Danger Zone: Surviving Locations where Lesbians Gang Rape Women

Image Source: Pexels 

I wasn't in the gay community yesterday, and I'm not in the gay community today 

As you know, I live in an area where there are a lot of gays. They can get pretty funky, spiteful, sadistic, and hateful when you don't do what they want. I live in an area where lesbians will gang rape another woman. These are the types of women the undercover lesbians prey on:

•the homeless

• the poor

• the handicapped and disabled 

• the fatherless (their favorite kind to torture)

•prostitutes, escorts 

•loners /introverts

•single women 

• people with a drug or alcohol addiction

• domestic violence victims

•high school drop outs 

I fall into a few of those categories, and I still won't let these lesbians sexually assault me. I'm too smart and aware. I've never been raped by these vicious, heinous lesbian rapists, but I know that they exist. They live all around and they make their precense known every single day. They hang in groups and they hunt their female victims everywhere they go. Sometimes they wear disguises or dress up as men. These are some of the locations the lesbian rapists find their victims: 

• homeless shelters

• online dating sites

•social media sites

• escort sites and classified ads such as Craigslist

• around their neighborhoods 

• women's prison and correctional institutions

• retail stores

• bars and restaurants

• nightclubs and lounges 




• campgrounds 

•libraries and schools 

These lesbian predators will target their victims just about anywhere. Most of these sick predators will lure their victims to their house, vehicle, or hotel and rape and torture them. If they are incarcerated, the victims get lured to their cell and then get sexually assaulted. I am very aware, and have been for many years. 

I used to have nightmares of these sick, twisted, lesbian predators raping me and torturing me. I had the nightmares for many years and I was very scared, but nothing ever happened to me. After I started distancing myself from the predators, the nightmares decreased drastically. Sometimes I still have them, but it is very rare. 

The lesbians are very mean and they love using isolation tactics and they also like using psychological torture, neglect, financial abuse, emotional incest, and mental torture to destroy their victim. I learned how to deal with these vicious packs of predatory lesbian rapist by distancing myself from all women. That's why I created the 6,000 ft rule, and that's I created No Females Allowed. No women are allowed in my life, for the rest of my life. Like I said a thousand times before, I'm not gay, and I never will be. I don't marry women, and I don't care about their gay fucking rights. Every single day, these funky women out here give off the nastiest, grossest, incestuous vibe and aura I have ever had to put up with. 

Signs to watch out for in a predatory downlow lesbian

They isolate you- Predatory lesbians will always want to isolate someone who doesn't want to participate in their lesbianism.

They spread rumors and lies- Predatory lesbian women will always spread rumors and lies about you if you don't want to join their lesbian orgy. They will want everyone to think that you're gay. They'll use their gift of gab and their lesbian charm to fool everyone into believing that you're the lesbian and not them. Those types of lesbians could have slept with hundreds and hundreds of women, so be very careful around them or in their neighborhoods. 

They always have a nasty facial expression - Predatory lesbian women always have an unpleasant, nasty, twisted, sideways, confused, hateful, incestuous, jealous, or bland facial expression whenever you look at them. Their facial expression says alot about them. If they always look gay or fake, then they are. 

They always have a bunch of close women friends - Predatory lesbians always have a lot of women as friends. This is because they have sex with each other. Point blank period. 

They include you in their circle when you don't want to be included - Predatory lesbian women always speak for women as a whole. They use pronouns like "we", "our", and "us" alot. They always include women into everything they do or say, whether the women are straight or gay. They will ignore you if you tell them not to include you. They will tell other people that they know you, and will never speak to you because you aren't gay. They'll always tell people that you're their close friend, best friend, or family, even if you don't want to know them. They will want everyone and their mamas to think that you're "bumpin pussy" like are doing, even though you are not.

They're always at women only events - Predatory lesbian women are always around women. They never get tired of women. They're always at women only events like "ladies night" at the club or a "women's only retreat" , or a "Women's day festival". Everything they do has to do with meeting women, being around them, and connecting with them. Some of them even go so far has to have women's sleepovers, which is a sign of gayness. 

They try to steal your man and keep them- Downlow lesbians will always want your boyfriend. They won't care if he's ugly or broke and they secretly won't even want him. They'll just pretend to want him to hurt you. They'll still want to take your piece of dick away from you so they can pester you in peace. They don't want anyone to know that they secretly want your life. By stealing your man, they can make you look gay, and make themselves appear straight. 

They spy on their targets very close- Predatory lesbians are very watchful. They pay attention to little things, like what you're wearing, or how your hair is styled. If you buy a new purse, sport a new car, or try a new dish they'll take notice. If you're showing cleavage or skin, they'll notice all of that too. They pay attention to your social media accounts and they pay attention to where you're going and what you're doing. If they see you out and about with a man, they will try to break it up. Once they get you back by yourself, they will use that opportunity to prey on you. 


Women that have sex with women are disgusting to me, especially when they practice lesbianism right in front of their boyfriends and husbands. There are some extremely sickening downlow, trifling, lesbians out here and I gotta watch my back 24-7. They are very dangerous, and they lie on me every time I try to expose them. They say things like "You dat way!" like a little child, and start pointing their lying fingers at me. Their only comeback is blame me and pick on me for not wanting them that way.

