Q&A | Surviving Women that Mimicry & Imitate
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Q&A |
Here’s a list of podcast interview questions and my exact answers designed to explore the topic of surviving women who mimic my identity and trick people, especially men, into believing them instead of me.
1. Can you share your journey and what led you to experience situations where women mimicked your identity?
My Answer:
Women mimick my identity all the time. Some women bite everything I do. For example, there's this one girl, who imitates me all the time. If I tell men that I don't like women, she'll tell people that she doesn't like women. I know she's lying, because she used to be gay but everyone doesn't know that. If I tell people that I don't wear nail polish, this same girl well tell people that she doesn't wear nail polish, and that I'm the one wearing it. If I tell people that I don't wear body piercings, she will say the same thing, even though I saw her wear body piercings before.
If I say I'm going on a vacation, she'll say she wants to go on vacation too. If I say I don't like the color red, she'll say she doesn't like the color red. If I say I don't like a certain city, she'll say that she doesn't like that city either. If I want to go out on a date with a hot guy, she'd want to go out with a hot guy too- at the same exact location. You get the picture. It's very irritating and I'm not flattered at all. There's several other women that do the same thing, alot of them are close friends with the girl that mimicks me.
2. How did you first become aware of these women imitating you? What was your initial reaction?
My Answer:
My initial reaction was that I knew I was in serious danger. I became scared of those women because they were copying me and tricking alot of people. They started telling people that I was slow and mentally challenged, and people started believing their lies. I'm not mentally retarded. I couldn't make them stop imitating me.
3. In what ways did this mimicry affect your personal life and relationships?
My Answer:
It ruined my life. That's what they wanted it to do. Men won't even date me because they think I'm a disgusting copy of the women mimicking me. It's like having two Louis Vuitton handbags on a game show. One is real and authentic and the other is a clone. The host ask the men which bag do they think is real and which one isn't, and they all choose the fake bag and say that it's real. They keep getting the answers wrong over and over. They keep choosing the fake bag.
Let's say that the host pulls out two Patek watches and ask several men, which one is the real Patek and they all choose the knockoff and say that they think it is real. Then the host tells them that it's not, and that the other one is real. That's how it is when women mimick me. People never know which one is the clone and which one is the real one. They keep choosing the fakes.
Sometimes the women mimicking me will even go so far as to lie about what my name is or gender. They'll say my name or my sex at birth is something else and people are dumb enough to believe them.
Some people, especially men, are so dumb and racist, that they'll believe people that say untrue things and they don't even have any proof whatsoever to back up what the imitators say. For example, I could stand next to a woman that has never been a rapper before and they could tell people that they are a rapper. Someone could ask the guy, "Who is the rapper?" me or them, and the person points at the other woman instead of me. I could stand next to a woman that says they been to Hollywood, but never really did. A person asks the guy "Which one went to Hollywood?", and the guy will point to the one that never went there, without having any proof whatsoever.
For most of these men, it ain't even about who's mimicking who or not. They are just going to choose the easiest bitch or nigga that's going to suck their d*ck. If they know that I'm not going to be the easy one sucking it, they are not going to pick me. Simple as that.
Someone could imitate me to the point where they go on a date with a guy or scam people out of money by pretending to be me, while I'm somewhere minding my business, hurting because of it. I can't seem to make any money while mimicked by these women that are always imitating me. The impersonators just want to harass and intimidate me and cause me to stay broke because they are very weak minded and very predatory, evil, people.
4. Have you confronted any of the women who have impersonated you? If so, what was that experience like?
My Answer:
I tried to confront them online but I just kept getting mimicked by them. They acted like they were the ones confronting me.
5. How do you think social media and online dating contribute to these identity mimicry situations?
My Answer:
People look at people's online profiles and it makes them easy to mimick someone, especially if their profile is public. I'm a rapper and a public figure, so I can't have a private profile. The perps can easily see every post and mimick what I say or do.
6. What emotional challenges have you faced as a result of these experiences, and how have you coped with them?
My Answer:
I experience a lot of depression because of their imitating me. I cope with it by writing my feelings down or by smoking marijuana- the same way I cope with all of my life problems.
7. Do you believe there are underlying motivations for why these women choose to mimic you? What are your thoughts?
My Answer:
Jealousy, envy, and hatred are the main three reasons women mimic me. They did a lot of fucked up things in their life. They are very flaw- inside and out. They did things that I didn't do, and they want to mimic me because they believe deep down inside that I'm better than them but will never admit it because it will make them look weak or gay.
8. How can someone protect themselves from being impersonated or having their identity misused?
My Answer:
I started by having most of my online profiles verified. I started wearing masks in public a couple years ago to hide my face so they won't mimic my facial expressions. Being verified online still doesn't protect me from being mimicked or imitated in real life, but it does protect me on social media.
I also stay away from men that date clones. If they say the wrong thing out of their mouth, then I will cut them off. For example, if I told a man while on a date, that I'm being mimicked by another female and he responds by saying something like "she's just playing" or "she's just trying to be your friend" or "chill out, nobody is imitating you", I will cut them off. He's supposed to be able to tell the real from the fake. I don't want a dummy or a thirsty man that'll date anyone.
9. Are there any specific strategies or lessons you've learned that you would recommend to others in similar situations?
My Answer:
I would say just keep being yourself, because being yourself is the best person that you can be. Never try to be like someone else and never lie about who you are. It's not cool.
10. What message do you want to convey to those who might be tempted to imitate others instead of embracing their own identities?
My Answer:
Please stop doing that. It hurts and it is unfair. Don't be lame, just be yourself. Someone will like you for who you are.
11. How has this experience shaped your view on authenticity and self-expression?
My Answer:
Being authentic is a character trait that everyone doesn't have. Some people were just born fakes, like a fake Gucci bag.
12. What positive outcomes, if any, have emerged from your experiences with these situations?
My Answer:
Not many positive outcomes can come from women imitating my identity the way they do, but I can say that I know who I am, and through these negative experiences I learned to stay true to myself, regardless of how gross people treat me.
13. How do you envision your future and what steps are you taking to move forward after these encounters?
My Answer:
I just plan to stay safe and to stay away from weirdos and sickos and people who don't take my side when I come clean about how badly I'm being mistreated.
14. Is there a community or support system that you found helpful during these challenges?
My Answer:
No. I don't have a human support system, but I do have an emotional support animal.
15. Finally, what resources or platforms do you recommend for those who may be dealing with identity issues, either as impersonators or as victims?
My Answer:
I would say read blogs or watch educational videos about how to stop the impersonators and educate yourself as much as you possibly can.