Terror Firsthand #39: Shiesty Members

 ©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try any thing dangerous at home. 

Warning: extreme terror, sexual content 

Terror Firsthand: Shiesty Members 

Men at beach with models
Big Ski and Daddy Leroy at Venice Beach 

I took the $1,200 and slept in the car near Venice Beach. I didn't know what my next move would be. I knew it was over between me and GD6Star. I saw the music video 'Pimping Bacc in Style' on Vevo. It looked professional and had 50 thousand views so far. I didn't watch it more than one time because I didn't want to see the strippers.

While walking down the beach, I ran into Big Ski and Daddy Leroy. They were with five different women. They weren't the same women from the music video. They were all walking around in Balenciaga swimwear and smiling from ear to ear. I was so mad. I wanted that Balenciaga myself. One of the girls had a jacket that was worth $23,000. 

I turned around and walked the other way as soon as I spotted them. I was ready to get out of California. I didn't know where to go next. I thought about going to Nebraska, but I didn't know how smooth that trip would end up. After all, I only had $1,200 to my name. I decided to go to Nebraska another day and just stay in Los Angeles. I slept behind an abandoned building in my car for several nights.

One day, a fiend knocked on my window. I rolled the window down just to be nice.

"Hey you're from Virginia. I see your license plates. I'm from Virginia too!" Said the junkie. 

She looked like she hadn't bathed in a month and her teeth were yellow and one was missing. She was bending over and rocking back and forth like she needed a hit. She was wearing a bonnet on her head. She had a piercing underneath her bottom lip and looked mad disgusting to me. 

"What the f*ck do you want?!" I asked.

"I need that stuff. I need dat boy. Do you got that? I need them pillz too." Said the crack fiend.

"I don't have no pillz or no boy. Now if you would excuse me, I'm pulling off." I said, while rolling the window back up. Then she started banging on the fuc*ing window.

"Stop banging on my damn window!" I yelled, while backing up and pulling away. 

I thought about how much money I could make selling crack but I didn't know if the bi*ch was a undercover or a snitch. Crack was very easy to come by. It was plenty of dealers in the area. I don't know what was her problem. 

Men in alleyway
In South Central

After I drove away from the drug infested abandoned building, I drove to a hotel parking lot in South central. It was horrible. I pulled out of the parking lot just as quick as I pulled in. I drove around the corner and pulled up to another building. I saw two people tagging graffiti on a building. One of them ran over to the car and demanded that I get out. 

The person handed me a spray can and told me to join in. 

"Let us know you're not a snitch. Go head. Tag something." Demanded the tagger.

"Why? I didn't mean to pull up to this block. It was an accident. I don't wanna get locked up." I said, scared of Los Angeles County Jail. 

"Oh you ain't about to get locked up but you will get Locced in." Said the dude, while laughing with his homeboy. Then his homeboy started tagging right in front of me. He wrote the words "Killa Crip" in big blue letters. Then he said,

"Go ahead! Do it!" He said.

"What are you going to do to me if I don't?" I asked.

"We're going to label you a snitch and then you can't come back around here or you're going to get beat up and stabbed." The nigga said.

"Okay. I'll do it." I said. 

Woman spraying on walls
Tagging in South Central 

I grabbed the blue paint and put the words Bleu Diamond on the side of the building. Then the dudes dapped me up and said, 

"Welcome to the grape street Crips." 

"Thank you for loccing me in. What's next?" I asked.

"Now you can do whatever the fucc you wanna do cuz. You're cuz now. You can chill on this blocc all day. No one's going to bother you." Said the dude. 

"What's your name?" I asked. As soon as I said that I heard gun shots.

Poooooowwwww! Powwwww! Poww!

I started driving away from the crime scene and fled to another part of the city. 

Around 4 am I received a text from GD6Star. Boy was I happy to hear from him! I needed a safe place to sleep! 

What you up to  - GD6Star

Nothing, riding around chilling - Me

Come thru. I'm still at the Pink Jewels. - GD6Star

Is anyone there? - Me

Now I know damn well not to invite you over here with a bunch of people. Are you down or what? - GD6Star

Yeah. I'll be there in 10 minutes. - Me 

I drove to the Pink Jewels Hotel and paparazzi was at the door taking pictures of me. All I had was $1,200! I walked in and knocked on GD6Star door. He didn't tell the truth. It was someone else there. He opened the door.

"Hi I have someone I want you to meet. His name is GD7Star." He said. His name didn't make sense. Why would a GD have a 7 in their name? 

"Hi GD7Star. Nice to meet you." I said. He had tattoos everywhere like GD6Star and had his gang tatted on him.

"I like that pitchfork tatt on your finger." He said.

"I was thinking about getting one on my forehead." He continued.

"Thank you." I said. "If you want me to do it, I can. I do tattoos." 

"Oh yeah? That's what's up. Do it now then." He said. 

"I have to go get my supplies out of the car. I'll be right back." I said. Then I turned around to go back out and then GD6Star said, 

"Nigga she can do that later. I'm trying to chill." 

Then GD7Star walked out of the room. He looked at me with a evil glare like he didn't like me or something.

After he left I asked GD6Star,

"Why did that nigga look at me that way? And why does he have a 7 in his name?" I asked.

"Because that nigga from the same area you from, and he don't like yo ass." He replied.

"So why the f*ck did he ask me to tatt him then!?" I yelled.

"I don't know. You need to watch your back. You're around some real GD's. You're not around any amateurs." Said GD6Star.

"Oh my Goodness! Are you affiliated with GD6?" I asked, scared out of my underwear.

"Yes the f*ck I am! And I know they beat your ass down in VA! My nigga GD7Star told me today!" He said, trying to embarrass me.

"Oh my f*cking gosh! What the f*ck!" I said. I was ready to go.

"I think I should go." I said.

"I think you shouldn't." He said. 

"You need to stop thinking that we're allies with the Crips because we ain't!" He said, with rage in his eyes. 

I was beginning to become terrified of him knowing about my VA past. That's what happens when you make music videos with well known stars. It didn't take long for the east coast to spot me with GD6Star in 'Pimping Bacc In Style' video. 

"Well if you don't like Crips then why did you agree to do a song with me called Pimping Bacc In Style!?" I asked.

"I don't know. I change my mind." He said. "These Crips are way too shiesty around here."

"So why did you call me over here just to have a attitude with me?" I asked.

"I don't know! Just sit down and shut the fu*k up! Better yet, go take a shower and go get in my bed!" He demanded. I did what I was told. After I got in the bed, he pounded me out for what felt like 45 minutes. He was wearing a black bandana around his head and throwing up pitchforks and 6 pointed stars the whole time. 

"So are you going to stop Crippin.....??" He said, while pounding me out.

" Aahhhhhhhh. " I moaned, and ignored the question. 

GD6Star came and then he got out of the bed.

"What about Big Ski? He's a Crip. Isn't he your homeboy?" I asked.

"Yeah don't worry about that. I'm worried about you. You can't be pulling up to niggas blocks and shi*, acting like you hard." He said.

"What makes you think I'm doing all of that?" I asked.

"Come on, I know how you are. I know you like to act tough. Just be careful. This gang banging life isn't all that." He said.

"Wow. One of the toughest Gangster Disciples in Los Angeles acting soft all of a sudden!" I said, while laughing. 

"I'm for real. You need to pick a side. Either you are GD or you are Crip." He said.

"Look. I am allies with Folk Nation. That will never change. I don't know what type of s*it you on." I said. "Please don't switch up. Stay down!"

"I don't know. You might try to get a nigga hit or something. I can't trust you anymore." He said.

"Then why I am I here?" I said, while getting back on top of his d*ck. Then I started riding it for like 10 minutes. His phone started ringing. He answered it while I was riding him.

"Hello?" He said to the caller.

"Yeah nigga I'm going to handle that just give me a few minutes nigga." He said, and hung up the phone. The he told me to continue riding him. After that, he came again and then said.

"I gotta go handle some business." 

"Okay. I'll be waiting." I said.

"Nah you're coming with me." He commanded.

"But what about my dog?" I asked.

"Leave your dog here." He said.

"I can't do that!" I said.

GD & Crip
2024. © Oya Obinidodo. All rights reserved.

"We'll bring him." He said. I then took a shower and got dressed. He took one after me and did the same. I hopped in his Maserati and rode with him to another side of town.