How To Avoid Gay Establishments and Filthy Restaurants Tutorial Part 2 on PlayTV

Six days ago, I posted a tutorial on Dailymotion called How To Avoid Gay Establishments and Filthy Restaurants Tutorial . Today, I posted Part 2. I first posted the tutorial on Dailymotion but it was removed by Dailymotion because they considered it hateful content. I created a new account on a free speech platform called Parler. 

I wouldn't suggest watching part 2 of the tutorial unless you have seen part 1, so that you can get a better understanding of what I'm talking about. Finding establishments that aren't infested with gays is getting harder than ever, as gays take over the territory. I do alot of research before I go out these days. I want to avoid a high concentration of gays because I'm not in their community. Watch Part 2 of the tutorial below to learn more.

How to Avoid Gay Establishments and Filthy Restaurants Tutorial Part 2