Bullies Will Be Bullies: Having An Unsupportive Mother

Oya Obinidodo
Me today. 
2025. Oya Obinidodo. All rights reserved.

I hate the Threads app because I've been on there for months without communicating with other users. All I use it for is promo. I can't even find anyone decent to follow. I have to follow at least 5 profiles. Everytime I follow a new profile, I never get a follow back. One page, a black art page, followed me back, so shout out to them (even though the page might be ran by a female). I don't wanna know who the account is ran by, but for future reference, I don't follow women under any circumstances. 

Other than that, I have an update to yesterday's post. Remember when I was talking about my mother and how she bullied me that one time about the loud music? Well, there is something else that she did more recently. 

A month ago, in December, someone in New York City stole my food stamps. I went to the store on the 1st of the month and there were fraudulent charges on there, leaving my EBT balance at $0. Luckily, I had another form of payment, and didn't have to put anything back except a few items. I told my mother about the situation. I ended up getting the money back about three days later, after applying for replacement benefits. That was the first time that has ever happened to me, and I hope it never happens again. 

God won't make them stop: My mother said that I shouldn't take lie detector tests 

After talking about that to my mother, I ended up talking to her about another subject - the lie detector. I told her that I paid $400 for the test to prove that I am not gay. I told her that people were bullying me about my sexual orientation and that I needed more protection because I'm not gay. She became enraged at the cost, stating that $400 was too much money to be spending on that. She was furious! It was not the response that I thought she would have. I thought that she would have been a little more supportive but she wasn't. She never is and never will be. She should've taken a test herself.

I thought to myself, so you mean to tell me that people can sit around and lie on me and make sickening accusations against me and I not defend myself? She went on to say that people use to call her gay before she got married over a decade ago. I didn't care about that, the conversation was supposed to be about me, and she has plenty of protection, so I didn't care. I eventually realized that talking to a bully about a lie detector test was a huge mistake, and I should've kept the results to myself. They might have been calling my mother gay because she really was, and they might be assuming I'm gay just because I lived in her house, which is extremely unfair. 

I don't want to be exposed to any gays or their disease, I rather just stay isolated. Regardless of what my mother said, I still believe that the lie detector was necessary, regardless of the price. I knew that I needed to protect myself, even from her. I knew I needed protection from liars. I'm not just going to sit around and let a bunch of lesbians and incestuous people pretend to have unnatural relations with me, and I'm not going to allow them to frame me for something I didn't do.

There are a lot of lesbian and bisexual sexual predators out here looking to rape the innocent and frame them for it. I don't care if anyone believes me or not. I know that I'm telling the truth. I've witnessed these lesbian and bi predators with my own two eyes, and I know how they get down. The lie detector test isn't alot of protection from predators but it was a start. 

What's Rap Gotta do with it?: My mother told me to quit rapping so that I won't attract violent people that are in prison

I know that my mother will never support me. After I told her about the lie detector test last month, I tried to talk to her earlier this month about the several different violent men that keep writing me from prison. Her response was, that I should stop rapping and that's why I'm attracting them. I told her that rapping has nothing to do with why a bunch of prisoners that I never met keep hitting me up. She insisted that rapping is the reason why. I told her that I don't even rap in a way to attract them. She said that I do, and that I should stop. 

The fact that my mother didn't protect my rap career and used that as an excuse to cut off a bunch of prisoners, was a huge blow to the chest. She knows that music is all I have. Why would she discourage me from doing it? If I quit rapping she's not going to support anything else I do either! That's just the type of person she is, and people expect me to live under those conditions?! How cruel! 

My mother has been showing signs of mentally abusive behavior every since I was about 13 or 14 years old, and is still showing signs of a bully to this day. Before I became a teenager, she used to physically abuse me. I guess she realized it was wrong and got too scared and stopped beating me and spanking me. She is one of the bullies that I have to run away from. The sight of her cruel, heartless, evil face alone can be enough to scare me away. That's why I don't need a picture of her. I'm still traumatized by her face. She, along with so many other bullies, is one of the faces that I've been trying to push out of my head for years. 

Do not read my article for the wrong reason 

I didn't write this so that more bullies can come to my mother's defense and attack me. If you're on the bullies side, please get off of my blog and all of my social media accounts and do not return. I'm not trying to attract bullies and predators and my readers should know this by now.

I'm banning Welch's non alcoholic drinks 

I don't want anymore Welch's non alcoholic beverages (the kind that look like fake wine), especially during camping trips and solo picnics. I'm tired of the taste and the quality is just too low. I rather choose another brand. There are plenty of high quality non alcoholic wines to choose from, and I don't just have to cling to the cheap kind. I no longer drink the Welch's non alcoholic sparkling beverages and I don't use it in any of my mocktail or cocktail recipes. Plus, I watched a couple of other videos of YouTubers having solo picnics, and I don't want to be like them so it's time to upgrade to some better beverages. 

Other things not to bring on a solo picnic (based on my reaction to YouTubers having a solo picnic):

•Painting supplies (a bore)
•Strawberries (No. Why everybody gotta eat strawberries for )
•A book (I don't wanna be a snooze fest out there)
•A blanket ( I rather sit at a table)
•A fancy picnic basket (No. A shopping bag will do)
•Flowers (What the f**k for!? They going to shribble up anyway!)
•Artificial flowers ( Nah. They not good enough)
•Real wine ( I do not want a dwi.)