Q&A | Surviving Open Mic Night


These are my answers to podcast questions about surviving open mic night.


Can you share your first experience with open mic night? What were your initial thoughts and feelings going into it? 

My Answer:

My first open mic night was in Virginia Beach. I was a bit nervous about going at first but I wanted to perform my song "In The Ditches", so I went anyway. I literally slept in the car for two weeks straight before the day of the performance. I took baths outside of Walmart in my tent and I freshened up at a laundromat right before heading to the performance. I had built up a lot of energy and hype by sleeping outside. 


What advice would you give to someone who is nervous about performing at their first open mic? 

My Answer:

I would say rehearse as much as possible beforehand and don't go if you're not fully prepared or if you are too nervous. Only go when you feel that you are comfortable performing in front of a crowd.


How do you prepare for an open mic night? Do you have a specific routine or strategy? 

My Answer:

I don't have a "specific" strategy. I just work out and practice my songs beforehand.


What types of performances do you think resonate best with open mic audiences? 

My Answer:

Any type of performances, but mainly musical performances of any genre.


Can you tell us about a memorable experience you had during an open mic night—either a triumph or a challenge?

My Answer:

I guess I would have to say that the most memorable performance was my very first one. I submitted it to film festivals and it recieved quarter finalist at one of the festivals. I've never been boo'd off a stage so I guess my performances are okay. 


How important is audience interaction during your performance, and how do you engage with the crowd? 

My Answer:

I engage with the crowd by letting them know who I am and where they can find my music before or after the performance. 


Have you ever faced any technical difficulties during a performance? How did you handle it? 

My Answer:

I faced technical difficulties with my camera at one of my performances. While I was editing the footage I realized that the sound was too low. I also experienced a technical difficulty at my performance this year. The DJ was the one experiencing the technical difficulty but I handled it by rapping a cappella until the beat came back on.


What role does the venue play in the success of an open mic night? Do you have any favorite spots? 

My Answer:

It varies from venue to venue. Some venues are more packed than others, especially if it is a popular spot. I don't have any favorite spots as of yet. I've never performed at the same venue twice. I like exploring new venues that I haven't seen before. If I was invited back to a venue a second time I would probably go but for the most part I like to keep it moving. There's a lot to see and I don't wanna just cling to a specific venue if you know what I mean. It just looks better for my image if I keep it moving.


How do you handle constructive criticism or hecklers during a performance? 

My Answer:

I've never received any criticism during any of my performances, so I can't answer that.


What are some common mistakes you see performers make at open mic nights, and how can they avoid them? 

My Answer:

I don't really notice that many mistakes. I guess the biggest mistake I notice is how they try to fake networking with other artists. Stop asking artists for their contact information if you're not really trying to collaborate with them. That's my biggest pet peeve. 


Can you share any personal anecdotes about a performance that didn’t go as planned and what you learned from it? 

My Answer:

One time I went to an open mic night and after I got there I found out that it had been cancelled. I learned right then and there to always call ahead of time to make sure the open mic is really taking place or you might waste your time and money. 


How has participating in open mic nights influenced your growth as a performer? 

My Answer:

I become more and more musically inclined at each performance.


Do you have any tips for networking with other performers and building a supportive community through open mic events? 

My Answer:

I don't.


What do you believe is the most rewarding aspect of performing at open mic nights? 

My Answer:

Well, if your experience is being recorded, you get to having a lasting memory of your performance that you and your fans can look back on in the years to come. 


Finally, what’s next for you? Do you have any upcoming performances or projects you’re excited about? 

My Answer:

I'm going to perform live next year, not sure when or where, but when the time is right, I will hit the stage again, and I hope that my next performance is even littier and better than the last!