Terror Firsthand #70: A World Full Of Tragedies
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: A World Full of Tragedies
The next day, I checked out of the hotel and left Atlanta. I drove to a campground in Louisville Kentucky and started setting up my tent. After I set up my tent, I received another threat from a nasty, obsessed troll. The message read,
Ahh haa everyone thinks your toenails are polished red and everyone thinks you went that gay!
I text back and asked,
Who the f*ck is this!? Leave me alone! I'm not gay and I don't wear red fingernail polish. Please stop pestering me and stay away, you creep!
The troll texted back and said,
Ah come on, you know who the fu*k this is! I'll never let you go!
I texted back and said,
No I don't know who the f*ck you are! Stay away from me you funky queer clown!
I didn't hear anything back after that. I was about to eat breakfast but I started loosing my appetite after the gay troll started bullying me. It hurt me that some confused, queer-ass fan of me was out there making me look like I wore red nail polish. I started throwing up outside the tent.
I cut on the TV and saw another tragic news report.
"Kaitlyn and Johnathan Crouton was found laying in a pool of their own blood at a nearby park in Norfolk Virginia. The two teenagers died from a single gunshot wound to the chest. Kaitlyn and Johnathan were the children of Paul Lawrence Crouton and Mary Ann Crouton. The suspect is still on the loose. Some believe that Paul Lawrence Crouton may have had his children murdered from behind bars. If you have any information about this crime, please call 555-000-0000." Said the reporter.
I immediately assumed that the Eaton family had them killed. I saw it coming yesterday. Those kids had no business being placed in the mother's home of the man their father murdered. I sat around the campsite, writing songs. A few hours later, more snitching occured on TV.
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Renee Robinson reporting on the Crouton family |
"Today, 19 year old Devonte Dreshawn Munez turned himself in for the murders of Kaitlyn and Johnathan Crouton. Munez said that he was ordered by Pamela Eaton, to kill the two teenagers, and stated that Pamela Eaton, the mother of Tremaine Jaquarious Eaton, gave him the gun and told him to lure the two teens into the park. Munez has been arrested and charged with two counts first degree murder. Prosecutors are looking to seek the death penalty for Munez." Said the reporter, Renee Robinson.
"Pamela Eaton, 51, has also been arrested as an accomplice in the two teens murders and will most likely be spending the rest of her life behind bars. She also faces charges of child cruelty, reckless endangerment, and gross negligence. Devonte Munez, is Pamela Eaton's stepchild. Pamela Eaton's husband, Larry Eaton, age 53, was out of town on business during the murders, and stated that he didn't know his wife was even capable of being so henious towards children." Said Renee Robinson.
Later that night, an episode came on about Pamela Eaton. More children came forward and said that Eaton was being abusive towards them. Pamela Eaton was a foster parent and also ran a daycare inside of her three story home.
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The anonymous Eaton family victim |
"Mrs. Eaton used to tease me and call me tard. One time she used to pull down her pants and tell me to put my face between her legs." Said an anonymous victim, whom was a girl.
"Yuck! I'm sick of people like that!" I yelled at the television.
"I told Mrs. Eaton that I'm not into that. Then she got Tremaine to rape me. He used to tell me to pull my pants down and put my face between his legs while Mrs. Eaton was standing there. Mrs. Eaton said that if I try to tell anyone, she will tell everyone that I'm a prostitute. Tremaine raped me while Mrs. Eaton touched me. I didn't put my face between her legs, but she still touched me while her son raped me. After her son raped me, he fled to Atlanta for a job at a bar." Said the victim.
I was still hungry, but I couldn't eat. My stomach was growling, but the stuff I was watching on TV was too much to handle.
"How old were you when Tremaine Jaquarious Eaton raped you?" Asked the reporter, Hannah Savannah Baker.
"I was 14." Said the victim.
"Yuck! No wonder Tremaine Jaquarious Eaton fled to Georgia! He didn't want to catch a sex offender charge!" I yelled in disbelief.
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News reporter - Hannah Savannah Baker talking to Eaton family victim |
"Did you ever try to tell anyone. Did you ever run away from home?" Asked Hannah Savannah Baker.
"I told the guidance counselor at my school but they didn't believe me. The guidance counselor called me a bum and said that she is friends with Mrs. Eaton and that Mrs. Eaton and her son would never do such a thing because they are always at church." Said the anonymous victim.
"Oh No. Not the pedophiles that are always saying "no one will believe you"! They're the worst kind of sexual predators!" I said outloud.
I started crying. The Crouton family was in shambles. Mary Ann had an 8 year affair with a hebophile that her husband was best friends with, her husband killed the hebophile after he found out about the affair, went to prison for life, then Mary Ann snitched on her husband, got murdered for snitching, and then their kids came forward about the violence, were placed in the same foster home of the hebophile, and were later found dead in a pool of their own blood. How sickening! Norfolk Virginia is a horrible place, and so is Atlanta Georgia!
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A still image, Walking on the treadmill |
The next morning, I woke up and stepped on the scale, only to realize that I had been loosing more weight. I only weighed 123. I took a picture of my weight and posted it to Instagram in real life. I was mad that no one congratulated me on my weight loss. I was the only person to inspire me to lose weight. No one was was around. I had no friends and no spouse or boyfriend or anyone. All I ever had is myself.
I began to loose more respect for people for not congratulating me on my weight loss. They began looking like slops and obese pigs. I could never hang with fat people and they could never be my friend. All those Darrells and fat BBW's are disgusting.
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A still image of BadazzNeekaK inside of her salon called 'The Eyelash Spot' |
That afternoon, I saw a podcast episode about BadazzNeekaK. She committed suicide.
"What!" I yelled at the TV, while spitting out the cup of water I had just drank.
"Zyneeka Monet Barnes-King was found dead inside of her Norfolk luxury, beachside condo in the Oceanview neighborhood earlier this morning. Her death has been ruled a suicide. There were about 7 empty illegal prescription pill bottles found next to her lifeless body. One of those bottle of pills tested positive for fentanyl. Zyneeka Monet Barnes-King, who was a celebrity eyelash stylist, who went by the name BadazzNeekaK, left behind a suicide note. The note read:
Dear world,
I got so tired of people picking on me for marrying a transgender. I couldn't take it anymore. I was on the verge of loosing my reality show and on the verge of loosing my eyelash salon. Everyone found out that I was using super glue after that Crouton girl died. No one wanted my eyelashes anymore. I caught my husband having sex in our bed with a man today. He thought that I was at the salon, but I came home early. After I caught my husband cheating with a man, he immediately left the house with out saying anything, while I stayed in there. The man my husband cheated on me with, was the husband of a woman that regularly visited 'The Eyelash Spot'.
I decided right then and there that I was going to end my life. I'm also pregnant. Rest in peace to my unborn child. If anyone is reading this, please don't make the same mistake I did. Don't use super glue on people's eyelashes, and if you are a straight woman, don't marry a transgender woman and don't get pregnant by them. To all my fans out there waiting for 'The Eyelash Spot' to start, you will get to watch it soon. My husband is going to run the show without me like he always wanted to do.
Goodbye world,
'The Eyelash Spot' will continue, even after Barnes-King's passing. The studio will be ran by her husband, Lamont Demote' King. Mourners have gathered at the 'The Eyelash Spot' holding pink balloons because pink was her favorite color. She died at just 30 years old." The reporter continued.
"Shiid Zyneeka lived for a long time. She was a very street girl but she had a lot of book smarts too. If you're a young woman from the streets of Norfolk, and lived to see 30, then you lived a long time! Zyneeka was the queen of 'The Eyelash Spot' and is a living legend that no one will ever forget!" Said a close friend of Zyneeka Monet Barnes-King, whose face was not shown, during the news report. Her husband was not in the report at all.
The next day, I woke up and saw Lamont Gayonte' King on another "All Da Hood Businesses" podcast interview.
"I miss my baby. Zyneeka was my everything. I'm sad that she had to take her own life. I'm going to run 'The Eyelash Spot' in her honor." Said Lamont Gayonte`King.
"So what about the man that you cheated on BadazzNeekaK with? You don't feel responsible for her death at all? I mean this girl claims that you're the reason she took her own life!" Asked Katrina Barnes.
"Me and my man Tyrone Givens are planning to get married and run the salon. I'm changing my name from Lamont to Lakesha Demetria Givens. Tyrone is going to get a divorce from his wife because he caught her cheating with another man long before we even got together. Zyneeka knew that I was gay and accepted me for who I was. I'm not at fault for her death. She didn't have to be with me. She chose to." Said Lamont Gayonte' King, while shedding a tear.
"You don't feel sorry for your unborn baby at all?" Asked Katrina Barnes.
"That might not have been my baby. Zyneeka may have been sleeping with another person. Until someone gets a paternity test, I don't know for sure." Said Lamont Gayonte' King.
"Well, we already took DNA samples of the unborn baby, now we're going to take your samples." Said Katrina Barnes.
The show was fast forwarded to when the results came in, which was only a few hours later.
"Are you excited to know if you're the father or not?" Asked Katrina Barnes.
"I'm ready girrrrl." Said Lamont Gayonte' King, who was now in the studio sitting next to his new fiance, Tyrone Givens. They were holding hands and then kissed each other on the lips. It was funky.
"Was Zyneeka cheating on me or not?" Said Lamont Gayonte' King.
"Lamont Demonte' King, you are the father of Zyneeka Monet Barnes-King unborn child!" Said Katrina Barnes, who might've been related to Zyneeka in some form or fashion.
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In secluded area of Kentucky hiding from dangerous human predators |
What a horrible nigga. The transwoman knocked up the girl and then made her kill herself. I stopped watching "All The Hood Businesses" and started grilling dinner for me and Big C. I cut on another channel and saw Dinero Marc, Lil Ed, and Lil Cella in a new music video.
"Them niggas look like they're well on their way to a casket or a jail cell." I stated, while looking at the gang related video.
It was a bunch of masked men, kids, guns, and strippers in their new video. It was not my style. I quickly turned the channel and saw the 'Pimping Bacc in Style' video with me and GD6Star. I started crying and then rushed to the store to buy a candle and a bottle of alcohol.