Terror Firsthand #107: The Westminster's Return From Switzerland
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: The Westminster's Return From Switzerland
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The Westminsters and Connor |
The next week, The Westminster's returned from their vacation.
"How was your trip?" I asked.
"It was great, how were our pets, were they okay!?" Asked Mr. Westminster.
"They weren't too much trouble were they?" Asked Mrs. Westminster.
"They were fine. They were awesome!" I replied.
"Great! We're just going to check the house right quick and then you can leave okay?" Said Mrs. Westminster.
"Okay." I replied.
"And you can keep the clothes." Said Mr. Westminster.
"Thank you. You're too kind. I really like the clothes and I'm going to miss your pets." I said, with a tear falling down my face.
While the Westminster's were inspecting their home, I played a game of solitaire on my cellphone and won. The Westminster's walked back into the living room.
"Well, we've inspected the house. Everything seems to be in order just the way it was before we left! I'm so impressed, that I think you should take this tip!" Said Mr. Westminster, while handing me two hundred dollars.
"Thank you!" I said.
"Can I say goodbye to the pets one more time before I leave?" I asked.
"Sure you can." Said Mr. Westminster.
I said goodbye to the goldfish, the rabbit, the two golden retrievers and hugged Mr. and Mrs. Westminster and headed out of the front door. I didn't know where I was about to go but I knew I needed to get the hell out of Bridgeport with no money.
I filled up my gas tank and headed towards a campground in Delaware. I set up my gear and drank some wine and relaxed for the rest of the night. I started watching The Crime Scene podcast with Joel Hughes.
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In Delaware camping alone |
"Annabelle Krews, also known as adult pornstar Anna Waterfalls, has been released from prison. She apparently started using heroin the same day that she got out, and was caught in a dirty motel in Queens getting high with some fiend she met on the corner. She left Queens, and moved to Emporia Virginia where she started living in a hotel with another unknown man. Some people say she may have met the man on a dating website. She is currently not doing porn." Joel Hughes reported.
"Damn where the hell do they get their sources from!?" I said outloud.
I wrote a new track and then fell asleep. The next morning, I received a reply back about a house sit that I applied for in Emporia. It was a black couple and they said they would be gone on vacation to Kingston Jamaica for a month. The pictures of their house looked beautiful! I couldn't believe they were so nice to me. I started packing up my gear and headed towards Emporia Virginia to their house. They were moving pretty quickly, and really needed to get someone new in. They saw my positive review from the Westminsters. They had one dog, and her name was Winter.
Soon I pulled up to the house, it didn't look as clean as it did it the pictures. There was trash in the front yard, the grass wasn't mowed, there were people standing outside smoking, and it just looked all around creepy.
"What the f*ck is this!?" I said with disappointment. I still went up to the front door with Big C and walked past the group of three black thugs that were standing there.
"Hi Mrs. Henderson." I said, as the wife of the husband homeowner answered the door. Three little bebe looking kids ran to the door and looked a mess.
"Hey girl. Come on in." Said the ghetto black homeowner.
I hate when women call me that. I'm not their girl. Anyways, I tried to brush off my nervousness and continue with the house sit. I heard loud music blasting and the the whole house was rocking to a loud, old ass, reggae song by Damien Marley.
"Latasha! Cut that goddamn music down! You know damn well I got company in this damn house!" Said Mrs. Henderson. She was as stereotypical as they come. Black, ghetto, and hood.
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Latasha |
"Why I gotta cut the music down mom?" Asked Latasha.
"Girl if you don't cut that goddamn music down right now imma smack you across your damn face!" Said Mrs. Henderson.
"Mom you ain't going to do nothing!" The girl Latasha said.
Smaaaaaaack!!!!! Mrs. Henderson slapped her daughter across the face right in front of me.
"Why you do that!? I was about to go do it!" Said Latasha. She looked to be around 18 or 19 years old and was already an adult.
"What I tell you!? Get yo damn ass out of my damn house if you can't follow my damn rules!" Said Mrs. Henderson, nastily.
"I think I should go, is everything okay?" I asked, knowing it wasn't. Latasha ran to her room and cut the music off and then walked out of the front door with a suitcase, a duffel bag, and an attitude.
"Oh no girl you don't gotta go no damn where. You know how kids are. Don't you have kids girl?" Asked Mrs Henderson. I didn't see a ring on her finger either. She probably wasn't even married to that man and her last name might not have been Henderson. Then her alleged husband walked in the room and I changed the subject because I don't hit kids. I was very mad at her for that but I still sat there.
"Is this your husband?" I asked.
"Yes his name is Fred." Mrs. Henderson replied.
"Hi Fred." I said. That's when their dog ran into the living room. The dog looked like she needed a bath. I was scared the dog might even have fleas or something. Luckily I started my dog on a anti flea medicine before arriving.
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Fred and "Mrs. Henderson" |
"What's up? So you the one that's going to be watching our crib huh?" He asked.
"Yes. I'm delighted." I said.
"That's what's up." I said. The couple was around the same age as me.
"So all you gotta do is feed Winter once a day, take her a bath, let your dog play with her, etcetera. Keep the house and the kitchen clean." Said Fred, while lighting up a cigarette.
There was trash all over the floor and a foul odor coming from the kitchen. The inside of the house looked nothing like the pictures they displayed online. The furniture was outdated and I was afraid the inside of the fridge would look even worse. I couldn't even believe people that ghetto had a house listed. They were not elegant or sophisticated by a long shot and their house was very tiny.
"Okay. That's all?" I asked.
"That's it! We gone call periodically probably about twice a week to make sure everything is okay but we gone be out for a month so just take care of our house like you would your own." Said Mrs. Henderson.
"Okay." I said.
"Ok we out, if you need anything just call us." Said Fred.
Fred and Mrs. Henderson grabbed their little kids, their luggage, and left out of the front door without saying anything else. They didn't even give me a tour of the house. The three thugs that were standing in the yard helped them load their van. Then they drove off and the thugs hopped in their Ford Truck with spreewells and sped off. I didn't even know spreewells were still in style. I thought they went out of style a couple of decades ago.
Soon they left, I tried to clean up the living room, but after inspecting the kitchen, they had no cleaning supplies. There were no trash bags, no disinfectant, no dish detergent, no paper towels,- nothing. How the hell did they have kids and didn't have any cleaning supplies!?
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Winter in the kitchen |
I looked into the refrigerator and there was no food in there. The only thing in the fridge was a box of leftover chicken from Chicken N Stuff. I was surprised when I saw the box. I didn't even know that there was a Chicken N Stuff nearby. I looked in the cabinets and they were dirty. There were a lot of canned goods in there and the cans had dust on them. There were two large 50 lb bags of cheap dog food in the pantry and a bag of stale plantains.
I looked in the bathroom and it was clean but when I looked under the sink I saw a bunch of feminine products like Summers Eve and another off brand vaginal odor eliminator and tampons. I knew right then that Mrs. Henderson had a smelly genital area, which was none of my business. There was a old pack of kanekolon braiding hair in there.
I wondered how long had the couple even been living there. I didn't see any pieces of mail or anything laying around, but I knew that they might have mail coming soon. I looked into the unlocked bedroom and it was raggedy as hell. The bed was old, the mattress had piss stains on it, and there was no bedding at all. There was no TV and no clothes in the closet.
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The guest room at the Henderson home |
The only TV was in the living room and when I cut it on, there was no cable or smart TV. They didn't have wifi either. They only had a DVD player. I didn't even have any DVD'S on me.
The other two bedrooms were locked from the outside. They didn't even have a crate for the dog. She was around 3 years old, and was walking around acting normal. I felt a sigh of relief. I walked out the back door to see if they had a back yard and they didn't. There was another house right across from it with their backyard facing theirs. The space was very small and there was no fence for the dog. I didn't see a stake to die down the dogs either but luckily I already had one in my trunk so I wouldn't have to go walking around the neighborhood. The neighborhood appeared to be kind of old timey and close knit.
I felt out of place but I didn't pay it any mind. I ran my anti spy device through the house and it went off in the bedroom. I couldn't locate a hidden camera though. I knew I needed to watch my back in there. The Henderson's didn't say anything about me being able to invite company over, but I didn't know anyone in Emporia Virginia anyway.
I decided that I needed to go to the store to buy cleaning supplies and food so I hopped in my own car with the two dogs and went to the store. I brought everything I needed and a couple of cheap DVD'S and I went back to the house. I used the blankets and pillows that I already had in my trunk to sleep on. I fixed something light to eat and took a bath, watched a movie and tried to go to sleep. The neighbors were blasting loud, old ass, rap music all night and was having a loud, ghetto, get-together in their small backyard. It took me hours to finally fall asleep inside of that small filthy ass room with that loud ass noise from nextdoor.
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The loud party next door |
The next morning, the doorbell rang. It looked like Annabelle K.
"What the f*ck is that New York bi*ch doing all the way out here!?" I asked myself, while peeping through the peephole. I thought I must be seeing things but The Crime Scene podcast did say that Annabelle K would be in Emporia. I didn't want to open the door but I did.
"Hi, Shakita told me to come over here and check on the house!" She said, while smiling with a evil smile.
"You mean miss Henderson?" I asked. I didn't even know the lady's name was Shakita.
"Yes. Her." Annabelle K said.
She looked worse in person. She had really been using heavily since her release.
"She didn't say anything about another house sitter. Hold on I'm going to call her." I said. I picked up the phone and dialed the Hendersons. Mrs. Henderson picked up on the first ring.
"Hi, there's a girl here saying she's supposed to be watching the house?" I asked.
"Oh. Yeah, that's Annabelle. She's real cool people's." Said Mrs. Henderson. That couple was full of sh*t. They didn't tell me all that. Annabelle was a junkie, that told on niggas that put her on, had a man and was cheating on him with the man's cousin, and had him ambushed and killed, then snitched to get out of it. How the f*ck was she cool people's?
"Okay." I replied. I knew right then and there that I was ready to bounce. I did not want to chill with that snitch ass porn star.
"Aight girl. Bye." Said Mrs. Henderson, as she hung up the phone.
"See. I told you." Said Annabelle K, as she walked into the house and plopped right down on the chair and started getting high. I was ready to get the hell out of that damn house before I got set up or told on. That's all women like Annabelle do, and I didn't want any parts.