Q&A | Bullied by the World
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Q&A |
My answers to questions about being bullied by the world.
Introduction to Your Experience
Can you share your personal journey regarding the bullying you've faced and how it has impacted your life?
Well I have been through alot of bullying. I wasn't really bullied in elementary school. I was bullied in middle school, in high school, in college, in my 20's, in my 30's and all throughout my adult life. The bullying has impacted my life drastically. I'm not the same friendly, easy going person I once was. I'm more reserved and scared of people than I used to be.
Everyone I come in contact with seems to be a bully and it has made me think twice about being too social with people. Even my own relatives are bullies. When it's your own family bullying you it can make you even more sensitive to people. When the people that are supposed to protect you are the ones being a bully, it can really damage your psyche. That's what happened to me. It made me see the world in a different light. The world will never look the same to me anymore. It's too many disgusting people.
Understanding the Bullying
What specific behaviors or actions have you encountered from those you describe as "predatory, sick, downlow gay women"?
My Answer:
Well, the women I describe as downlow, predatory, and sick do some very disgusting things. They do things like stalk me, spy on me and invade my personal space. Some of them lie on me and tell people that I had sex with them and I've only had sex with men, not women. Some of them bite everything I say and do so they can confuse people into believing that I'm mimicking them and not the other way around. Some of them call me a he and they know that I was born a she- just to be mean and hateful. They haven't seen my genitals, but they know that I'm a female because I'm a mother and I've always carried myself like a lady- not a man.
Some of them like to have sex with every man that I meet behind my back. Some of them steal my identity and pretend to be me. Some of them tell lies on the way I look. Like they'll lie about me having body piercings or lie about me wearing fingernail polish so that people that are more conservative will find me less appealing. Some of them harass me and pester me and make death threats and lie and tell people that I'm the one harassing them.
Some of them pester me and annoy me and brag about bullying me in front of all their friends. Some of them like to see people spitting in my food or tampering with my drinks. Some of them are extremely unsanitary. Some of the sick women are violent and like to argue with me and go back and forth with me so they can be violent towards me. Alot of them lie to make it appear as though I'm around them and that they're telling me what to do, and I'm not around them.
Some of the sick pedos and downlow women have sex with young minor girls or boys and lie to make me look like I'm their friend and I'm not. Some of them lie about what my real name is and tell people that I'm another name. Some of them have incestuous relationships with people in their families like their parents or their cousins or even their own children, and they hate me because I don't get down like that. Some of them call me derogatory names and I don't even know them from a can of paint. It's a lot of sick things that they do, and I want no parts of it at all. Some of them will label me a "rat" or a "snitch" just for speaking on their incestuous and lesbian relationships with each other. Speaking about predatory women who do those type of things is highly dangerous, but I still do it because I'm not on their side, and people need to know.
They know that I don't do that stuff, and they really hate my guts. They know it's wrong, yet they still do it because there's always going to be other gay pedos that are into the same twisted things they're into. They never get exposed for what they do because they just cling to people that do what they do, that way they don't have to get judged. They gay pedos stick together. I'm not with them, so they bully me. It's me against the gay pedos of the world.
Emotional Impact
How has the experience of being bullied affected your emotional well-being and your social relationships?
My Answer:
I am very sensitive to gay lesbians. If I'm around them in public or see them in relationships on TV or in movies or anything, I get nervous and scared of them. The bullying has caused me to be less social because the pedos tell so many lies on me. Certain people with morals will not even speak to me because they keep believing the lies people tell on me. It has caused me to be anti social and I suffer from a lot of social anxiety.
Community Support
Have you sought support from any communities or organizations that address bullying, and if so, how have they helped you?
My Answer:
I have not reached out to any organizations for help because most like they will be bullies and predators too. I don't believe that they can help.
Event Planning Motivation
What inspired you to plan an event at a Mexican Grill on Black Friday, and what do you hope to achieve with this gathering?
My Answer:
Well, I've always wanted to host my own event so I figured I might as well give it a try. I recently tried to hold my own support group but no one came and the event was a complete flop, even after reaching out to several media outlets. I decided to try again on black Friday, and make the event a meet and greet instead of a support group.
If anyone shows up, I just hope to work through my social anxiety and network with mature people who are not petty and mean. I want to see if people are still gay pedos, or if they will come out and support me and have brunch with me. I hope to gain the spotlight and gain social media attention. I want to raise the bar in event planning and set a new standard for social media influencers worldwide.
Concerns About Attendance
You mentioned concerns about attendance due to the bullying—could you elaborate on those feelings and what they mean to you?
My Answer:
Well like I mentioned already, I don't think anyone's going to show up, because I'm being bullied. I experience feelings of embarrassment and shame, but I continue to work through those feelings because life is short and you only get to live once.
Coping Strategies
What strategies or methods have you found helpful in coping with the bullying and its effects?
My Answer:
I find smoking marijuana helpful. It helps with my social anxiety. I also find writing out my feelings very helpful. I write every single day to cope with the bullying. Writing is a safe coping mechanism verses destructive behaviors like drinking, unprotected sex with strangers, or illegal drugs.
Message to Others
What message would you like to convey to others who might be experiencing similar bullying or feeling isolated?
My Answer:
I would say, share your stories with me. No one ever shares their stories with me. Everything I write is always about me.
Addressing the Lies
How do you think the lies being told about you contribute to the bullying, and what can be done to counteract misinformation?
My Answer:
When people defame me and lie on me, they know it hurts- so they keep doing it. Their whole goal is to hurt me, because that's what predators and pedos do. I've done every thing I can to counteract the lies, even going so far as to pay for a polygraph test.
I've written countless blogs, and even written books, advocating for myself on my own behalf about the bullying, and yet, it is still never enough. There are always going to be liars that want to hurt me and break my spirit with everything they got, and they're always going to be people that entertain the lies and believe the liars and protect them instead of protecting me.
Future Aspirations
Looking ahead, what are your hopes for your social life and community engagement as you move forward from this experience?
My Answer:
I hope to one day host an event that is successful and that there will be people who will want to show up and follow all of the rules that I have set in place with no problem. If all hope is lost, I'll deal with that too.
Advice for Navigating Bullying
What advice would you give to others who may be facing bullying in their own lives, particularly regarding their identity or relationships?
My Answer:
My advice would be for them to take their own advice and to stand up for themselves, regardless of if anyone protects them or not.
Closing Thoughts
Is there anything else you would like to share that you haven't covered in this conversation? These questions aim to foster a thoughtful and respectful dialogue about a challenging subject while allowing for personal expression and insight.
My Answer:
Yeah I just want to say that if you're reading this and you're a hater and a disgusting, fake bully- fuck you! I'll live with or without your support. You're just a nobody, and the world is bigger than you and your disgusting circle of smelly, fake bullies.
If you're reading this and you support me, I hope that you start liking and commenting on my posts on social media, start supporting my events, start supporting my music career, and start speaking up and saying something nice to me, or keep the nastiness yourself. If you respect me, I'll respect you.