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Sometimes I feel so alone, that I feel like sexual predators might be masturbating to my pictures or videos. I don't put out explicit videos with nudity, I'm not a lingerie model, and I don't take pictures exposing my body, but it doesn't matter. There are people that masturbate to people who are fully clothed. The predators that masturbate could be a man, a woman, people in an orgy or threesome, swingers, transsexuals, or transgenders. Masturbating to someone that doesn't want to be masturbated to is a major sign of disrespect.
The predator wants me to think that they have the upper hand and that they are in control. Sexual sadists do things like that, and sometimes they brag about it. How do I handle those types of sexual sadists? Well- I don't. It's a mental thing. These are all thoughts that are in my head. I'm not around any people to know if they are masturbating to me or not. It's something that a sexual predator would do behind closed doors or in secret, not in front of me.
If there are sexual predators that are masturbating to me with my clothes on, here's what I would do:
Keep calm
I would keep calm. I wouldn't go accusing anyone of anything unless I had proof. I would never have proof unless someone would share it with me. No one would ever share the truth with me, and there's nothing I can do about it. If someone is masturbating to me, that is out of my control. If someone did have the proof, I would try to confront the person that's masturbating to me. "And" or "So" might be their only response. They may not stop just because I asked them to. They may have a very sick fetish that they have no control over. Sexual predators are very dangerous people.
Stay away from as many places where sexual predators are
If I suspected that people are masturbating to me, I would stay away from as many places where sexual predators are-which is almost everywhere. Sexual predators are on dating sites, social media platforms, bars, schools and colleges, nightclubs, public places, and sometimes they might even be in your own neighborhood. I would definitely be careful who I trust and who I speak to online and offline.
In an extreme case of a sexual predator or sadist, it could even be someone that's related to me masturbating to me. People that practice incest run the streets rampantly these days and they have a lot of incestuous supporters that believe in the same thing that they do. I definitely have to watch my back and protect myself.
Know that they're using reverse psychology
Another reason, besides control and domination, why a sexual sadist would masturbate to someone who is wearing clothes or respecting themselves is because they want to use reverse psychology. They feel as though by doing the complete opposite of what you want, which is for them to respect your body and not masturbate, that you will eventually give up and do what they want- which is take your clothes off. They feel as though you'll realize that they're going to prey on you either way, so you might as well give in and show off your body or give the predators sex. I wouldn't fall for that. I would keep my clothes on and stay away from them.
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Know that some sexual predators travel and some don't
Back in the day, one of the biggest mistakes I used to make is that I believed that sexual predators didn't travel. I used to think that if they were on probation and couldn't leave the state, then that means they couldn't chase me. I was wrong. Dangerous sexual predators and sadists always violate the terms of their probation. Just because they are supposed to stay in one place, doesn't mean that they will. Serial killers and sexual predators are not law abiding citizens by any means. If you think they can't afford a trip out of town, think again. Sexual predators break the law all the time. Some of them commit robberies, thefts, and a number of other crimes to come up with the money to get out of dodge. I used to think I could outrun them. I can't. There are sexual predators in every single city in America. Some are more deadly, cruel, and violent then others. Some let you live, some don't.
As I mentioned in my AI podcast, 'The Gruesome Travel History of Oya Obinidodo', I stopped traveling in 2022. That was after a unknown predator kept sending me text messages that read "You can't run from me forever" and "You can't get away" while I was in hiding from a dangerous sex trafficker. It was then that I finally realized that the predators weren't going to let up. Anybody can become the victim of a sexual predator. There are serial killers that target drug addicts, sex workers, homeless people, and people that "live on the frindge of society".
Sometimes they can appear as though they don't go anywhere. They way they act, you'd think they never left their hometown, but that's not always the case. As a matter of fact sexual predators that are already registered sex offenders or have previous rape cases might travel more than the average person because they don't want anyone to know about the offenses or because they want to commit more offenses in a new place.
Some predators don't travel, like serial killer Chester Turner. According to my extensive research, Chester Turner murdered 14 women in Los Angeles, California- most of them being sex workers or homeless crack addicts. He is currently on death row at San Quentin. Other sexual predators travel from state to state to prey on their victims and cover their tracks. Serial killer Samuel Little, who died in 2020 in prison, is an example of a sexual predator that traveled the United States. He raped and strangled almost 100 women in different states across the United States. Not all of the serial killers victims have been identified.
Some sexual predators lie dormant
Some sexual predators and sadists lie dormant. I've been knowing this since 2015. Some of them may not be chasing and torturing their victim 24/7. They may go a period of time before they come back and start harassing, stalking, or pestering their victim. How do I know? Well, it happens to me. There are a lot of predators that I met in the past when I was an escort. I've said this before, but I met some of the sexual predators in 2008, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021. Some of them went away for several years and then came back to pester me and psychologically torture me years later. They didn't kill me, but they left me in a state of shock, embarrassment, fear, and paranoia.
I never know when the sexual predators and sadists are going to pop back up. If I hide, more than likely they won't bother me. If I come out of hiding, so do they, and they rear their ugly, incestuous heads and start bullying me again. When they do, I never reach out for help like I did in the past because no one has the power to save me. Most sexual predators immediately start framing me for their crimes when they think I might tell someone about the stalking, threats, and pestering. That's why I never ask other people for help or advice. People act like children. They're not mature enough to talk to. They're disgusting, ignorant, selfish, predatory, and extremely disturbing, so I don't ask people for their support. They just laugh at me whenever I'm being bullied or tortured. I don't find the abuse funny at all.
Reaching out for help is just as dangerous and embarrassing as the abuse itself, so I keep the abuse to myself and I usually write about it. I don't put my life in any more jeopardy than it already is and I don't want to run into more sexual predators or arrogant, violent sadists by reaching out for help. Sexual predators and sadists can lie dormant for many years. They never stay out of my business for good, even though I want them to. Sexual predators don't understand the word no.
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If sexual predators, perverts, peeping toms, or sexual sadists are masturbating to me behind closed doors, there is nothing I can do about it. If the predators are women, that's very creepy and gay, but there's still nothing I can do to stop them. The only thing I can do is to keep wearing clothes, keep staying away from known sexual predators and their hangout spots, and to not run into them or fall into their trap.
Sometimes sexual predators and sadists will escalate their predatory behavior. They'll do way more evil to me then just masturbate to my videos and pictures. Some of them may take their obsession to another level. I could get stalked, spied on, kidnapped, burned with acid or boiling water, murdered, decapitated, beheaded with a machete, framed for a crime I didn't commit, thrown out of a moving vehicle, robbed and dropped off in a deserted and remote area, sexually molested by someone of the same gender, drowned to death, strangled, eaten, pushed off a cliff, pier, bridge, or rooftop building, tortured, and set on fire.
The list of nasty things that could happen to me goes on. I could also be beaten, become disfigured beyond recognition, become infected with a disease, sodomized, raped, or brutally dismembered if I ever run into these heinous sexual predators and sadists. They'll say that I wanted all those things to happen, and people will actually believe them because that's how far these sickening predators look down on me. It's best that I stay out of their way. There are predators from hell, and they are everywhere, and nothing can describe the the sick feeling that they always put in my stomach.
“Chester Turner - Interview.” PHIL CHALMERS. Accessed March 10, 2024. https://www.philchalmers.com/chester-turner---interview.html#/.
Piccotti, Tyler. “Samuel Little: Biography, Serial Killer, Criminal.” Samuel Little Biography , September 20, 2023. https://www.biography.com/crime/samuel-little.
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