the news.
"A 35 year old police officer named Marcos Monticello, found dead in his Minneapolis home with a single self inflicted gunshot wound to the head after performing a penectomy on himself. The officer, who leaves behind five children, was found dead just hours after castrating himself." Said the news reporter.
One of his coworkers spoke about him in the news clip.
"He always had problems with his identity, but I didn't think he would take it this far!" Said the police officer's coworker, while crying.
I cut the TV off. I almost got molested by that sexual predator, and no one will ever know. I decided to make myself some dinner. I don't even know how I could eat during a time like that, but my appetite was normal.
I fried onion rings and oysters, and had a glass of diet coke. I started planning my next music video and drew a story board. I had at least two or three weeks before the actual video shoot. After dinner, I sat in the hot tub and meditated for about two hours, then I went to bed.
The next day I woke up, I was scared of Marcus Goldman again. I couldn't believe he found me in Minnesota. He was one dangerous and violent motherf*cker! He wouldn't go away. He was pestering me and no one knew! He started making me have flashbacks of Nuela Manuela all over again! He was acting just like the transwoman!
I cut the TV on and Marcus Goldman wasn't on there. I knew he was somewhere, and I started getting scared out of my mind. I walked around the Golden Tree with a bullet proof helmet and vest and trauma pads on every single hour of the day. I was afraid I would never be able to dress like a normal person ever again. My life was in too much danger.
I walked over to the cabin next to mine to see if I could warn them about the potential danger I was in. I wanted them to keep a lookout for any stranger lurking around the cabins. I knocked on the cabin door. No one came so I peeked into the window. They had no blinds. I then saw the most sickening thing I had ever seen.
I saw a man and a woman and a child, eating a human body. I saw them chewing on arms and legs and eating intestines. They were eating the arms, legs and intestines like it was chicken. The hands and feet of the decapitated person were still attached. The child saw me peeking through the window and alerted her parents. I ran away as fast as I could back to my cabin. I knew right then that I needed to get away from the Golden Tree in Albuquerque. I left the campground immediately and went to a hotel in the same city.
After I got inside the hotel I started throwing up in the toilet. I couldn't believe that I witnessed cannibalism first hand in such short amount of time. I started to question all the Golden Tree's. I didn't even want to stay in one anymore. What I saw was traumatic and sadistic. I didn't eat all day and night. I stayed in the hotel a few more days without eating. After about five days, I was finally able to eat. I had to eat chicken noodle soup broth three times a day. I had to drink ginger ale and meal replacement smoothies.
Marcus Goldman didn't come to Albuquerque, thank goodness. I knew that he wouldn't come all the way to New Mexico. One day, I decided to go to a local singles event that Saturday night. Once I got there, it was not what I expected. It was extremely ratchet.
It looked more like a hoe house than a singles event. I didn't fit in, but I had already paid to get in. Women were walking around looking stinky and tasteless. I didn't see a classy man in sight. After being there for 15 minutes, I was ready to go and count the money as a lost. While I was walking to my car, I was stopped by a woman.
"Hey girl you look cute tonight. I'm having a party do you want to come? It's an all girls sleep over." Said the woman.
"No thank you. I don't do sleep overs. What y'all think this is kindergarten? Bit*h grow up." I said.
Yuck, that had to be the stinkiest invite I had ever received. A sleepover full of women is Gay with a capital G. Hell no! Meeting women is not what I went to that event for! I walked right past the bi*ch and got inside the Tesla and drove away from the event. I went back to the hotel and ate some more chicken broth and went to sleep.
The next day, I started looking for something else to do around town. I couldn't find anything classy to go to. Everything was low budget, tasteless, low class, and trashy to me. I knew that I wouldn't meet anyone worth my pain. I decided to go to a hispanic concert. I usually don't go to concerts, but I wanted to see a group called La Santa Fe Pandilla. It was an outside concert and allowed dogs.
At 6pm, I arrived at the concert. It was so packed, that they had to turn people away that didn't already have a ticket. I listened to the music and smoked weed. I didn't meet anyone. The concert lasted for four hours and then I left and went back to the Santa Fe Hotel. I sat outside of the hotel near the fire pit and drank Jose Cuervo. A man came over to me and started talking.
"Hi what's your name?" He asked.
I didn't respond.
"Hey look, I have $50 if you're trying to do a little something something." He said. I'm pretty sure he wasn't a cop, but $50 was too low.
"Nah I'm good." I replied.
Soon I said that, 5 women in bikinis came out of nowhere and surrounded the man. He looked like a off brand Hugh Hefner.
"Who's that?" One of the bikini models asked.
"I don't know who that is." Said the man. The bikini model rolled their eyes and then said,
"Why is she sitting right there? Can't she just move?" She said.
I immediately got up from the back patio near the grill and fire pit and walked back up to my room. I took pictures from the balcony, overlooking the city. I posted them on social media and negative comments followed. People were calling me a tard and a bum. Some of them were calling me gay. I started blocking as many of them as possible, but they just kept coming. I eventually cut the comments off, so the haters wouldn't say anything else.
The next day, I got tired of witnessing so much evil, that I decided I would do something kind for the world. I donated some of my clothes to a charity called Badwill. Then after that I stopped by the animal shelter to donate a bag of cat food. Then I gave a homeless man $20 for lunch. Then I captured an injured turtle and took him to the vet to get seen. After the turtle's tests came back negative, I took him back to where I first got him. Then I donated money to the humane society. Then I gave a bunch a prostitutes that were walking the streets corners a free bag of condoms.
While I was running around doing good stuff for the community, I ran into a bunch of community activists. They were marching for justice against violence. I thought they were on my side, but they weren't. They were a bunch of black people. Then I heard a woman speaking on a loud speaker, while the rest of the people protested.
"We want to stop crime in our community! Stop the violence! Stop shooting! Stop gang banging...." Said the activist. Then she looked at me and pointed her finger at me.
"We want to keep people like Oya Obinidodo off of the streets! No more prostitution! No more HIV!" Said the activist.
I couldn't believe my ears. I felt like I was in a nightmare. First of all, I'm not a prostitute. Second of all it's hundreds of prostitutes all over Albuquerque prostituting 24/7, and they had to call me one and I'm not even from there? And why was she using me and HIV in the same sentence? What that disease got to do with me? Oh hell no. They are supposed to be wanting to keep people like Marcus Goldman off the f*cking streets, not me. That's who they should be after.
Then I realized that I shouldn't have never been seen handing the prostitutes condoms. I looked like one of them, and I assumed that the activists and protesters thought I had HIV because they saw me on Gayboy City. I never meant to be seen on a gay platform. What a huge mistake. I'm not associated with Gayboy City in any way shape or form.
I ran away from the protest as quickly as possible and went back to the Santa Fe Hotel. Those black activists were the worst! I hated people like that! They didn't even know me! Then to top it off, I knew the video footage from the protest would be posted online. I just couldn't stop attracting negativity, even when I tried to do good.