I Can't Look: Things and People That I Find Gross and Repulsing In 2025

2025. Oya Obinidodo. All rights reserved.

A lot of stuff grosses me out, and I mean alot. It doesn't take much for me to loose my appetite these days. I'm going to go over some of the things that I find gross and repulsing. If you have a weak stomach, exit now because this stuff might gross you out.

Eating Challenges

Yesterday, I while was stumbling across YouTube, I saw a video of a white woman eating a bunch of food for a spot on the hall of fame wall in different restaurants. She called herself a "professional eater". She was disgusting. She was eating so much food at one time, that I couldn't understand how she even stays alive. Those food challenges are full of disgusting gluttony. How can restaurants even promote food challenges like that? The woman was burping during the challenge, which was even more nasty and disgusting. The restaurant plates looked nasty. How can you eat off of plates and use forks and knives that hundreds of other people have used!? I find that to be extremely disturbing. I don't find them entertaining. I find them gross. I hate eating out too.

Prior to that, a couple of months ago, I saw a woman ok TikTok eating a stack of hotdogs. It was gross. After I saw the woman with the hotdogs, I saw a man eating a bear foot that costs over $1,000. That was also very nasty. The claws were still on the bears foot even after they cooked it. All that food those people eat, is disgusting. So whenever I see a food challenge stumbling across my feed, I turn my head and skip right over them. 

Long fingernails 

Yep, that's right. You heard it correctly. I hate long fingernails. That's something that has been grossing me out for decades. I've even stumbled across photos online of people with fingernails that touch the floor and they refuse to cut them off. Yuck! How sickening! I wouldn't want to be around anyone with extremely long fingernails, especially the ones that are arms length. Yuck! 

Foot Cakes

I stumbled across a disgusting ass video on Instagram of a foot cake. The cake looked just like a real woman's foot, but when the woman cut it, it was a cake. I found that to be repulsing. Just a flashback of the image makes me loose my appetite and makes me want to vomit.

Black Cinema on Tubi 

For the past couple of years, I've found it more and more difficult to watch black movies on Tubi. Every time cut it on, there are nasty ass scenes, sex, drugs, murder, or LGBTQ people. I can get halfway through a movie and all of a sudden a gay sex scene comes on. Take for instance the movie 'FanGirl' (2024). I watched that movie thinking it was going to be straight. I got halfway through the movie and the women turned gay and started making out. It was awful! I felt so uncomfortable! I turned my head through the gay sex scenes and kept on watching because I was almost done watching it. Overall, the movie was gay, but I didn't know until about after 50 minutes or so. 

Alot of Black Cinema movies are stereotypes. When I was younger, I watched way more black cinema than I do today, and I think those movies shaped how I saw the world. For instance, I was only like 13 years old, watching documentaries like 'American Pimp' . I used to watch alot of movies about pimping and hoeing and alot of movies like 'Confessions of a Call Girl'. Rarely did I watch a movie that wasn't rated R. These days, the movies that I used to find interesting as a teenager, I find them repulsing now. If I had have found those storylines disgusting back then, my life might not would be the way it is now. 

Downlow men and Downlow Women 

I don't like downlow bisexual men that perform oral sex on other men or have anal sex with other men, or put their tongue on others men's anal, and then lie to a woman just to get in their underwear. I find that disgusting. If they're going to be gay they can, as long as they're not a predator.

I also hate downlow women that have sex with other women and perform oral on them and then go and lie to these men and tell them that those women are just their "friends". Downlow dykes like that make it hard for a woman like me that doesn't get down like that. Straight men can become confused and start thinking I'm gay too. 

Rapists and Sexual Predators 

Of course I hate them. I hate when someone or multiple people try to sexually force themselves on someone against their will. I also hate sexual predators that sexually harass a person or bully them for turning down their advances. I also hate sexual predators that take advantage of someone sexually while they're drunk. I hate sexual predators that have alot of children too. I find that to be pretty disgusting.

The sight, touch, and voice of another woman 

Women are extremely repulsing. I don't like when women refer to me as "bae" "honey" "boo" "girl" "sweetheart" or "sweetie". Calling me those names are repulsing because I'm not any of that to them. I also hate when women touch me. I don't want them to try to hug me or shake my hand. I don't want them to do my hair or makeup. 

Women look smelly to me. They look like they all have strong fishy odors that they're covering up with body spray and Summer's Eve products. Some of them look like they smell like a bottle of nail polish, another smell that I find repulsing. Not only do they look like they all smell like fish and nail polish, some of them look like they smell like feces or a bad sewer. Women never look like they have a pleasant smell, which is extremely gross. I don't wanna smell them at all. They can all smell each other, or go find some smelly men to smell them.

I don't owe women anything. I don't want these repulsing, evil, twisted women out here anywhere near me and I never will. I don't like hearing their voices. I don't like their accents or the way they talk. 

I want women to completely stay their funkiness and predatory behavior the hell away from me. Most of them are being incestuous and downlow and are just trying to befriend me so that they can harm me. All women gross me out, especially if they're spoiled and used to getting their way. If I tell them no, they can't handle it and start being extremely nasty and cruel because they're spoiled. 

Sometimes I can watch women on TV for the sake of a news report or a movie or television show, but that's about it- and they can't be gay or I'm turning the channel. I don't want to see any nude images of women period, and I don't want to see their naked tits in a movie. Like for example, I should not have have seen Taraji Henson's tits bouncing up and down in that movie 'Baby Boy'. I saw it when it first came out and I was only a teenager. Sex scenes like that make me vomit these days. I don't wanna see or hear people having sex. Period. 

Incestuous People 

I've been complaining about these types of repulsing people for years. I don't like inbreeders and kissing cousins. I find people that have sex with their relatives extremely graphic and sickening. Relatives weren't meant to be sexual partners. I don't like the level of mental retardation, intellectual disabilities, and slowness that incestuous people try to inflict on their victim(s). I hate gay incest and straight incest. I despise all of it. It's nasty. 

Like for me example, the people that are being emotionally incestuous towards me want me to have an extremely low IQ. They want me to be extremely mentally handicapped and retarded. They didn't want me to eat, cook, bathe, shop, travel, groom myself, or make any decisions for myself whatsoever. They want to have full control over me and will not let go. They want to have the upper hand at all times. Incestuous people already like seeing me talking to myself because they like torturing me. 

Calling incestuous people out on their behavior is very dangerous because they bite, but I still do it. They know I find them to be extremely gross and repulsing, and they hate me. One time they were being so repulsing and disgraceful to me that I had to drink a meal replacement through a straw everyday because I couldn't keep any food down. 

The state of California 

I find that the state of California is gross. According to the Infographics channel on YouTube, there are over 1,700 serial killings in California, making them the most dangerous state in the United States. Florida was in the top 5 states with the most serial killers along with Washington State and Michigan. California sucks. Plus, they have alot of wildfires. California is very filthy, and I have a deep hatred for the West Coast that I will never forget. I don't like the way they live. Their predators are not much different than the predators on the East Coast. It's like living in the apocalypse. California is repulsing to me. 

Low budget motels

Low budget motels gross me out. I can't keep thinking about how many gays had sex on those beds. Even pedophiles had sex with children on those beds and there were gay sex orgies, rapes, and adulteries being committed in those nasty beds. Meth heads and fentanyl users slept on those beds and people that abuse animals even slept on them. How disgusting! These cheap motels are absolutely gross! I rather sleep on my air mattress outside and take my chance with a bear or sleep in my car and take my chance with a murderer or robber! 

All the men that I ever met

All the men that I ever met were gross, disgusting, and repulsing. They were physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive towards me. They were racist and basic towards me and treated me like a piece of trash and treated me like I was less than. They treated me like all the other women in America were better than me, and that I was the lamest woman in that they had all ever seen. They all teased me relentlessly, and laughed at me everyday. I wish I had never met any of those gross, racist monsters, and I regret it every second that I'm alive. 

Those nasty men never belonged to me. They belonged to each other and they belonged to those downlow lesbian women that were always teasing me and bullying me. It was never meant for me to be around any of them. They were not for me. They were all for somebody else.