Terror Firsthand #72: Da Ghetto Nail Spot
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: Da Ghetto Nail Spot
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Tyrone Givens and Chakeera Chambers on The Eyelash Spot reality show |
While in Nebraska. I didn't speak to anyone. I was too afraid of everyone. People wouldn't stop being gay and sickening and incestuous towards me. Homosexual men wouldn't stop being jealous of me because I don't wear nail polish. The bullying just won't stop. The incest predators couldn't help themselves. They were too stinky and unnatural to leave me alone. They just had to bully me and gross me out. They're still sadists, and they enjoy every minute of it.
Watching me suffer in pain and watching me squirm and vomit brings all those incestuous predators joy. They never get tired of inflicting pain on me. Incestuous people are like meth heads and junkies. If they don't torture me, then they didn't get their daily fix yet.
I started looking at YouTube and I saw the first episode of 'The Eyelash Spot'. Lamont Gayonte' King whose name was changed to Lakesha Demetria Givens, was on there. The transwoman announced that her engagement to Tyrone Givens was off, and that she had caught him cheating on her with a cisgender woman.
"I can't marry a transgender, my family won't allow me to." Said Tyrone Givens.
"So! Everyone already knows that he had sex with Lamont Gayonte' King! It's a little to late for that! He's gay for life! What kind of dumb b*tch would wanna marry his ass!? They got to be money hungry!" I said outloud to the television.
I could never want a man that I knew slept with a man. I never slept with a woman, so why would I want that!? I could never trust a gay downlow man like that. Tyrone Givens new fiance came on and said something.
"I am not ashamed of my finance's past. At least he was honest enough to tell me. We are going to move forward as a family and we are expecting our first child. It's going to be a girl!" Said Chakeera Chambers, his new fiance. They showed her stomach. She had to be like 6 months already.
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Salon owner Lamont Gayonte' King (Lakesha Demetria King) on The Eyelash Spot |
Then Lamont came back on the screen.
"Tyrone has been cheating on me with a woman this whole time. I can't believe this foul ass nucca." Said Lamont Gayonte' King.
The he slapped Tyrone across the face in front of his new fiance.
"How could you!" Lamont cried. He was crying and screaming like a little girl.
"Now you know damn well I did not want to marry a f*cking man! You tried to force me!" Said Tyrone.
"I didn't force your funny black ass to do anything nucca! You've been gay all of your life! That's why your previous wife cheated on you!" Yelled Lamont in embarrassment. It was nothing but drama on the screen.
The whole show has to be scripted and staged. There was no way that could've been real.
"Get the f*ck out of my salon!" Said Lamont.
"I own half of this salon. You can't make me go anywhere!" Said Tyrone. Then his new fiance looked at Lamont and rolled her eyes.
"Bye Lakesha!" Said Chakeera Chambers.
"B*tch I'm not going anywhere! I started 'The Eyelash Spot' first!" Said Lamont as he got up and started choking Chakeera.
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Lamont Gayonte' King (Lakesha Demetria King) |
"Leave my fiance alone!" Said Tyrone.
Lamont wouldn't stop choking Chakeera. Then Tyrone grabbed a glass bottle and broke it over Lamont's head and he fell to the ground. Then a commercial came on. After the commercial went off, Lamont and Tyrone were both arrested. Chakeera Chambers called the cops.
While Tyrone was being taken away he said,
"I thought I was your man? I'm about to be the father of our child Chakeera. We're about to have a baby girl! How could you do this? Why did you tell them that I hit Lakesha first?" Asked Tyrone.
"I do not want to be your second wife. Our wedding is off. I'm going to get married to a new man and be his first wife and he is going to take care of my baby because you aren't the father like you think you are!" Chakeera confessed. They were some messy motherf*ckers!
"What the f*ck?! You dirty f*cking bum! You sick f*ck! I'm going to kill your dirty ass! Wait until I get out!" Said Tyrone has he started kicking and screaming and spitting while in handcuffs.
Chakeera Chambers started smiling and laughing hysterically at Tyrone while waving him goodbye.
"Goodbye gay boy! Hope they pound out your asshole in jail!" Said Chakeera Chambers, while laughing so hard, she could barely breathe.
Tyrone Givens was shoved in the car with Lamont Gayonte King and hauled off to Norfolk City jail. Then a new man came on the screen and introduced himself.
"I'm Bryce Tucker. I'm Chakeera's baby father and I'm going to marry her, and we are both going to run The Eyelash Spot. As a matter of fact baby, aren't we going to buy out this whole salon and turn it into a tutoring center for kids? We want to give back to the youth. We want them to have a safe place to learn after school. That's what the Tucker family is all about. We don't want no Eyelashes do we baby?" Asked Bryce Tucker.
"No we don't. We want the youth to have a safe learning center." Said Chakeera. "No more Eyelash Spot. It's about time we turn this raggedy ass shop into something more positive. Something more useful for the community."
She tried to sound bougie but I knew that she was still a ghetto Norfolk b*tch. Right after Chakeera announced the beginning of the Granby Youth Learning Center, another man walked inside of The Eyelash Spot.
"Nigga what the fu*k you doing in here with my baby mother?! Get the fu*k out!" Said the man. He had two small children with him.
"Baby. What the hell is this man talking about?" Asked Bryce Tucker.
"Oh my God Jaquan why the f*ck are you in here!?" Asked Chakeera, as ghetto as they come.
"Mommy!" Yelled the two small children to the pregnant mother to be, while running over to her and hugging her with a smile.
"Mommy? What the f*ck they mean mommy?" Asked Bryce, looking very confused. Poor guy. He was really getting played.
"Baby look I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out this way. I'm so sorry." Cried Chakeera, as she got up to hug Bryce.
"B*tch don't touch me!" Said Bryce, while pushing her hand away.
"Yeah nigga! That's my baby mother. These are her two kids and we about to have a third! You're not the father Bryce! Good-bye looser!" Said Jaquan.
"You f*cking dirty b*tch! You told me you didn't have any kids! What about the learning center!?" Asked Bryce, still concerned.
"I only said that to get you off of my back. Ain't no learning center! This salon doesn't belong to us! It still belongs to Lakesha and Tyrone! Now if you would excuse me, I need you to bounce!" Said Chakeera.
"B*tch this is not over!" Yelled Bryce, while leaving the salon and slamming the door so hard that the glass shattered into pieces.
"What the f*ck?! This nigga broke the door!" Yelled Chakeera Chambers.
"Mommy, I'm hungry." Said one of the kids.
"Let's go get something to eat." Said the kids father Jaquan. Obviously they had a paternity test. "How does pizza sound? Would you guys like that? And some ice cream?"
"Yay!" The two kids cheered as pregnant Chakeera and Jaquan and their two small kids left out of the salon with the broken door. Then the show went off.
Chakeera was one stank b*tch. She was playing all those dumb ass niggas for fools and they kept falling for it. They were probably all still in love with the lying hoe. That's how ghetto those Norfolk niggas are. It's nasty if you ask me.
I wondered where that b*tch lived anyway? And where the f*ck did Jaquan live? I would have to wait another while week to see another ratchet episode.
I couldn't believe I sat there and watched that whole show. I said I wouldn't look at it but it was full of drama and I couldn't help it. After I watched the show, I ate a bowl of cheese and broccoli soup with a piece of gourmet bread. A whole week past and I cut The Eyelash Spot on again.
"I'm turning the Eyelash Spot into a Nail salon." Said Lamont Gayonte' King. Tyrone Givens was still incarcerated. "It's going to be called Da Badazz Nail Spot."
What a ghetto ass name, and what a stinky business move. There are enough gay nail salons out there as it is. They don't need any more.
"Everyone and their mama has been asking me start a nail salon, so that's what I'm going to do." Said Lamont Gayonte' King. "Chakeera no longer works here, and I've hired a new girl. Her name is Molly Washington."
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Lamont Gayonte' King (left ) and Molly Washington (right) at "Da Badazz Nail Spot" |
"Hi my name is Molly Washington and I now work at Da Badazz Nail Spot. I'm very excited! I live, eat, and breathe nail polish and acetone." Said Molly.
"I have a acetone addiction. I have to smell a bottle of acetone at least 20 times a day or I start feeling sick. I love the aroma and it gets me high! Da Badazz Nail Spot is the perfect spot for me! I've been doing nails for over 10 years now!" Said Molly Washington.
"Eww!" I said outloud.
Then customers started lining up to get their nails done, while Lamont Gayonte' King showed a clip of the new door that had been replaced. There were so many women in there getting their nails done, I thought I was going to puke. There were no men in the salon at all. Lamont was the only man in there, unless some of the clients were trannies, which I'm pretty sure there were some tricky ones in there.
Lamont Gayonte' King walked to the back of the back of the salon where the office was. Molly was in there having a lesbian orgy with 20 of the customers, and they were filming it too. It was sickening as f*ck.
"Molly! What the fu*k is going on in here? Why are all of you bi*ches in here humping like that with no clothes on? I thought you were supposed to be getting your nails done! Not planning a gay orgy! Get back to work or get the hell out of my salon!" Demanded Lamont Gayonte' King.
I tried to throw up, but I had already skipped breakfast. I thought I was watching a reality show, not a gay porn. The world is so filthy. It's b*tches like Molly that makes me hate all women. All they do is paint their fingernails and turn each other out. Yuck!
"We already got our nails done! See!" Said one of the 20 lesbians. It was sickening as hell! They were really getting down! They started showing their nails to Lamont.
"We just wanna have some fun. Girls just wanna have fun! Don't we girls!?" Said Molly.
I couldn't take it anymore. It was funky and gay as hell up in that nail salon. BadazzNeekaK must've been a lesbian or something. There's no way that girl would've wanted all that to happen. If she isn't turning in her grave, she was a dyke.
"Yeah! We just wanna have fun!" Said the stinky lesbians, while moaning and molesting each other. It was the gayest salon I had ever seen on television. Salons like Da Gayazz Nail Spot is the reason why I don't wear nail polish at all. Some of those women were married and had kids I'm sure, and chose to be a dyke.
"Y'all should've chose to do that on your own time! This is not the time or place for that! " Said Lamont Gayonte' King.
Lamont walked out of the room and a bunch of dykes hopped off of Molly's p*ssy and started putting their clothes back on. There were about 10 of them still humping each other, with their gay ass fingernails and nail polish on. I bet the whole room was smelling like nail polish and fish. I'm pretty sure it was smelly as hell in there.
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Molly Washington (left) and other gay customers at "Da Gayazz Nail Spot" |
"The rest of y'all customers need to bounce! Go get a room or something!" Said Lamont Gayonte' King. "Here!" He said, while throwing them about $500 in cash to go get one. They immediately stopped humping and put their stank ass clothes back on. Then they walked out of the salon.
"Ew! Pee-Yew! I gotta sleep on hotel beds that lesbians and gay men have orgies on! That's disgusting as hell!" I screamed, while crying.
I was sickened by their gross lesbianism. I couldn't believe they got that much pleasure by being gay. I felt unsafe and I felt like I was in more danger.
Norfolk was gay as f*ck. Some of those dykes had to be from the surrounding cities. It's no way they were all from Norfolk. That's too unnatural. They could've been from Florida or New York or California or some other state. After those lesbians walked out, Molly started talking.
"Those women had some great p*ssy! I enjoyed fu*king every single one of them! Now! Time to get back to smelling acetone and doing nails! After I leave here, I'm going to f*ck those bitches even more!" Said Molly Washington.
I went to the bathroom and stuck my finger in my mouth so I could throw up. I couldn't get anything out. I had no food on my stomach whatsoever. I wanted to eat on purpose, just to vomit, but I couldn't even eat. I couldn't swallow any food. I was too sickened by the orgy I had seen on the show. I hated those kinds of people and their sexual freedom.
After I came back inside the tent, I saw the last bit of The Eyelash Spot episode. I knew that it would be the last time I watch the show. I wasn't gay. I kinda could handle watching Lamont Gayonte' King and Tyrone Givens being gay, but I definitely could not handle watching Molly Washington and the lesbian orgy. A pregnant Chakeera walked back in the salon.
"Hey Lamont! I want my old job back!" Said Chakeera. "I got a baby to take care of!"
"Get out of my salon Chakeera! You had me arrested. You're a rat. Get the fu* k out!" Yelled Lamont.
"Come on Lakesha. Forgive me!" She begged, and then Molly Washington got up and started kissing her in the mouth.
"Yuck! This pregnant dyke on there kissing bitches in the mouth and in a relationship with a straight man that's willing to help her and her kids! How gay! What kinda happy rainbow f*ggots are they!?" I yelled in utter disgust.
Those are the type of dykes that are always calling me 'Tard'. Those dyking bi*ches get a high off of being lesbian and incestuous towards me. Calling me Tard makes them feel cool. They feel like they fit in with each other more when they degrade me like that. The more the dykes bully me, the more those stank, dumb ass, ghetto men become attracted to those p*ssy bumping, incest whores. It's extremely stinky being bullied by all of those queer dykes, and I don't want to be molested by those kind of men in real life at all. I'm always going to curve them. They're always going to hate on me! I'll never be gay!
Da Gayazz Nail Spot was definitely for the gays only. My gosh! I couldn't take it. Then Chakeera pulled out a gun and pointed it at Lamont Gayonte' King. The show went off. A few hours later Chakeera Chambers was on the news.
"Chakeera Chambers was taken into custody on charges of first degree murder this afternoon after shooting and killing transwoman Lakesha Demetria King. King was the owner of Da Badazz Nail Spot. Chambers confessed to killing King because she wanted to be back on her reality show 'The Eyelash Spot', and King told her no. She was fired after an altercation just one week prior to the murder. Chambers, who is also 7 months pregnant, will spend the rest of her life behind bars." Said the reporter.
"Good. Now that funky thot can be with her lesbians lovers behind bars forever! Maybe those naive men will learn not to date murderers, liars, and cheaters like her! Or maybe they'll still be dumb and gay and let her f*ck a bunch of women behind bars and still take care of her!" I said after, watching the report.
I didn't want to watch The Eyelash Spot anymore. I wished that everyone inside the whole salon died, not just Lamont Gayonte' King. I didn't know if they would keep that gay ass salon open or just close it's doors altogether. It was none of my business.
The next day, I woke up to learn that Da Gayazz Nail Spot would still be open. Tyrone Givens was released from jail and stated in an interview that he would be running the nail salon with Molly Washington, and that the reality show would be cancelled. Tyrone Givens was still a very gay man, and said that he planned on marrying Molly Washington. He also mentioned that their marriage would be an open relationship, and that Molly is allowed to fu*k all the women she wants. Of course, I was sickened by how gay they all were.