I'm not Gay: I Don't Want Some Big Unnatural Predator Calling me "Bae"

Image credit: Pixabay 

Warning: foul language, gross incest, gross cannibalism, unnatural death  

I don't want these predators calling me bae, sweetie, honey, or any other faggot ass name. I am not these funky people property. They should not be calling me anything. I am not attracted to anyone, which is why I will never be anything in life. I'm turned off by every single person. They are all stinky ass negligent gay faggots and they don't care about my feelings. Everyone is not attractive. I'm tired of being treated like I'm supposed to find ugly people attractive. It isn't fair. I'll never find these gross ass incestuous predators attractive. 

I'm not attracted to people just because they're popular. I don't give a fuck who they are. If they're tying to force me to do stuff I don't wanna do, then they're fucking ugly. Why would I want some big, stinky, negligent faggot that want to beat me, rape me, torture me, stalk me, lie on me, spy on me, molest me, frame me, steal from me, and then throw me away? Why the fuck would I want people like that? They're fucking gross! I don't want some big stinking man with a vagina or some big stinking woman with a penis questioning me! I'm almost 36 years old! Why are these gay funny mentally challenged faggots still trying to tell me what to do? They're not smart! Even if they have a high school diploma or a college degree! They're still extremely stinky, fishy, cruel, abusive, unnatural, and gay! The incest predators lie on me and bite my whole style every time I don't wanna do what they want! I'm tired of living in their gross negligent filth! They are so unclean towards me! 

Don't cannibalize me: I eat my own cooking

These gross inbreeders out here see me like a piece of food! According to my fucking research, there are human cannibals out here like in Africa! I look like their next meal to them! Their abuse is horrific! They might skin me like a chicken and eat me! They might cut me up into parts and put me some freezer bags and freeze me so they can have a meal later! They are very, very, mean to me! They wanna frame me for their cannibalism too! Yuck! I gotta watch my back every day! It's perilous out here! 

Examples of extreme cannibalism

Example one: Human Stew

Hector and his wife Joann are sitting in the living room watching TV. Hector goes into the kitchen to grab a butcher knife and starts stabbing Joann until she dies. Hector starts chopping off Joann's body parts and dices them up into tiny pieces. Then he goes into the kitchen and starts making stew. He adds the body parts as one of the ingredients. After cooking the stew for quite some time and inhaling the aroma of boiling human flesh, he decided to fix himself a bowl of the stew and eats it.

Example two: Ground penis burgers 

A chef named Peter is working hard in the kitchen at his restaurant, when he decides to lure one of his employees, whose name is Mark to the bathroom. After that he places a gun to the Mark's head and make him pull down his pants. He puts tape on Mark's mouth and put toilet paper in his mouth to silence his screams. After that, Peter grabs a butcher knife and chops off Mark's penis. After that, he tastes the penis to see if it's the right flavor, then he proceeds to place the penis inside of a blender. After he finishes grounding up the penis, he mixes it with hamburger meat and serves the burgers to his customers at the restaurant, who have no idea what's going on. Some of them start ordering seconds, and Peter starts searching for another penis to add to his recipes.

Example Three: Fingers with blood sauce, eyeball soup, spaghetti with ground human meatballs, fried human flesh with french fries 

Jennifer, Tracy, and Tierra are sitting inside of a log cabin in the woods when they get a knock at the door. It is a stranger who was lost. The stranger introduced themself as John. The three females offered John something to drink and John agreed. They slipped a drug into John's drink to make him pass out. After John passed out, Tierra put a plastic bag over John's head to suffocate him. 

After John suffocated to death, Jennifer grabs a chain saw and starts cutting off his head, arms, legs, and fingers, and even cut out his tongue. Jennifer devoured the raw human tounge by itself, and Tracy ate some of the fingers raw like they were potato chips. She dipped the fingers into a "blood sauce", which was basically a small bowl of blood and various seasonings. All three of them starts chopping up the body parts into fine pieces, including the whole head with their knifes until all the pieces were in a large pile. Tracy decided to take out John's eyeballs and boil them with chicken broth to make eyeball soup. After that, they put some of the pieces in a blender to grind them up to make ground human flesh. They made meatballs and put them in a bowl of spaghetti. They all ate the spaghetti for lunch. 

For dinner, they took some of the diced human body parts, coated them with seasoned breader and then fried them on the stove like pieces of chicken. Jennifer said that the fried human flesh smelled very good. They ate the fried pieces of flesh with a side of french fries, while they talked and chatted about who their next victim would be. They put the rest of the diced body parts in freezer bags, and saved them for later. 

Avoiding cannibals at all costs 

Some of my opps eat human body parts! I cook my own food! I'll never let anyone feed me a human. I don't eat people and I never tried a person and never had a desire to! Now do you see why I stay to myself 24/7 or are you still confused? I can't show cannibals my face! I already stated this in my book 'Living Around Dangerous Human Predators and How to Survive Them'. 

'Living Around Dangerous Human Predators and How to Survive Them Part 2 ' cover

If you're wondering what's taking me so song to release part 2, it's because releasing a book is not that important to me, plus it's still being written. I have to pay $300 just to format the book, and extra to copyright it. The book is ongoing and I can't seem to put an end to it unless I release a part 3. There are so many predators that I can't even put an end to the book. I don't see the purpose in rushing it. It's not like people are going to be standing in a line at the bookstore asking for my autograph. Not a single soul is waiting for the release of my motherfucking book. Fuck my audience! I'll just keep reading the book myself and release it when I feel like it! Ol funky ass overcrowded predators! My opps are overcrowded like a swarm of bees on a beehive! 

I don't have to like some one just because other people like them 

do not want to be included with these stinking lesbian bitches and these fucking ugly ass men. I do not have to like someone just because other people like them. I have my own mind to think for myself and anyone that's trying to force me to be with them against my will is a sick, ugly, nasty, fuck and it is wrong to force me to do something that I don't want to do. There is no god. These unsanitary faggot people are stinky and abusive to me every where I go. They apply a lot of unnatural incestuous pressure, day after day after day.

Why would I find men that have a wife attractive? Why would I find a man attractive that has thousands or millions of dollars in their bank account if they offered me zero dollars? Why would I find a woman attractive if I've never been gay? Why would find people that say "And" to everything I say attractive? Why would I find a pedophile or a child molester attractive? Who do those ugly ass predators think they are? They're unsanitary as hell and I don't want to be around them. I'm tired of being treated like a ugly retarded woman that's not allowed to turn down these predators and their funky gay molestation. It's extremely sick and there is no god, as I said before. 

Beyond traumatized by people with incestuous gay faces 

I do not believe in god. People with incestuous gay faces always look at me funny when I don't do what they want. I don't even go near their kind anymore and I'm still traumatized by the memory of how they used to stare at me. They had the stinkiest gay predatory faces I ever seen! They look like incest in the face! I haven't seen those kind of people in years and the memory of their incest still sickens me to this day! These predators are unnatural and sickening out here. Everything these funny niggas and dirty dykes do to me turns me off. Their looks turn me off, their smiles turn me off, their playfulness turns me off, the sound of their voices turn me off and every thing about them makes me want to puke. I lose my appetite almost every day but I eat through their incestuous abuse anyway to avoid starving to death. 
