Q&A | Escorting /Prostitution Edition
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Q&A Prostitution Edition |
These are my exact responses to these questions about prostitution. I answered most of these questions from a cautionary perspective.
How do most people get involved in prostitution?
My Answer:
They could be lured into the lifestyle by someone they know or just met. The person could lure them with promises of wealth or a better life. Someone who is vulnerable and is struggling with poverty, financial issues, low self esteem, or another issue may be lured into the lifestyle more easily.
Others however, choose prostitution on their own free will. They want to live life like a superstar so they get involved in prostitution so they can make large amounts of money very fast and easily.
What are some dangerous situations that can happen while working as a prostitute?
My Answer:
Prostitutes are more likely to get robbed more easily. They could also get murdered, stalked by deranged clients or people that they don't even know, framed for crimes that they didn't commit, drugged and raped, stabbed, shot, or beaten. They could also be forced to become a pedophile or commit unusual sexual acts that they wouldn't normally do if they were held at gun point or knife point.
What safety precautions can someone take while engaging in prostitution?
My Answer:
Always wear a condom when having sex with clients. Take regular STD tests, including monkeypox tests and HIV tests, and carry some over the counter STD tests on hand. Carry lubricant to avoid soreness. Always alert an emergency contact of where you are going to be at, in case something unfortunate happens. Carry something to protect yourself such as pepper spray or a knife, but don't use it unless you plan on explaining your self defense case in court.
If you are very wealthy, hire a security guard to watch the door while you are taking clients, so that nothing bad happens. Always remember, that prostitution is illegal in the United States except for certain parts of Nevada. Prostitution is still legal in Switzerland and Mexico, so if you don't want to catch any criminal charges, you might want to travel to one of those countries to stay even more safe.
Watch out for hidden cameras to avoid being busted by law enforcement. Don't end up in a prostitution ring, and watch out for hidden cameras to avoid being unknowingly filmed. The person spying on you could put your sex tapes all over porn websites and sell them to people on the street or they could use the sex tapes to blackmail you at a later date. Purchase a anti spy device. They can be purchased online from Amazon or another online store for less than $30.
Last but not least, always make sure clients are of legal age. If they look like they are under 40, then they should be screened.
How can someone handle the emotional toll of being a prostitute?
My Answer:
If they chose that lifestyle on their own, then they should be able to handle it emotionally.
How can someone handle being physically or emotionally abused by a client?
My Answer:
Talk about the situation to someone who cares. Distant themselves from the client as soon as possible and cut off all contact with the client. Be very careful when working late at night and be aware of sketchy hotels and sketchy cities and drug infested alleyways. Get as far away from the abusive client as possible. You may have to change your phone number or move to a different location.
How can someone navigate the legal aspects of prostitution in your area?
My Answer:
Have a lawyer if you are going to continue to break the law. Be prepared for harassment from the police.
How can someone handle rejection or negative responses from potential clients?
My Answer:
Ignore the negativity because it can be extremely damaging to one's mental health.
What is your biggest fear when it comes to being a prostitute?
My Answer:
Getting kidnapped at gunpoint or knifepoint, forced into a vehicle and held hostage. Someone tying me to a chair and starving me to death, pouring acid on me, mutilating me, or setting me on fire. Someone tying me to a chair and urinating on me or smearing their feces on me. Catching an STD while being held hostage against my will and the fear of never escaping. I'm also scared of being spied on and filmed while naked.
How can someone handle the stigma and judgment from society towards prostitution?
My Answer:
Don't do it if they can't handle it.
Is it possible to form genuine connections with clients? If so how do you handle them?
My Answer:
Some clients can be genuine, but more than likely no real relationship will come of it. Most of the time it's strictly business, not a fairytale.
How can someone protect their physical health while engaging in prostitution?
My Answer:
Like I mentioned before, taking STD tests, buying some and keeping them on hand, taking PeP or PreP to prevent HIV if not using condoms, getting routine monkeypox vaccinations, as well as wearing condoms.
What if they experience discrimination or mistreatment from law enforcement?
My Answer:
They should stop prostituting in illegal areas and then law enforcement wouldn't pay them any mind.
How can someone handle the financial aspect of prostitution such as managing money and taxes?
My Answer:
Save as much money as possible and put it in a safe. A safe can be purchased online for cheap or at a store like Walmart or any office supply store. Don't blow the money on frivolous things that come and go just because the money is fast. Use it for something long term. Never let a pimp or human trafficker manage your money.
What is the hardest part about being a prostitute?
My Answer:
Being constantly harassed, stalked, or judged by nosey people who are not prostitutes. Most of the time they are just curious and have sexual needs and can get very abusive or violent if you ignore them or reject them. Another hard part about being a prostitute is always having to look over your shoulder for trouble.
Have you ever been in a situation where you were forced into prostitution?
My Answer:
Yes. Three times. In Norfolk, Los Angeles, and in New York City.
How can someone lower the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections?
My Answer:
I've said this three times already but I can't stress it enough. Wear condoms or take PreP regularly. If you accidentally sleep with a client without protection, and you suspect them of having HIV, go to the emergency room within 72 hours of the sexual contact and ask for a antiretroviral medication called Pep. That will stop the transmission of HIV. Get a monkeypox vaccination regularly, and get tested for STD's every three months at your local health clinic, or carry over the counter tests with you and get tested whenever, wherever you want.
How can someone maintain a sense of self-worth and dignity while being a prostitute?
My Answer:
That's hard to do, but it's possible. Just keep their head up.
What support systems can you have if any while engaging in prostitution?
My Answer:
Hang around other prostitutes or johns. Start a support group for sex workers and make sure it's really a support group and not some sex orgy or prostitution ring. Also, watch out for undercovers and people that pose as prostitutes but are really informants and police because they're not going to be your support. Check for hidden wires and eavesdropping devices. Watch what you discuss over the phone and make sure you are not being recorded when working as an escort. Those undercovers are going to be your worst nightmare, so make sure that the people around you are real people that are going through the same thing you are.
Watch what you post on social media and never give up your working location. Do not mention your previous location unless you are in an entirely new location. Everyone on social media might not really be your support. Watch out for the social media app called Threads. There's a lot of police officers on there. As a prostitute, they are not your support. Do not follow them or like any of their posts. Do not let the users on there know that you are a prostitute. For example, do not take pictures in a hotel in your underwear while holding a stack of money, especially with your location on. You wouldn't want to get set up by a cop, a snitch, or a trafficker.
How can you handle the potential risks of drug and alcohol use while working as a prostitute?
My Answer:
Just say no. Or say yes and deal with the consequences, which could lead to overdosing, health problems, addiction, withdrawals, and incarceration.
How can you handle the emotional toll of being objectified by clients?
My Answer:
Don't prostitute yourself if you can't handle being objectified.
Have you ever encountered clients who were seeking something other than sexual services?
My Answer:
Yes. Sometimes they want you to buy drugs from them and that's it. They don't want sex.
How can you handle the pressure of constantly having to look and present a certain way for clients?
My Answer:
Just do what you have to do or don't be a prostitute.
What if you face discrimination from other sex workers because of your chosen profession?
My Answer:
Watch out for the competition because it can get dangerous out there. Stay as safe as possible and ignore the discrimination or get out of prostitution altogether.
How can you handle the potential danger of meeting clients in unfamiliar locations?
My Answer:
Always meet clients in a well lit area. If possible, work during the day shift and never meet a client in a sketchy, run down, drug infested location. Screen them ahead of time if possible to make sure they are not law enforcement or a killer.
Is it possible to leave the world of prostitution? If so how can you do it?
My Answer:
Yes. Someone can get a regular job or seek help from social services. They can go back to school to further their education and lead a normal life.
How can you handle the potential emotional attachment to clients?
My Answer:
Never get emotionally attached to a john. It's not safe and it's not healthy. Always draw the line between business and your feelings. If they paid you for sex, then they'd pay someone else too. Never feel like you're special and never let the sex and money go to your head. Always be humble and thankful.
What advice would you give to someone considering entering the world of prostitution?
My Answer:
Stay as safe as possible and watch out for pedophiles, serial murderers, people that have incest, stalkers, and other predatory people. If possible, choose another profession altogether. One that doesn't strip you of your self worth and one that doesn't turn your dreams of becoming wealthy into a living nightmare.