Terror Firsthand #63: La Negra Veladoras
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: La Negra Veladoras
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Burning candles on Gaytrell |
The next day, I woke up and went to the laundromat to wash, dry, and fold three loads of clothes. Then I went back to the campsite and watched TV. Sexy Bluuee's death was all over the news. I didn't want to look at it. Instead I turned the channel to a crime documentary about a bunch of women and men that died during domestic violence. It was really sad. I was still burning the blue court case candle.
No one contacted me and I didn't receive any hate mail all day. I was still mad at Gaytrell though for setting me up. He was a rat and he came out of the blue. Plus he was wearing a ski mask. He started to make people wearing ski mask look bad. I wear ski mask too, and I'm nothing like Gaytrell. I would never set someone up!
I got tired of laying around moping so I got up. I didn't feel like hiking because of the bears. I didn't want to meet anymore of them. I started doing yoga, which is something that I do not normally practice. I started having flashbacks about being in Vegas and practicing magic. The magic that I practiced there was nothing like the magic that I'm practicing now.
I eventually got tired of the blue court case candle and purchased a black hex candle from a warlock store. I wanted to get back at Gaytrell. I printed out a picture of him on the internet and wrote his name across the picture in black ink 100 times. Then I drew an X across his face with blood from a cut on my finger. Then I placed a black candle that's shaped like a cross and put it on top of his picture. Then I put hex oil all over the candle, which had been charged in rock salt overnight.
At midnight during a full moon, I lit the candle and said a chant that I can not repeat. Then I lit an incense stick and twirled it around the candle. It appeared as though I was selling my soul to the devil, but I was not. I was only asking the spirit guides to help get rid of Gaytrell. One of the spirits agreed to answer me.
The next morning, when the candle finished burning completely, Gaytrell's picture was covered in black candle wax. I put it in a brown paper bag and got in the car with Big C. I drove about a half a mile away from the campsite and found a crossroads. Then I got out of the car, dug a hole, and buried the picture and the wax. I also added a few dollars and coins and some human spit, a fingernail, and a few drops of kananja water. Then I crossed my heart and sprayed myself with Florida Water cologne. Then I walked to my car backwards before pulling off and going back to the campsite.
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At the courthouse in Phoenix |
A month later, the court date came and I drove back to Phoenix Arizona. After I got to court, no one was there. The case had been thrown out and there was no sign of Gaytrell. I looked for his Facebook page, and it was gone.
While I was in Phoenix in the court house parking lot wearing a ski mask, I cut on the news. Gaytrell was all on there. He went missing. His family filed a missing persons report. They said he had been missing for over a month. He had children and they were looking for him. His baby mother and mother were on there crying. He was only 29 years old.
The family of Gaytrell was offering a $500 reward for anyone that knew about his whereabouts. His family was all over the internet talking sh*t to me and but could only afford $500 to find his ass? Who the hell going to go out of there way looking for that gay ass man for $500? I hope he never gets found! They also showed the link to his Gofundme account. They claimed they needed the money for his kids. I went to the link on my phone. So far, they had raised $8,567.
"$8,567 for that bit*h ass nigga?! Oh hell nah! I hope they get robbed!" I yelled out loud.
My prayers had been answered but not all the way. Gaytrell went away forever. Where he went? I do not know but I'm pretty sure his soul is resting somewhere hot. There's no way that bi*ch ass nigga was still alive. I printed out a picture of his whole family at the library and then I brought another black cross candle and hex kit so I could do to them what I did to him. I drove to a secluded area and sat at a picnic table and put the hex on Gaytrell's family. I sat there for 4.5 hours. That's how long it took the candle to burn. Then I buried it there.
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Burning candles on Gaytrell's family |
I cut the TV off and changed the channel to myself. I started celebrating his death and watching my music videos. I have alot of new music that people don't even listen to. I didn't bother contacting anymore podcasts after what happened the last time I was on there. I figured I'd leave those kind of people the f*ck alone.
I left the secluded area and drove my Toyota to a 5 star Hotel and Resort in Scottsdale with the $5000 loan I had. I didn't care if I had to pay it back. Life was getting shorter so I wanted to live it. I booked a room with my dog. I used every single amenity in the hotel like I always do at expensive hotels. I ate at the restaurant. I went to the fitness center. I shopped at the boutiques. I ate from the mini bar inside of the room. It was a grandiose experience.
I didn't even take pictures for Instagram or call any male gigolos over. I wanted to enjoy the scene free of any negativity. At the grandiose resort, I became very overprotective of my space. It was pure, and I didn't want anything or anybody to make it unpure. I didn't want to get into with anyone.
I cut the TV on but Sexy Bluuee was still on there so I cut it back off. I couldn't find anything cool to watch. I lit one candle, and it was a pink candle. The pink candle represented self care. I also lit a light blue candle, which represented a healthy mental state. After the candles burned, I walked outside to the back patio and someone was having a birthday celebration out there so I turned around and went back to my room.
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At the resort in Scottsdale, Arizona |
I washed my hair and sat under the dryer for an hour. Then I took another long hot bubble bath in the tub, using fresh rosemary herbs and eucalyptus oil, put on a brand new white nightgown, and drank a cold cup of horchata. I spent the rest of the day laying down, singing, and enjoying the present moment.
The next day was checkout day. I cut on the TV and I saw Gaytrell's family on a local podcast channel crying again.
"Whoever stole that $8,000 out of my babys account I hope you burn in hell! How am I going to take care of my grandbabies now?!" Said Wahida Stench, his mother. Gaytrell must've had his dad's last name.
"Your nasty ass son should've thought about that before he did what he did!" I said out loud.
Wahida Stench was complaining that someone stole the money and that she woke up to $0 in the Gofundme. That's how much should've been in there anyway!
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Gaytrell's family on TV looking for him |
"And I hope y'all don't raise it back!" I said to the TV before cutting it off.
I drove back to the campground where Gaytrell violated me and cried. I needed closure. I didn't want to be in Phoenix a minute longer. Before I drove away, I typed in Gaytrell's name on google again. I saw him on a low-key dating site holding up stacks of money. His location on his dating profile was set to Los Angeles, California. His name was Mr.Trell_480 The picture had just been posted like one hour ago with the caption,
Alive and well with 8 racks!! *Gun emoji*
"What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccck!?" I said.
Gaytrell was scamming the f*ck out of everyone! I started to take a screenshot of the picture but I didn't know if it was real or not. I didn't want to call anyone and give them a tip. I'm not a snitch and I didn't give a f*ck about Gaytrell's life. I didn't try to contact him myself to see if it was really him. I just stayed out of it and minded my business. It could've been fake news- I'll never know.
I immediately drove away from Arizona as fast as I could and went to Myrtle Beach South Carolina. After I got to South Carolina, I got back on the dating site. I saw MrTrell_480 on there again, posting another picture. In that picture he was in a mansion, in a hot tub drinking out of a champagne bottle. He started looking better. The caption read,
Looking for the right shorty
Even though they didn't apologize, I decided to forgive Quantrell Waters family for disrespecting me, publicly humiliating me, wasting my time, and setting me up. I decided to start calling him Quantrell again- just in case he was alive and decided to come looking for me.
Maybe I'd have a shot at snatching that money out of his hand. Maybe he stole the money out of the Gofundme account himself and ran away because he realized that his family was phoney. Maybe he'd choose me like he did the first time, and I'd just forgive him.
Or worse- maybe his family was in on the scam and on his side and maybe they gave him the money and set the whole thing up to make it look like he went missing! Or maybe somebody killed him and then made a fake profile and used old pictures of him to troll him and make it look he was still alive! I couldn't stop thinking about it! I wanted to know if Q Waters was deceased or not! It was only one way to find out.