Terror Firsthand #115: The Adult Film Star That Likes Prison
©Terror Firsthand is a fictional blog series that was created in 2024. It is for entertainment purposes only, and I wrote it from the top of my head. Photos are reenactments and dramatization. The following story is for mature audiences only. Please, do not try anything dangerous at home.
Warning: extreme terror
Terror Firsthand: The Adult Film Star That Likes Prison
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Jade Sky XXX and Mocha Bank |
The following day, I signed an online petition to free Mocha Bank from the sex addict rehab facility. I started crying because I felt bad for him. What happened to Mocha Bank could've happened to anyone. I learned right then that privacy is very important. You never know who's watching you, even when you think you're alone. I also learned that when renting a property that isn't yours, that you should always read all of the house rules so that you don't break them and if you don't think that you can follow the rules, that it's okay to turn down a property and find a more lenient place to rent that doesn't have the same rules.
Later that evening, after I signed the petition, Mocha Bank was released from the sex addiction treatment facility in Los Angeles. I saw him on Instagram in a picture with Jade Sky XXX. It was disgusting. They were a couple! Jade Sky XXX had been fu*king Mocha Bank the whole time! They even went to the Orgy Dome at Burning Man in Nevada together! I wasn't paying close enough attention to Mocha Bank! I even digged deep enough to find out that Mocha Bank and Jade Sky XXX once participated in a sex orgy that consisted of 120 people all having sex at one time! There was also a clip of them online skydiving together.
I'm not into orgies by a long shot and never will be. I'm not into skydiving either. I didn't know Mocha Bank was that far gone. I knew something wasn't right about his masturbation videos. I'm so glad I didn't fall for it. I didn't mean to sign his gay ass petition either. I couldn't find any article or video stating that Mocha Bank was gay or bi, but the fact that he was dating Jade Sky XXX was enough for me to believe that he is gay. Jade Sky XXX was a gay motherf*cker. She had been having sex with women all of her life. She was a full blow lesbian and bisexual that starred in numerous gay and bi porn films. Any man that would want her is a bisexual - point blank period. No straight man should want her.
I fixed a cup of chai tea and started packing my stuff. I got tired of living at the resort in Myrtle Beach and drove to a campground in North Carolina. I set up my gear and then ate a cheeseburger and plain potato chips for dinner. I fed Big C the same thing and settled in. I lit a blue candle and played some jazz music to calm my nerves. After that, I went to sleep.
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Alone eating dinner by the candle light |
The next day, I cut the TV on and saw the ghetto headlines. Jade Sky XXX had been beaten up by Mocha Bank and claimed that she had been tolerating domestic violence every since she met him and was playing it off. I didn't believe her. I went to Mocha Bank's Instagram and he was on there dissing her.
"Jade Sky XXX is a lame! I never put my hands on that funky ass broad! We were getting along with each other the whole time! Now she sees me getting a little money and wanna act like I beat her so she can get it! She is a damn lie! I want nothing else to do with Jade Sky XXX bro!" He ranted.
I yawned. Mocha Bank was a bore and was acting like Big Fly. I wouldn't be surprised if he took a brown shower from Jade Sky XXX himself. The famous lesbian porn star was known for defecating directly on men's faces in some of her bisexual videos. I don't know how any of those men went on with their lives after that.
A few hours later he posted a pic of him and Mi$ter Min$ter at the bar playing pool, and the caption read,
Chilling with my bro, not these hoes!
I guess that was his way of letting the world know that he was single, but I was no longer attracted to him and he was no longer my celebrity crush. I didn't have one anymore. I didn't even watch his new interview with Mi$ter Min$ter.
The next morning, I fixed a coffee for breakfast and ate black eye pea fritters. They were really good and I hadn't made any in about three or four years. I went online and saw Jade Sky XXX working in Miami at the same rehab that Alexandria Skeeter was involuntary admitted to. She announced that she was quitting porn, and had deleted all of the pictures of her and her fellow lesbian dykes off of her social media accounts.
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Jade Sky XXX at the rehab facility in Miami working |
"Yuck! I would hate to be trapped in a rehab with women like them! I'm glad I don't use drugs anymore!" I expressed my disgust for the lesbos.
I read an article about Jade Sky XXX and Alexandria Skeeter having sex. They were out in the open inside of the facility. The next day, Jade Sky XXX was fired for having sexual relations with one of the residents in the program. In the article it stated that Alexandria Skeeter didn't want Jade Sky XXX to get fired and that she really wanted to be with her. She said that she would be lost without Jade Sky XXX and was ready to get out of the facility. News spreads really fast in the streets. Jade Sky XXX had only worked there for a couple of days. The media was following the porn star Jade Sky XXX very closely.
A day later, Jade Sky XXX flew to Los Angeles and started doing porn again at The Adult TV Network studio. It was all over the internet. She raped Alexandria Skeeter's former lesbian lover, Annabelle K. while at the porn studio and was arrested on charges of rape and sexual assault. How gay. Annabelle K. said that the sex wasn't consensual and even had the nerve to talk to the press about it. I didn't believe her side of the story at all but this is what she told the press.
"I was raped, drugged, and sexually assaulted by Jade Sky XXX. I was at the porn studio to have sex with men, not women, and I told Kristina Cums that when I first got there and signed the contract. Now I feel disgusted, embarrassed, and ashamed by what has happened. I hope Jade spends the rest of her life behind bars, and I hope I never run into her again." Said Annabelle Krews.
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Annabelle K. talking live to a reporter about the SA |
Annabelle K. had no business being at the porn studio in the first place. After what she did to Hernandez Elliott and Travis Rosenberg, she shouldn't even have been allowed inside of the Adult TV Network.
Later that night, I ate a leftover plain grilled cheeseburger and a bag of plain kettle chips for dinner. What I saw next was disturbing. I saw Annabelle K's gay ass back online expressing her love for Alexandria Skeeter. She came out of the closet as gay, and said that she wants to be with Alexandria Skeeter. In the video clip she uploaded she said,
"I am in love with Alexandria. I hope that we can make this relationship work and I started this petition to help get her out of rehab. She is not a junkie. She is a human being and deserves to be with her child and me. We are a family." Annabelle K. said.
"Gross!" I said outloud, while still watching the sicko dyke very closely on TV.
I went to sleep, and the very next morning, I ate black eye pea fritters again, along with a glass of orange juice. Jade Sky XXX was in the media and was moved to solitary confinement because all of the inmates were scared that she would rape them. Several ghetto vloggers and publicists were covering her story and exposing her.
"Jade Sky XXX thought that she was going to be tapping a bunch of women's asses in prison and she found out that they didn't want her ass. She was in for a huge disappointment. If found guilty, she could be facing up to 10 years in prison. She already had a warrant out for her arrest and was wanted on charges of sexual battery already!" Said the YouTuber.
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The YouTuber speaking on Jade Sky XXX |
Jade Sky was one nasty, disgusting, sickening lesbian b*tch with no morals at all. I hated Annabelle K. too. I dislike all gay women. I wanted Annabelle K. to be through too.
After I went hiking, I saw another new news story about Jade Sky XXX online. She had media coverage inside of the prison.
"What's it like being in prison? Did you really rape Annabelle K.?" Asked the reporter, Jim Duncan.
"Yes I did, and I don't regret it either." Answered Jade Sky XXX.
"So if you could do it all over would you rape her again?" Asked reporter Jim Duncan.
"Yes I would. I'm not ashamed of my identity. I'm not in the closet. I'm gay and I'm proud. I had a crush on Annabelle K. every since she made that one little porn. Everyone saw it. Everyone wanted her. She was hot. I became upset when she stopped making porn and decided that I would have her to myself, one way or the other." Said Jade Sky XXX.
"And you raped Alexandria Skeeter too?" Asked the reporter. "What would make you take a job at a rehab facility just have sex with someone? You saw her in the porn flick with Annabelle K. didn't you?"
"Of course I saw it, and yes, I immediately wanted both of them, and that's what I got." Jade Sky XXX confessed.
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Jade Sky XXX talking to the press about the SA |
"And you were willing to go to prison behind sex?" Asked the reporter. "You have no remorse at all."
"I didn't think I would end up in here. I didn't know that Annabelle K. would snitch on me like that. She didn't snitch on Alexandria like that." Stated Jade Sky XXX.
"Well, now that you're here and possibly facing 10 years, how do you think you will survive?" Asked Jim Duncan.
"Well all of the women here like me. I don't mind being here. They've all been throwing their p*ssies at me left and right and I had to get moved to solitary confinement. I like solitary because it is more private. The guards usually send the gay girls to my cell and we get it on in there so I'm happy. They bring me gifts and they say that they're a fan of me." Said Jade Sky XXX.
I knew right then that she was lying. Everyone in the prison did not want her ass. Everyone is not gay.
"So you mean to tell me that the guards actually allow you to have sex with other inmates in your solitary confinement cell? Aren't they breaking the law?" Asked Jim Duncan.
"Technically no. They don't care. They're a fan of me too. Majority of the correctional officers here are downlow gay anyway. They may have a husband or something but they still try to have sex with me." Jade Sky XXX said.
"Have you ever had sex with a guard?" Asked Jim Duncan.
"Not yet, but I want to!" Jade Sky XXX responded, while laughing.
She was telling another lie. If they wanted to have sex with her and she wanted them too, then why didn't she do it?
Overall, the gay horny porn star appeared to be in good spirits behind bars. She was very gay and loved being around women, even if it meant living with them for the rest of her life.
"Do you ever think you'll get out of here one day?" Asked the reporter.
"Yeah, I will." Said Jade Sky XXX.
I had seen enough. After seeing Jade Sky XXX gay ass prison report, I knew right then that would never want to be locked up again. I had lost my appetite and decided that it was time to get some shut eye.