Terror Firsthand #71: The Yuckiest Strip Club On Earth
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: The Yuckiest Strip Club On Earth
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At the campground in KY, holding a bottle of liquor |
After I got back from the liquor store, I decided that I was going to drink the liquor instead of pouring it out for GD6Star. At the end of the day, he wasn't worth the whole bottle. I ended up pouring out only a half shot for him and Big Ski. I sat around waiting for the original GD6 to die. The one from Virginia. I prayed and prayed for him to die but he never did. However, Dinero Marc, Lil Ed, and Lil Cella all died in the same day. They weren't even that big of a threat to me but they were still bullies at the end of the day.
"Rappers Dinero Marc, Lil Ed, and Lil Cella were found shot to death inside of a black van, right outside of a strip club called The Gay Diamonds in Portsmouth Virginia, at around 5 am this morning. The three rappers were a part of a group called PBVA, which stands for "Pussy and Bitches in VA". The shooting was gang related. It appears as though three members from a rival bloods gang, targeted the rappers. 29 year old Keith Ervin, 26 year old Jeffery Eisenhower, and 27 year old Melissa Jefferson were all charged in connection to the murders. The three gang members are being held at the Hampton Roads Regional Jail without bond." Said the podcaster.
Then the podcaster, whose name is Bilal Ghani, started speaking his mind about the tragedy. The name of his podcast was called 'The 7 Cities Daily'.
"What the f*ck were Dinero Marc, Lil Ed, and Lil Cella doing at a gay ass strip club!? The Gay Diamonds is the most ratchet, filthiest, strip club in the whole 7 cities! Those funky ass women probably set that up! What do y'all think? The phone lines are open right now. Call the number at the bottom of the screen!" Said Bilal Ghani, who honestly looked traumatized and shaken by the whole incident. One caller called in.
"Hi my name is Pearl, I'm calling from Atlanta Georgia, and I'm calling about the PBVA incident in Virginia." Said the caller.
"Go ahead and speak." Said Bilal Ghani.
"What kind of name is Pussy and Bitches in VA? Were the Pussy and Bitches really worth loosing their life? I think that they were the dumbest rappers walking the earth! They deserved to die! They could've chosen a better environment to be in, but they chose a filthy unclean strip club? How stupid!" Said the caller.
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Host of 'The 7 Cities Daily' podcast - Bilal Ghani |
"Okay next caller." Said Bilal Ghani.
Right as he said that, I received a threat from another yucky, unknown, parasocial bully and troll that hated my guts. The message read.
We'll never love you!
I blocked the message and continued watching the show on YouTube.
"Hi my name is Chris, I'm calling from Portsmouth Virginia. I've been to The Gay Diamonds many times and it is very filthy. I've seen b*tches going to the bathroom and coming back out without washing their hands, and then going onstage to touch the pole and shake people's hands and eat fried chicken wings." Said the caller named Chris.
"That's very trifling!" Said Bilal Ghani.
"But that's not all, I've seen some of the bartenders spit in people's chicken wings, and I've also seen them lace people's drinks with fentanyl and other date rape drugs." Said Chris.
"What! And they won't shut that raggedy joint down!?" Asked Bilal Ghani.
"They won't close that hole in the wall, piece of sh*t club down for nothing in the world! That's not all I've seen. I've also seen women catching HIV from having unprotected sex with the customers! And some of them share needles together. It's like they don't care! It's sad and it's heartbreaking to see that those women won't take better care of themselves! I've also seen fights and I think there was a shooting there a few years back." Said Chris.
"And people still going inside of there?! That's crazy. Why did you keep going in there if you knew that all of that was taking place? Why did you keep going back in there?" Asked Bilal Ghani.
"I don't have a reason for that kind of ignorance. I really don't. I guess I was just dumb." Said Chris.
"Would you go back in there again, knowing how filthy it is?" Asked Bilal Ghani.
"No. I would never step foot back in there. I got better things to do than to look at those stinky gay thots. All those funky women got a attitude anyway. They're such a turn off. Their attitudes suck! I don't see how niggas pay those dykes for real. I learned my lesson! I would never set my eyes on their fishy asses ever again!" Answered Chris.
"Okay, thanks for your feedback Chris, on to the next caller." Said Bilal Ghani.
I picked up the phone to call Bilal Ghani's podcast.
"Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" Asked Bilal Ghani.
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Talking to Bilal Ghani |
"My name is Oya Obinidodo. I am calling from the Midwest. I just want to say that I worked at The Gay Diamonds back in the late 2000's and early 2010's, and I must say that everything the last caller said was accurate. All of that really happened. On my very first day of working there, a man approached me and said that I didn't belong there, because the club was nasty. I ignored the man, and I eventually started regretting it. I could've gotten murdered just like PBVA did. The Gay Diamonds is a very negligent place. I wish I could sue them for $50,000,000 but they don't have it I'm sure." I said to Bilal Ghani.
"Now you know damn well you're not going to get one brown penny out of those kind of people!" Said Bilal Ghani.
"The Gay Diamonds is one of the most sickening places that I've ever step foot in. The memory still haunts me to this very day. I won't even go back to Virginia at all. I wouldn't even go back if I won first place at a film festival. Virginia is the type of gay place to make you return to the state for a court appearance that you didn't expect. If you don't go, they will label you a fugitive. It's sickening." I stated to Bilal Ghani.
"So why did you stay at the gay strip club for so long then?" Asked Bilal Ghani. "Didn't you have common sense? Didn't you know not to go near the gay club in the first place, especially since you're not gay! That has got to be the dumbest move!"
"No, I didn't have common sense back then. All the gentlemen that attended the club looked straight back then, but now I know that they weren't. They all turned into the women that they saw dancing on stage. They were all sitting in the audience because they wanted their spot! I was green and naive and thought that I could make it out of the ghetto by working at a filthy, downlow gay, strip club. I never made it out of the ghetto. Stripping was a pipe dream. I eventually grew old and quit working there because all the men came out of the closet and started trying to suck every man d*ck in sight. I didn't know any better back then, but I do now." I continued.
"I mean, with a name like The Gay Diamonds, you should've known not to step foot in there. Anyways, thanks for your input. I'm glad you have common sense now. On to the next caller." Said Bilal.
"Who's next?" Asked Bilal Ghani.
"Yeah my name is Leonard, I'm calling from Tampa Florida, and I believe PBVA was in the right place at the wrong time! They were at that club because they wanted more Pussy and Bitches in VA!" Said the caller after me.
It seemed like the 'The 7 Cities Daily' podcast would never end. It had already been on for about 3 hours. I eventually got tired of hearing about the death of PBVA and changed the channel, only to see my own music video playing. I walked to a store nearby and purchased a roast beef sandwich from the deli, a bag of plain kettle chips, and a low calorie, sugar free soda.
I didn't want to go anywhere near Virginia. The infestation of sadistic haters, downlow gays, liars, sexual predators, racists, incest people, and deadly opps is real out there! I knew those funky people would be mourning heavily for PBVA and BadazzNeekaK. I also knew that there are a lot of gross, unnatural sickos out there that want me to die too, and I didn't do anything to them!
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Eating Roast beef sandwich and chips |
The incest people in VA are the worst. They've been in my way my whole entire life! Incest Gang is always trying to beef with me out there, and all I want them to do is to leave me alone and to pay attention to each other and not me. I don't want anything from Incest Gang. They are nothing but predators and bullies. They have nothing to give me. I don't want to look at their sickening faces or hear their sickening voices speaking to me.
I don't want to see their goofy gay asses cheering for each other and getting along with each other. I don't want to witness those gay ass hillbillies loving all on each other. They're disgusting as f*ck towards me, and they very unclean to look at and talk to. Every gay hillbilly f*ggot in Virginia is disgusting to me and I do not want their kind the way that they think I do. They are mentally insane if they think I want them that way. I do not want any of those nasty ass, dirty ass, people.
I want the memory of everyone in Virginia to be pushed out of my mind for the rest of my life. I don't belong to Virginia, and I don't belong to their Incestuous Gangs. I don't even belong to the East Coast, and I don't belong to the United States.
Those yucky Virginia people were probably still mourning for Mevin Died Heaven and Zyquan Universe anyway. I didn't have time for it. I didn't really know any of those people. I didn't want to pour out any liquor or shed any tears for their funky, ghetto, close-knit, asses. That's for the people that really knew them personally to do. I wasn't a fan of any of them, just because I saw them on YouTube. Their souls are so lost.
While hiding in Kentucky, all I wanted to know was, when was GD6 going to stop trolling me and just die? He was one of the funkiest, phoniest, gayest, ugliest men I had ever witnessed. I couldn't stop wishing that he was on the death list too. I went to GanglandVA.com to see if the site was still there, and it was. GD6's ad was also still there.
The next day, I found out that Bilal Ghani died.
"Last night, 38 year old Bilal Ghani died during a motorcycle accident in Hampton Virginia. The 38 year old podcaster and YouTuber, ran off the road and flung over 100 feet from the motorcycle. He was transported to the hospital where he later died from his injuries. Ghani leaves behind a wife and 4 children." The reporter said.
"Bilal loved motorcycles and he loved podcasting." Said Bilal's wife, Farrah Ghani, while crying and smiling at the same time.
"I don't give a f*ck about no Bilal Ghani or his f*cking wife or kids. When will GD6 die? When will I see his funky face plastered on the screen?" I said outloud.
Bilal's wife looked fishy, narcissistic, gay, and stank as f*ck. She'll probably have a new husband in no time. Men in Virginia love tricking on fishy, narcissistic, gay, stank bi*ches! That's why I'll never have a man there! I figured those racist Virginia f*ggots out a long time ago.
I started cooking some chicken noodle soup. Then I fed Big C and went hiking for about 1 mile. It took me a long time to start hiking again, after the Gaytrell nigga raped me. After I ate the soup, I cleaned out the inside of my car, took a bath, and then cut the TV back on again. This time, GD6 was finally on there.
"40 year old Frasier Westly, was found deceased inside of an abandoned trap house around 3 am, in Flatbush Brooklyn. Westly was a high ranking member of the Gangster Disciples that went by the name GD6. Westly was shot during a drug deal gone bad." Said the reporter, Mark Welder.
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James "JB" Barkley II at Rikers Island in NYC |
"The shooter, 36 year old James Barkley II, from Brooklyn New York, was arrested in Portsmouth Virginia and taken into custody on charges of first degree murder, felon in possession of a firearm, illegal discharge of a weapon, a fugitive capias, human trafficking, kidnapping, racketeering, malicious wounding, assault and battery, cannibalism, grand theft auto, driving without a license, and drug trafficking." Reporter Mark Welder announced.
"Barkley had 3 kilos of fentanyl, 3 kilos of heroin, 3 kilos of methamphetamine, 1 kilo of crack cocaine, 7 kilos of ecstacy pills, and 5 kilos of marijuana on him during the time of his arrest, which he later confessed to stealing and robbing from Westly. After Barkley robbed Wesley, he fled to Virginia where he hid at a motel. James Barkley II was seen at The Gay Diamonds Gentlemen's Club, just hours after the murder." Reported Mark Welder.
There's no proof that Barkley stole those drugs from Westly. He could've already had it on him, or stole it from someone else. No one will ever know.
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One of the prostitutes from The Gay Diamonds Gentlemen's Club speaking on James Barkley II |
"Barkley also had about $508,000 of cash on him, and a getaway vehicle, which was later seized. Barkley also had four prostitutes inside of the motel where he hid, and the prostitutes said that Barkley was forcing them into illegal sex work against their will. One of the prostitutes had bruises all over their face, back, and neck, and said that James Barkley, who went by the name, JB, beat her for several hours. Another one of his prostitutes that he met at The Gay Diamonds Gentlemen's Club had a missing finger, which she claims Barkley chopped off and ate during an argument about money. James Barkley was later extradited back to New York City, and is being held at Rikers Island without bond." Mark Welder continued.
"Frasier Westly was from Virginia, and had came to New York City to make money as a drug dealer with Barkley. Unfortunately, that didn't go too well for him." Mark Welder said.
"Whew. The original GD6 finally went to hell. Now I can breathe again." I said, while looking at the news.
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Eating gourmet food with Big C |
I fixed a hot cup of chai tea and started eating an expensive gourmet meat and cheese gift basket that I had brought for myself. The gift basket included 3 packs of chai tea, 3 packs of nuts, 3 different types of cheese spreads, three types of cheeses, three bags of pretzels, 3 bags of crackers, and 3 different sausages. A miniature butter knife and a cutting board also came with it. Soon I took one bite of the meat, I received another threat from an unknown troll. The message read.
It ain't over. We are not letting you breathe. We'll never, ever, respect you or love you!
My heart started racing and I threw up the chicken noodle soup from earlier. I thought the trolling would stop, but I knew that whoever was after me, wasn't finished bullying me, torturing me, and mentally abusing me yet.
I could've died if I had went to Brooklyn and accepted the same drug offer from GD6. Luckily I was smart enough not to go. Those niggas and bi*ches are funky and hateful up there just like they are anywhere else in America. I knew that I wasn't missing out on anything by not being in New York City. I'll never feel like I'm missing out because they are not spreading any love the Brooklyn way. They are out there spreading unadulterated hate the Brooklyn way.
I really have to watch my back between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM. Those are the hours when I am most aware. People get k*lled more often during those early morning hours than during any other hours of the day. I started to feel more unsafe in Kentucky because a troll sent me a hateful message. I moved my campsite to a very rural area in The Outer Banks, North Carolina. I figured, no one would bother me there. I had to draw the line somewhere between what's reality, and what isn't. Soon I got to the OBX, I recieved another threat. The message read,
Get away from us you creep!
After I saw that, I packed up my campsite and moved back to Myrtle Beach South Carolina to eat more fire at the boardwalk. I didn't even last in North Carolina for more than one day. I figured I'd take the money eating fire in Myrtle Beach and go get a hotel for a week somewhere in another state.
Soon I got to Myrtle Beach, I was angry. There was someone else out there eating fire, and performing the same tricks that I was performing and they were getting a lot of donations. I didn't stand a chance anymore! I couldn't even stay long enough to see if the person would leave.
I slept in the car for one night and waited until the next day. The same man was out there, getting alot of money. It appeared as though they liked him more than me! I left South Carolina and drove towards Lincoln Nebraska. I settled in a remote area and went to sleep soon I got there. I was tired and needed to rest. I had driven a long distance to get away from whatever evil voices I kept hearing.